[2.7.0] List of GoD DH Rework Ideas

why we are play Diablo 3 anyway? why monsters we hit need to die anyway? let’s make them to not die at all!
because Devouring arrow was designed to do so, ok? it is like this for years.
I do not understand what you are talking about here. you contradict a design released few time ago, GOD build. so why you did not contradict it when the build was released?

repeat, the only issue that made GOD DH a bit better then supposed it is the Missile Dumpeneing. I did 133 with this build and in that grfit I had 2 missile dumpeneing elite. for both I dragged another 1-2 elites into the shield and most possible trsh then I kill them all in shield. do you know what I mean? so knowing to take advantage of Missile Dumpening is like having 2 more Conduit phylons during the grift, this make GOD DH 3 levels above.

the only needed fix is Missile DUmpeneing, no other nerf to the build. Remove Missile DUmpening from the game, it just creates huge lags.

My thought process here is…It’s kinda defying logic in a real world scenario (Yes, I know this is a video game…). If a projectile “pierces” through something, is it going to be stronger or weaker after the pierce…? It’s gonna be weaker. So increase the top end damage and give it diminishing returns, weaker pierces after each consecutive pierce. If you up the top end dmg (the initial hit), atleast it’s stronger in single target situations like during RG.

It’s nice to see more people being open minded about making GoD6 a better overall experience. We’ve gotten so use to how high it can clear that we’ve ignored other issues surrounding the set. We forget how RNG heavy this build is.

Sure, just removing missile dampening would be an easy way out, one I advocated for months ago. While this would effectively cut down most of the GR 150 clears, there will still be a few ridiculously high paragon players able to achieve such a feat with enough fishing.

It’s pretty clear to me that missile dampening isn’t the sole reason for the nerf, given the fact that they introduced a pierce cap so extreme and left the arrow uncapped on other sets. Instead of throwing emotional tantrums, it helps to attempt to understand why they went the route they did, as blizzard announced this on their twitter as a “rework” for a reason. What are the pros and cons of this change?


  • Wallers become less of a problem.
  • Creates diversity, allowing for shatter shot (unbugged), spray of teeth and bolas to be much closer in power to devouring arrow.
  • Bridges the gap between feeling extremely weak in low to mid density, and feeling godlike in strong density. There’s now a middle ground and creates consistency in our clears and RG fights are less punishing. Less RNG.


  • Damage output is way too low for the pierce cap implemented.
  • Due to the above, the pendulum swings in the opposite direction, feeling awful in density, but good in single target applications (devouring arrow only).
  • Cap only applies to GoD6, forcing us to use devouring arrow on other sets if we want to have a shot at clearing anything above a 128 at 5k paragon, which is terrible.

Iria already laid out many solutions so I’m not going to repeat them here, but given the fact that DH’s are not going to get any other changes, this would be a good time to consider making GoD6 feel less like a slot machine and open up more possibilities of other skills being used so we can have “something” to play with.

If all we get out of this is devouring arrow being by far the dominant rune again, regardless of set used or changes, then we missed out on a major opportunity.


I have no problem if they do that, buff initial hit and then viceversa as it is now, lower damage after each pierce. but I doubt they will do it because need some rework and retesting lot of builds. do not forget there are other 2 powerfull builds with HA: UE HA and M6 HA, which are quite close to GOD HA. nobody play them because GOD is a bit better. That’s why I am saying, Misiile Dumpening need to be fixed/removed from the game, nerfing only GOD is useless.

Isn’t the only reason Wallers become less of a problem is that pretty much everything becomes as bad as a Waller? Do we really want every elite pack to be a big a pita as Waller?

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This is covered in my CONS bullets. Less reliance on high pierce count means waller isn’t as detrimental to the build, but currently the damage output with the pierce cap implemented is far too low.

Thing is, elites are less of a problem now then they were, relatively speaking. Due to the lower pierce count (remember, relative), the build fairs better when there’s less density around, making killing off elites a worthwhile investment instead of skipping them because a conduit didn’t spawn.

High density trash is actually the issue now, due to the fact that the output damage of the set is no where near what it needs to be to make up for such an extreme cap, the inability of the arrow to pierce through enough targets to hit where you’d want it.

As a hypothetical example, lets say if blizzard decided to buff the 6pc bonus to lets say 50,000%, the set would feel great to play with a bit less RNG, multiple HA runes viable and bolas now being competitive across the spectrum into the GR 140’s again. The set will feel “refreshed”.

I am not saying this is THE solution as of course it has it’s own issues. Iria has laid out many good solutions, just saying lets look at this within the realm of what it seems blizzard is attempting to do, and make it better from there.

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Powerful for who? You do understand that most people weren’t able to push as UE Multishoit because it requires stutterstepping right? UE / M6 HA is going to be the same deal. And possibly even harder to (learn) to stutterstep because it isn’t as smooth compared to stutterstepping with multishot. It’s just not a very friendly build if you aren’t pro with mechanics like that.

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That’s just how DiEoxidE likes to play the build, you can definitely do it by shooting in place for a bit, vaulting to a new spot, and shooting some more. Check dmkt’s M6 Hungering Arrow video where he stuttersteps on the boss like a tree with an anchor.

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Just gotta quote this to help insure dmkt sees it. =)

Anyhow tho. M6 from what I remember, is tanky as hell. I’m not sure of his build entirely but I’m willing to bet the tankiness of the build hasn’t lost its touch. UE on the other hand is squishy as hell.

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I think it would be nice to open up GoD to using more than just hungering arrow. The build already shares a similar interaction like the wizard source where you cast other abilities while channeling, so why not play further into it? The cold version of elemental arrow functions a lot like shatter shot (1 shot splits into 10…and slows!). Obviously, the supporting items would need buffing to bring it on par with ninth cirri satchel (looking at you, Kridershot!). Plus, the set bonuses would need some tweaking so strafe fires it off. Simply changing the 10000% primary skill bonus to “you gain …% increased damage for each second of momentum” would account for remaining damage. It always felt kinda weird how momentum was limited to buffing hungering arrow and boosting speed.


  • Elemental arrows hit once then must be refreshed, lowering concern for MD elites causing performance issues.
  • Keeps the “I’m turning this place into an ice house by shooting you with icy death arrows.” aesthetic
  • Gives elemental arrow some actual use (outside of marauder’s of LON builds of course)
  • More incentive to keep your momentum stacks up


  • Would still be less effective against single targets/small groups of enemies
  • Doesn’t fix the other DH builds from using hungering arrow against MD elites
  • Unless support items are balanced well enough, will likely turn the set away from being a generator build.
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Great job OP. Blizz please address this issue. Wudijo just put out a vid showing a GR 115 basic build that shows you overshot your adjustment.


I wish we knew what is really is Blizzard is trying to accomplish. A stated goal was to balance classes/sets around GR 130’s at 5K paragon. This nerf does not accomplish that goal in any way, shape for form. They stated in the patch notes that the pierce cap was “… to address concerns when interacting with Missile Dampening.” One dev pretesting the build prior to the PTR going live would have shown that the pierce cap did much more than just remove the GoD MD interaction from the game.

Honestly I kind of expected a hot fix by now to change the pierce cap, or a note addressing the issue and explaining where they are going from here, even if the note states “working as designed”.


Solution #2 is the best to me. Diversity shouldn’t be a major consideration and it’s not achievable as long as GR exists.
For me the major considerations are: 1. Giving DH a viable build in high GRs; 2. Less uncertainty which requires more tests; 3. easy to implement; 4. Address the missile dampening issue.
Diversity is the last thing I would consider.

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With the amount of attention and feedback that this thread is getting, I’m surprised my other thread regarding followers (in the same style) has gotten hardly any notice!

I don’t think the style has anything to do with the attention of each thread. Just moreso the controversy surrounding the nerf of GoD6, and the extremes they went to do so. DH (imo) is one of the most popular classes…Considering theres only 7 classes anyhow. GoD made it even more popular. Now it’s oblivious in its current form on PTR.

I don’t think any amount of follower changes can make up for the GoD nerf. Literally committed genocide on a DH subclass.


Oof. Steady on, old chap.

Are you? Really? WD minor nerf that doesn’t even bring them back to Blizz’s dev target of 130 @ 5k is more controversial than the follower changes. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the cross-post though, I’ll have a read of it after I’ve had an S-tier cheese sandwich.

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but what this has to do with devs statement GOD is changed “to address Missile Dumpening issue” ?
do you understand what they said? they said that GOD need a change BECAUSE OF THE MISSILE DUMPENING ISSUE.
the other 2 builds, UE HA and M6 HA, AHVE MISSILE DUMPENING ISSUE ALSO. the fact that players know to play that builds or not does not matter at all.


Yeah even the time was bugged when he closed the rifts. The video really shows a lot.

They fixed spinners!!! heh