28 Changes In D2: Resurrected [+More Post-Launch]

I would argue that much of this is simply rose colored glasses and nostalgia. This might be the great test right? If D2R has lasting power and chooses not to make any more significant changes then that proves that specifically the modernization of gaming has ruined the spark.

I’m not a D3 fanboy. D2 was/is better in my opinion. But I also don’t wholesale resent all changes D3 saw. I think some QoL stuff was actually good. It just gets overshadowed by the bad.

None the less @Ulv convinced me WSG might need to be brought back due to most fixes causing other complications. He makes a compelling argument I’ll try to link that discussion

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A few more and the game is perfect

  • rune and gem stacking

  • improved Merc AI

  • holy grail stash tab

  • players x on Battle.net

  • transmog

  • and finally, modding tools to allow people to improve the game for those instances considered “too much of a change”, ie: item,skill balance


I strongly agree with all the above. I hope they add a shorter teleport leash on mercs. Act 2 beta my merc was like perma half way across the map because he was too dumb to use the stairs…


how is there “bad” communication? They made it very clear in both the D2R deep dive as well as the latest blog/pinned post about why they made the changes they did.

Maybe you’re only referring to the character models? Because their inclusion seems pretty obvious to me as the reason why. (see what i did there?)

the latest tweet suggests there are some changes coming post-launch. Nothing game changing im sure. (plooters are going to be disappointed) but im sure there will still be lots of bug fixes and maybe even some more QoL.

i wouldn’t hold my breath for things like balance changes or ploot though. A vague mention in an interview does not imply its ever going to happen, more empty promises and corporate-speak. They just haven’t explicitly said no. obviously they want to keep people like the plooters on the hook as long as possible with thinking they would consider changes that will never happen.

funny enough i support more stash space but i don’t support rune/gem stacking. Inventory tetris is D2, this is the way.

actually VERY against this. You should know exactly what another player is wearing when you see them. This is a huge bonus for the game immersion. You see someone with IK set and you know they are wearing it. it would be super lame if anyone could just switch to that regardless of gear.

No, this takes away from the immersion of online play. you can’t artifically boost your games difficulty without real players.


How strong is your argument if it can be destroyed with 3 words?


you want them to add a feature for transmog that only people who turn it on can see? thats some next level delusional entitlement. No game has this nor would they add it. lol. Im all for good suggestions that don’t change the game, but this… this isn’t one of them.


It doesn’t need to be turned on

It’s created to be turned off by people like you crying that they want to see what other people are wearing just by item models

Argument which doesn’t make sense because… how can you tell the difference between an Ap Nigma, an Ap fortitude, and Ap COh or a flail Hoto, a flail CTa, a Flail HOj?

3: Gamble refresh + item no longer disappears… This is going to save so much time gambling. Awesome change.

5: Cow King lock-out removed… All I can say is MooooOoOoO! :smiley:

13: “huge list”… I sure hope that the pet disappearing issue is fixed, more specifically I want to run around with an Iron Golem and not have to worry about him vanishing and losing the item I made him with!


Although it is not a huge thing, I am still sad about the e bug removal. I hope they are going to implement something like it as a feature later on. Maybe something less random, maybe the same thing. It is the only change so far, which flattens the game mechanics (a tiny bit) in PvM.

these are big improvements to the gambling process. having to unclick and reclick dozens of times just to get the item you want and then having to do it AGAIN once you bought one honestly really turned me off to gambling in general. I didn’t gamble much before, but ill definitely do it a lot now.

to me this is such an epic change for both the ability to relax during cow runs as well as being able to actually (and quickly) farm the cow-king set. It has a stupidly high drop rate from the king himself.

-Hooves are 1:99 and Hide is 1:50 drop chance in Norm cows. Although his Horns are only dropped in NM-Hell cows at a probability of 1:606. This means with 200 MF it becomes 1:21 and 1:42 drop chance in normal and 1:255 for the Horns in NM-H.

My fav builds are summon necro and druid, so this is the most obnoxious bug in the game for me. (that and the Fury/fend missing bug) and i pray they fixed them both.

I personally think its a good change because you felt obligated to always use the Ebug for any toon or merc you could because its such a HUGE bonus to defense.


Or just make transmog a local only visual. People get to look like what they want and others see the actual gear mic drop

I like all of the changes aside from the TCP/IP removal and I’m not sure how I feel about the WSG bugs etc. being removed yet. Need to see how PvP feels.


First of all Its the BETA. This is literally what the Beta tests are meant for, server stability. The number one thing they are working on right now is fixing the latency issues. Secondly, i didnt personally i didn’t experience any issues or lag. I only D/C’d once and i had low ping the entire time. The launch will have significantly less latency, guaranteed.

i greatly support this. i messed around with the controller support on my PC and didn’t know what i was missing until i had it lol.

i also really hope they buff a lot of the dead skills. D2 has such a cool skill system, its just sad that literally 70% of them are useless for mid to end game. lol

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Honestly, I’m happy with it. I don’t want private loot, but ultimately I don’t care. It’s a darn game and I’ve got waaaaaay too much other stuff going on to give this an ounce of emotional property.

They nuked the pvp scene by removing WSG. I’ll be refunding come the beginning of September if I don’t here some kind of vouch from the company that they’ll be putting it back in.

I don’t think this is accurate (timeline wise). I live in a rural area and have to use 4g internet currently since the only other options would be high latency Sat or 1.5 Mbps barely functioning DSL. There are some other wireless options in the general area, but they require direct line of sight to towers which we don’t have because of trees.

We’re on the Starlink waiting list and it specifically tells us the waiting list is so long we may not get it until late 2022. I think they said that their constellation will be large enough in September for global continuous coverage, but all the people who want it won’t be able to have it next month. They also still have to get permission to provide the service in various places.


late 2022? ya that isn’t an accurate timeline whatosever. Technically the first shell isnt complete therefor it would be dumb to promise anyone on the waiting list access “soon” in case of massive delays. Once global coverage is possible next month (IF nothing goes wrong) THEN the waiting list will start to be quickly disappear.

But the main point is, its no longer going to be some serious issue with games that don’t allow offline play or LAN connections. So maybe itll take another 6-8 months, but no removing TCP/IP is not a big deal considering everyones soon-to-be availability to global wireless internet.

You think this why? There is no reason to believe they will expand that character limit. Diablo 3 for example is maxed at 17. Blizzard showed us their best hand the last 2 weekends. These weekends were marketing attempts to sell the game. They were not actual beta test. At best it was a stress test to see how the servers perform.

Claiming “beta” doesn’t mean anything here. Especially when it’s unrestricted an it’s this company. I’ve been accepted into every closed beta for all their games going back to 2008. I know how they operate when it comes to “betas.”

Oh and for D3 players have been asking for years to expand the character limit and they haven’t. People need to understand the reason they don’t make the storage space massive or character space massive is because it cost them money. It doesn’t make them more money.

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  1. its a beta, it had many limitations.
  2. this isn’t D3
  3. see number 1.

Anyone believing that this was a true “beta” is going to be let down. D3 beta operated very much in the same fashion. They did not allow anyone to level pass level 15 or Act 1 This went on for months. They were hiding stuff. All the signs are here with D2 LoD Resurrected. The reason it was so limited was because they didn’t what to reveal their hand. It’s unfortunate that your fanboy goggles don’t allow you to see that.

Doesn’t matter if it’s D3/D4/D5/ D2/D1 the reason they limit character slots is server stability and space. The more space they open up the more money and time it cost them. There is no benefit to sales by allowing more character slots. People will buy the game anyways. They won’t go shoot only 20 slots well I’m out, because they won’t even know that in most circumstances until they make 20 characters.

People have been demanding more character slots in D3 for years. They have constantly denied them for the exact reason I just listed above.