Akkhan Phalanx/Condemn Request List

Okay Brandao, it’s definitely the strongest Condemn setup, I beat GR136 14:13, not optimized. The Angels in S27 are definitely helping propel your clear to 150. A GR138 for me is difficult, I failed a Festering due not playing it correctly, chasing elites with a small hit box.

I noticed that I don’t have to manually cast Condemn for F&R to stay up, the Phalanx are proccing it too, this is a NEW feature btw.

Stuff is definitely changing and a full re-test of all A6 Phalanx/Condemn is required.

I reviewed your build, here is my input for how to possibly optimize it:

Kassar is isn’t really needed, it only seems to help when you misfire your Avatars. So if you mostly target trash piles, you’ll do just fine without Kassar and can use Taskers. Personally I’m running CC3+Aughild w/ Taskers in cube.

I just want to point out for anyone who has not played this yet… the whole play tactic changes compared to the Bowmen, this build requires a little more effort on the battlefield because you have to carefully manage Avatar placement.

Yes, you did. When i saw your clear on the S27 LB, I glazed over it and assumed you were just maximizing the Angels spam. But you pointing out that the Shield Bearers actually deal damage is huge, because it wasn’t working like that in v1.

You can see the testing I did here:

And the comment was:

So everyone reading this, please explore Shield Bearer. We need to find out:

  • Is RallyI will push it this evening.

On Season, Rally is definitely best due to Angels, on Non-Season we need to figure out if Kassar + Unrelenting can keep up with Akkhan Addendum + Rally. My guess is no. due to the tightness of the 4 Shield Bearers.