Charm Inventory

ohhhh sweet summer child:)

Is this what you say in every argument you can’t defend your point with?


Exactly. There are going to be maybe a few thousand players 6 months after release, if they don’t offer a good QoL solution for inventory space. I’m yet to meet a new beta player who would agree to spend 300 hours learning what to pick up and what to ignore.

Balance? What balance? They are all going to be running meteorbs at first :joy:
People simply refuse to accept changes. Period. But to make a 20 year old game playable in 2021, changes have to be made. As long as the loot system stays intact and runes are still very rare, we are good. But QoL inventory improvement is a must IMO.

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No… atm not while the game is not even close to running as intended. Once that change is implemented, it will never revert back. This could further trigger players to demand more inventory space (separate cube, remove portal/identification scrolls, pots… etc). I’m not saying it will happen but it’s much more likely to occur if it did.

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its all good. we can get Aks and bombs. it will not change the balance. cause we all got em.

if you dont understand it would change. i dont wanner waste my time. ive done it with P-looters and charm invertory fans for to long.


I’m assuming when you say “we can get AKs and bombs” you’re talking about power creep, but don’t you think you’re being over dramatic? At the end game everyone is rocking a full inventory of charms. There is no power creep here, only inventory space.


only invntory space you can put more gear in, in pvm adn pvp. you can have hoto, merc switch gear cta boost gear full rev+ more. if its not power creap what is?

If you need more than 3 hours for that this game isn’t for you.

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And Torchlight is a clone of an even older game (FATE) that introduced that pet mechanic.

Carting gear to vendors has always sucked in whatever game has it.

lol that stupid logic again, why don’t you go back to playing the original d2 with whatever mods make it easy mode for you.


I have 5k hours in this game and don’t have a problem picking useful items. But new players have trouble with tiny inventory. Heck, I too, have a problem with it. It’s simply is uncomfortable to manage. Possible? Sure! But this not the level of QoL you would expect in today’s games. Would you suffer from having your inventory split in two parts, one for charms, potions and scrolls, and another, much bigger one, for everything else? Like, really, would it break your balance to the point that you would quit forever?
Why wouldn’t you veterans accept a compromise that allows many more players to join and enjoy the game???

I’m willing to bet money that if this inventory management crap stays the way it is, you will be playing with bots in a few months complaining about another dead game.


True, if they fix this, and find a way to make an instanced looting option work, this game could become a giant again I’m sure.(and in todays world that would be a lot more people playing than before)


Yes, and the instanced loot option isn’t bad either. Veterans like to bring the argument of this breaking the game as the rush effect is no longer there when in coop runs, but I disagree. Shared loot punishes new players as well as those using a less optimized gear, which pretty much forces you to use a sorc early on. So, if I’m running a summoner build or bowazon in a group, I have no chance of getting good gear? And they keep talking about balance… It doesn’t exist. They even want to remove enigma… Well then everyone will be using sorcs, might as well remove other classes altogether.

Still hoping they implement this shortly after release.


With how popular the suggestion seems to be, it is likely to be implemented.


Another option is a composite charm item slot. They did it in D2 Reign of Terror GD mod, moved the charms to take a single slot - medal. But since it’s only one item, they added lots of stats to it. Higher level charms have much fancies stats. 1 item replaces the 20 year of tetris headaches - problem solved.

To me, D2 is a game about blowing up demons and getting loot.

Charms make it so much more annoying to get loot. It’s not really “pro-skills” to be able to manage your 2x4 inventory space or to loot stuff using your Cube. It’s not an interesting or engaging tradeoff. It’s just tedious. It’s not fun. I don’t think it would have been designed this way if server space was more affordable back when the expansion came out.

A charm inventory gives them the opportunity to balance charms (the charm inventory could be smaller than the regular inventory) and give us a quality-of-life boost to the main inventory.

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You shall run full of charms on September 23rd or be underpowered.

You aren’t getting more slots, a charm bag, or anything of that sort. Its a done deal and a waste of air to conversate further about.

Hold this L

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You mean I don’t get +9 to skills with no drawbacks?


No but seriously, please do not implement a charm inventory.


This has already be discussed. Here.

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