Charm Inventory

I agree with this statement that it should be charm only and charms should only function there. I really not a fan of how most mods implement it. I’d like it to be very visible clicky bag in the inventory that says charm bag when you mouse over it. I’d also like it to be some thing you unlock space in as you defeat difficulties.


stop cry for charm inveontory
stop play on console or wait for diablo4


Would be much better with a charm inventoy. Im a old player and I agreed with this idea.


Same here , in the end i always played with an inventory of full charm + 1 cube.
Like most players.

Simply having an inventory dedicated to charm would atleast make us play the game more rather than simply opening and closing the cube everytime something drop.

I don’t intend to play with a controller or on console , but i can’t imagine how hellish managing an inventory must be (with all the charms , tome etc…) especially since as of now , personal loot isn’t a thing , so…even less time to be able to manage our inventory if we were to play with controller or on console since we wouldn’t be able , in a public game , to manage that or kill monsters without fearing to miss items on the floor that could be taken in a matter of a millisecond.


Would love to see them actually implement this.


Charm inventory would just mean that I wouldn’t have to open portals for my 2nd account to pick up loot. Balance wouldn’t be impacted at all.


Yeah, this should be implemented. Charms were a bad idea for inventory management.


u dont get it. no charm inventory. end of story.


That’s the thing too, OP. On console, if your inventory is full, you can’t pick an item up and place it in your cube, because you have to open your full screen inventory to access your cube.


We really need charm inventory. For me it is N1 QoL change we REALLY need.


Well that depends on whether or not Blizzard has chosen to implement mouse and keyboard on the consoles. You can use Mouse and Keyboard on Call of Duty, another Activision game, so it’s possible.

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Correct me if I’m stupid, but is this suggesting you have dedicated inventory space for charms, and separate inventory space for loot? Basically expanding your total character inventory space? This is not QoL. People love calling every change they want to see implemented due to their own laziness “QoL”. You don’t NEED charms to beat the game. So keeping charms in your inventory is a decision. You must manage and allocate your inventory space strategically. Don’t want to mess with your cube in your inventory? Don’t use so many charms and deal with being slightly weaker than someone who isn’t bothered by it. PERIOD.


The ‘tradeoff’ between charms and space isn’t real if you know what you are doing. I can mf with a full inventory and save and exit with items holding them in the air if i want for a free +8 inventory slots. That item will likely be the best and only thing worth picking up in a run because the drop rates are so low. If you aren’t MFing with a cube/ doing this you’ve been doing it wrong for a long time and you literally can bypass the ‘reduction in character power’ in a quantifiable way.

A charms-only inventory just allows duelers to pick up items without the frustration and just acknowledges the fact that people already do this and bypass the ‘reduction’ in character power and extends it to everyone - yes even the newbs who don’t mf like this.


Omg inventory management, such a hard part of the game. Much wow.


Have inventory full of charms.
Drop charms, pick up items, walk back to WP, enter WP, ID and sell stuff, walk back, pick up charms: No power lost.

…you only suffer poor quality of life.


+1 for charm inventory. There is literally no valid point against it and seems that people in this thread who are against it, do not even have appropriate knowledge about the game.

Through first 200 posts I have read from that people such things like:

  1. " Why blizzard did not change way that charms work both in classic and LoD"?

They did not even know that in classic there are no charms. If they do not know such absolutely basics things about the game and it’s history how they even are able to discuss about QoL changes.

  1. “That charm inventory would enable hoarding potions in inventory in hard fights.”

If they ever experience this game on higher level difficulties they would know that hoarding on the ground is always better way to deal with challenging fights in diablo 2.

  1. That there is some mythic choice between power and convenience.

Every high-end player which I saw had no room in his inventory. So what is that choice? Choice to be weakling? This way of argumentation is just hilarious.

Moreover they are referring to some “classic stage” of that game that should not be change.

My question is what patch should be even considered as this baseline?
1.0? 1.07? 1.09? 1.11? 1.13?
I am almost sure that most of d2 players even did not experience 1.13 which has been added long time after the game was already dead. And it introduced respec - total game changing mechanics. Should it be deleted from d2r?
What about d2 clone and uber Tristram? People who ended their adventure with d2 at 1.09 never experienced it. Should it also be vaporized?

There are just zero valid arguments for not implementing this QoL and the sad truth is - without such things (and maybe at least some poor substitute for endgame) d2r will be dead after maybe max two months, some will end their adventure forever and some will drift away to pd2 and pod.


Uhm thats not really true that adding a charm inventory doesnt change something.
As Games are all about feelings it changes the feel of need to have a proper inventory balance.
Im not really a big fan of stacking charms in my entire inventory because i dont want to TP as much, especially when you play online this might get an issue if you only have space for 1 item and the other you cant pickup because of that.

Theres two sides to this medal, either beeing very strong and so far in the endgame that you’ll most likely search for 1 item or rune, hence the cube is enough or you still need so many things, that you dont even have an inventory full of charms anyways because you need to loot way more.

For the whole online environment adding a charm inventory would take out the pressure that you have for not properly balancing the inventory.
Alot of times when runs go longer or drop a lot especially in early stages you will see people dropping items left and right so they can pick up better options if they drop, so they dont use the portal as often.
Like right now this happens in act 2 tomb runs, people pick up the item, identify it and throw it out straight. Others then can pick it up and if they dont do that, then they miss out alot of other things.

So overall theres just a pressure kind of thing and lots of ± involved on how players act with their space. This just adds quite some interesting moments just because of that.

Having more stash and shared stash also takes away from the experience in some degrees, like back in the day i was so poor to not have a mule account, hence geting trustworthy friends was mandatory and others that did not had them had their adrenaline kick if they would get robbed.
Or even joining random online lobbys dropping gear and quickly switching the character and beg that this lobby wont get 8/8 filled so you can pick it up or not have the gear stolen and all these things.

As you can see there are many feelings involved to this.

Giving an Example:
Imagine they would simply just increase the inventory size right now, endgame players then will stack even more charms into it as the changes to stash already, it wont fix the “issue” there currently is, it will only delay it for to a certain degree, while changing the early experience of it, while the lategame experience ± different balancing because of charms also changes. But the “problem”? its still not solved at all.

Just from the beta and the increased stash space i was hoarding so many more items that i usually would just sell or never pickup, so theres that.

These kind of things are usually also quite a good reason as of why developers mess up their games. By adding more things no matter of what kind, increasing item droprates or stash spaces it only does one thing: it increases the standards that a player has.
When then theres a game with limits, people regret to paddle back a tad because they are totaly used to what theyve got previously.
So there has to be limits in games, add too much and you cant stop adding anymore and the game will be messed up quite easily.

this needs to be a thing


if there is one thing that can make or break this remaster for me it`s the charm inventory feature,
Sacrificing inventory space for power is an awful mechanic. Not being able to pick up more than fits in the cube is ridiculous.


the problem with this is that it’s basically just more inventory slots on your character, who will stop people from filling their charm inventory up then just putting more charms into their main inventory? lol

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