Charm Inventory

The way charm inventory works is that your charms only work in your charm inventory, if you put them in your regular inventory they don’t work.


if that’s how it worked then yea i’d be for it


please… add this…



We are agreeing up until that point and not a single letter further.

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then they maybe need to work for console player on how it works

charm inventory = no more choice to make (do i want space? more dmg?) wich is a part of it

if the console version of dealing with cube/item sux, instead of asking for something that would actually change the game (am i to remind how much of a dif a full set of sk can impact your domage?) try to figure out a solution for this issue on console and post it

I got one for you. Charms are optional for beating the game. Charms require inventory management if you want their benefit. Too lazy to manage your inventory? Lose the benefit of some or all the charms and play like the lazy gamer you are.

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go try on console and you see we need charm inventory limited to charm only


The console I own (and plan to also play on) did not have the beta.
What I saw in the alpha streams inventory management is a hassle on console though and takes forever. I’m still against a charm inventory but an optional quicksort button when using a controller that arranges the items in a way to create the biggest space possible I’d agree upon.

A dedicated area for Charms seems like a reasonable request.

Charms where only added after the Lord of Destruction Expansion Pack meaning that the game was not originally designed around it. Diablo 2 was built with an intentional balance of; being out in the field slaying monsters and exploring the world, and returning to town to, sell items, manage ones stash, talk to Non Player Characters, and generally unwind. Once the player had recovered they could return to the high stress and exhilarating experiences outside the safety of the town.

After the release of the Lord of Destruction Expansion Pack and the subsequent advent of Charms however, the balance was shifted a little to far in the direction of returning to town. Now, rather than a relaxing experience to decompress, it becomes yet another chore as you can easily double or even triple the amount of times you spend returning to town.

That’s it for the esoteric game design perspective, what about the more common grievance; Balance?
There seems to be the assertion by players that Charms play a pivotal role in the games balance despite the fact that the original game did not ship with them. The argument being that allowing players to both hold found items, and charms would make the game easier and that the decision to carry less gear in lieu of charms is part of the balance. However, this argument does not hold up to scrutiny seeing as most every player above a certain level range will have an inventory that is almost exclusively charms.

It is easy to discern what players consider to be a good or bad choice simply by analysing how players behave; and it appears that the amount of players that do not run Charms in order to pick up more items when in the field is so vanishingly small it could probably be rounded to 0%. If there really was a benefit to not holding them and a real decision to be made undoubtedly there would be some players taking advantage of that, no?

So, in the interest of maximizing the enjoyment for the players, the development team should probably take a page out of Project Diablo 2 and Path of Diablo and add a separate section of the inventory dedicated to charms where you cannot place normal items.


Well put, what you said lies in close proximity to what I said here:

I see your point and i support it.

Let’s just not call in QoL change. It’s a buff to mf/pvm characters. You don’t have to chose between inventory space and charms anymore.

Same as with the recent change in gambling inventory refresh. It’s a buff to gamble, not QoL

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This is my last major QoL request that they haven’t implemented yet. Ladder runewords etc. on NL are awesome and so it the removal of the cow king death penalty. Let’s make the inventory feel good now!


Good argument. I really hope they listen and implement a charm inventory.


Charm inventory has been around in the d2 modded community for many years. All the most popular d2 mods have it, along with a larger stash(thanks blizz), a larger cube storage, and even a larger regular inventory in combination with that charm inventory.

Charm inventory has been tested for over a decade and no one complained about it before. No one wants to get end game and be forced to use a small cube inventory in order to stay strong. Not sure why people are saying things like “don’t use charms if you want inventory space”.

Choosing between that much power and having inventory doesn’t bring anything to the game. It doesn’t create a challenge that keeps you coming back for more. Can anyone tell me a positive to staying the way of the dinosaur here? I haven’t heard anything concrete about it in favor of less space.


No, they really can’t give a good explanation of why it shouldn’t be implemented.


Oh man… That stupid logic again… So go back to the original D2. The vast majority wait for changes. If you want the same tedious experience of having to keep coming back to sell stuff, go back to D2’s vanilla. I want to waste time killing mobs and not micromanaging an inventory. Decision my …

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it dosent change balance?? wtf.

pvp is al about gear and charms. you can have swap gear and charms also+ more potions. and more.yup its balance.

You say it changes balance for PvP, but if everyone has it, then no one has an advantage, therefore there isn’t a balance change.


wild take. so the pvp now vs with charm inventory will not change the game???

fock it lets all have bombs and Aks. if all have it its still ok right?

I never said that adding a charm inventory doesn’t change the game. You said it changes the balance of the game in pvp which it does not.