[2.7.0] List of Follower Ideas

I’m writing this as a feedback post from my perspective for the newly reworked followers for season 23. This will not be a compiled list of suggestions from the community such as my recent List of GoD DH Rework Ideas thread but rather my own opinion on some ideas that can make the next season more enjoyable.

Some of these ideas are based on feedback from other players, I do not claim credit for any of the ideas in this thread. The intent of this thread is to share what my favorite ideas are whether they be the community’s or my own.

Overall, the follower overhaul is a great new feature that reinvigorates the use of followers and the single-player experience. That said, I have noticed a few issues and have some solutions available to address these in some form.

Issue 1) Followers die too easily.
Even with the ability to equip up to 14 items, the followers are still too fragile and will die in a single hit even in moderate-level content (e.g. GR100). While the “follower cannot die” token can circumvent this problem, it then locks out the potential use of other follower tokens (all skills or skill cooldown -50%).

Solution 1) Increase the damage reduction for followers.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will survive in high level content
  • :white_check_mark: Stacking toughness on follower helps follower last longer
  • :large_orange_diamond: May be difficult to tune scaling for all settings
  • :x: Followers may always die in some situations, but never in others

Solution 2) Followers scale toughness with the player (like pets).

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will survive in high level content if a player can
  • :x: Stacking toughness on follower does nothing
  • :x: Followers may abruptly die if player toughness fluctuates a lot (e.g. after revival)

Solution 3) Increase the defensive legendary options for followers.

  • :white_check_mark: Stacking toughness on follower helps follower last longer
  • :white_check_mark: More build diversity legendaries (follower toughness vs emanate bonus)
  • :large_orange_diamond: Followers may survive in moderate but not high level content
  • :x: Followers may abruptly die if toughness fluctuates a lot (e.g. after revival)

I think a combination of solution 1 and 3 might work to give followers more options to stay alive but also make them killable in really dangerous situations.

Issue 2) Followers deal negligible damage.
Even with the ability to equip up to 14 items, the followers damage output remains negligible. While it isn’t good to have a follower outperform the player, the minimal damage they deal forces players to not bother gearing a follower beyond that of a “stat stick”: providing no combat capability but enhances the player indirectly.

Solution 1) Followers gain a damage multiplier.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers can provide damage to help the player
  • :white_check_mark: Damage affixes on the follower help them do more damage
  • :large_orange_diamond: May be difficult to tune scaling for all settings
  • :x: Followers may do too much damage in some situations or not enough in others

Solution 2) Followers scale damage with the player (like season 22 clones).

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will do appropriate damage in most situations
  • :x: Stacking damage affixes on the follower does nothing
  • :x: Followers damage may fluctuate a lot or snapshot an incorrect DPS value

Balancing the damage of followers will be a tricky endeavor in that there will likely not be an easy way to tune their damage for all situations. Following the example of the season 22 clones, scaling their damage with the player may be the best approach but that would negate the need for the follower to equip items with offensive attributes (e.g. critical hit chance).

On the other hand, ignoring follower damage also will limit their build diversity in that players will simply use them for emanate buffs and some crowd control effects.

An optimal solution would be to somehow enable both follower styles (geared for damage vs geared for support) to have uses in different scenarios with different player builds. Perhaps a mix of solutions 1 and 2 (follower scaling combined with player scaling) can allow for this.

Issue 3) Followers could use more emanate buffs.
While the current list of emanate bonuses is a good start, some item slots will be highly dominated by a certain item (e.g. Flavor of Time on every amulet slot). For the sake of build diversity, I recommend adding these to the list of interesting emanate bonuses (based partly on clueso’s post):

Consider the following legendary effects for emanate. I will provide short descriptions of these but the idea is to not allow any abilities that amplify damage, toughness, or healing of the player. I will list generally safe abilities with :white_check_mark: and abilities which may warrant additional review with :large_orange_diamond:.

  • :large_orange_diamond: Cord of the Sherma - Provides a crowd control area to disable monsters
  • :white_check_mark: Halcyon’s Ascent - Provides crowd control effect after certain skills
  • :large_orange_diamond: Ice Climbers - Provides immunity to chill, slow, immobilize, and stun effects
  • :large_orange_diamond: Illusory Boots - Disables player collision with monsters and walls
  • :white_check_mark: Krelm’s Buff Belt - Provides bonus speed if not hit for 5 seconds
  • :white_check_mark: Krelm’s Buff Bracers - Provides a immunity to knockback effects
  • :white_check_mark: Puzzle Ring - Provides a goblin to pick up common equipment
  • :large_orange_diamond: Reaper’s Wraps - Grants primary resource upon collecting health globes
  • :white_check_mark: Rechel’s Ring of Larceny - Provides movement speed upon fearing a monster
  • :large_orange_diamond: Stone of Jordan - Allows stacking a different elemental bonus
  • :white_check_mark: The Ess of Johan - Provides a pull-in effect on hit
  • :white_check_mark: Warzechian Armguards - Provides movement speed upon breaking an object
  • :white_check_mark: Wyrdward - Allows lightning damage to stun enemies

This list is not exhaustive but while there are certain effects which do not directly provide damage, toughness, or healing, some are very strong. For example, the Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, Ring of Royal Grandeur, or Leoric’s Crown provide a such a strong effect that it would then limit build diversity.

Issue 4) Season 23 has no season-only theme.
Since season 16, the unique themed events have been a huge success in drawing players back to Diablo 3 to start a fresh season with a new perk. However, even with the new follower reworks, the seasonal gameplay will die out faster than usual since the same benefits will exist nonseason.

I will therefore suggest a couple ideas which are quickly implementable for a season theme:

Theme Idea 1) Grant all 3 followers in single player (1 per player in groups).

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will be a central part of this season
  • :white_check_mark: Both single and group players can benefit
  • :large_orange_diamond: Some builds with Unity (ring) may be too strong
  • :large_orange_diamond: Possible bugs from emanate system with groups
  • :x: Follower “cheat death” abilities may be too strong in single player

Theme Idea 2) Grant Asheara’s Vestments 4-piece bonus to everyone.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will play a central role this season
  • :white_check_mark: Both single and group players can benefit
  • :large_orange_diamond: May cause server performance issues in some situations
  • :large_orange_diamond: Possible bugs from emanate system with groups
  • :x: Followers can’t be disabled and may be a nuisance at times

Theme Idea 3) Followers gain effects of all legendary tokens.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will play a central role this season
  • :white_check_mark: Highlights all newly reworked follower skills
  • :large_orange_diamond: Relatively low seasonal effect strength
  • :x: Only single players can benefit

Theme Idea 4) Followers emanate legendary gem effects from amulets.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers will play a central role this season
  • :white_check_mark: Allows 4th legendary gem available to the player (more build diversity)
  • :large_orange_diamond: Possibly significant balance testing required
  • :x: Only single players can benefit

To keep followers in a central part of this season, they should be allowed in group settings and more so in single-player settings; this was the motivation behind ideas 1 and 2. Theme idea 3 is the least powerful but at least addresses the toughness problem and allows followers to showcase all their skills. Lastly, theme idea 4 is my favorite in that it provides a much-needed boost to single player but may require some balance testing.

Issue 5) Followers need some quality of life improvements.
I will bundle a few quality of life ideas that I agree with here:

Idea 1) Followers should be mode-specific instead of character specific.

  • :white_check_mark: Players only need to gear up 1 of each follower type per mode (e.g. seasonal)
  • :large_orange_diamond: May cause one-time item conflicts (which character’s followers chosen)
  • :large_orange_diamond: May cause end-of-season item conflicts (could use mail system)
  • :x: Different characters may have different preferences on the same follower

Idea 2) Followers should get their own armory tool.

  • :white_check_mark: Followers gear and skills can be quickly saved/changed
  • :large_orange_diamond: May be difficult to code for multiple followers
  • :x: May cause conflicts with existing armory (if same item used in both)

Idea 3) Followers details list should be expanded (e.g. cooldown reduction visible).

  • :white_check_mark: Followers’ detailed attributes are visible
  • :large_orange_diamond: May be confusing for some players

Idea 4) Followers should have the option to disable use of certain abilities.

  • :white_check_mark: More player control to follower behavior (e.g. no stunning skills)

These are just a few of the quality of life ideas that I think could make followers just a little bit easier to manage and use.

This concludes my list of issues and suggestions for the newly reworked follower system. As is, the followers are a welcome addition to build diversity and I am glad to see them get revamped!

I know that the PTR is generally too late for developers to make large changes for the season theme but I hope at least some of these ideas can help inform future decisions about how to increase build diversity while keeping build balance in place.

Thank you for reading!


a) all followers should be immortal.
the follower tokens then do these.
either cooldown, %50 additional damage reduction to player (so player can forgo unity) if not wearing unity, all skills

for issue 2. give followers the ability to execute mobs with less than 10-20% of their hitpoints left. maybe the chance to execute increases scales to their primary stat. eg: 5% chance per hit + x%

for fun: perhaps asheara set should be changed.
a) if your current follower dies, a new one (of another type) spawns immediately to replace the previous one . follower becomes invulnerable for 120 seconds. ability cooldown 120seconds.

so you actually use 3 followers. if you use follower cannot die, it negates this ability. all 3 followers must use wear this and not use a follower cannot die token.
(otoh if followers are made immortal by default then simply change the power to rotate followers every 120 seconds)

This would be a nice/welcome change. As a new player who might not know all the sites to go to for tips, most players will just automatically pick a skill on the follower when it becomes available, not realizing that it might have a negative effect later on (the CC skills particularly) and have no way to change that.

It took me years of wondering why a streamer follower icon was flashing before realizing it was because they had opted not to choose a skill.


Yeah, I included it because it’s been an issue for a long time. The only way to fix the issue was to stash your gear, delete your character, make a new character, level them up to 70, and then re-equip your stashed gear. That’s way too much effort to just unselect the skill!

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Solid list of suggestions there, Iria.

I guess the big question is: what, exactly, does Blizz want the point of this follower upgrade to be? For the most part, the changes are confined to improvements that make farming better for solo- DB’s from Sage, keys from Cain, shrine duration from Worship gloves for bounties and T16 rifts, etc.

The big outliers are Nems and FoT. The former is situationally very powerful, and the latter, one of the strongest single items in the entire game. Hell, that would still be true even if it ONLY doubled Conduits!

Having included those two items, it makes basically zero sense that they don’t add at least several other bracer and amulet “emanate” options- Strongarms, Parthans, Warzechian, immunity amulets, possibly Squirt’s…

And to anybody who would like to make the “utility only, not damage or mitigation increases” argument, I will direct them again to the amulet that not only doubles the duration of the pylon that quintuples your damage, and not only doubles the duration of the pylon that makes you take zero damage, but also doubles the duration of the pylon that doles out damage by the quadrillions, killing everything no matter how high the GR level.

And, why stop at those slots? There are tons of “never-used” items that if they could emanate, might move all the way up to “seldom-used”. Rimeheart or Fulminator, for instance. Do they do damage? Sure. Would they become part of some OP build if they could emanate? Uh, lol?

If the brief, rather than “just utility”, is also to bring solo play somewhat closer to groups, then you could allow quite a lot of stuff to emanate without that gap closing entirely.

Very curious to see what route they end up going.


While I don’t think it should ever be the same, a decent buff to close the gap a bit for the mostly solo player like myself is welcome. Would I love to run with a group for hours at a time - yup, but when you have 20 mins to get in a couple GRs or farm a few rifts for mats, it’s not really fair to the group. Just ask Varadia how many times he’s popped into my game and I’ve been able to run like 2-3 GR before RL gets in the way…

Making it faster/easier to get keys/dbs is awesome and while they are at it add a buff for bounty mats to the Sage/Cain sets when worn on follower only.

Do I wish that a follower could be like a 2nd player in terms of power, sure but the AI just ain’t that good (like my clones shooting at adds and not the RG) so don’t think that would ever be the case - so any buff is a good buff for them.

I like FoT being there (though I have a couple reallllly good ones), because it gives you flexibility - Squirt’s if you’re tough enough (or really good at avoiding damage), Ess for more pulls, maybe Hellfires make a comeback with the extra passive!

forget them - what is one big help in groups - DAMAGE AND MITIGATION - solo players don’t get the insane healing/DR from zMonk or giant pulls from zBarb or the massive damage buffs from a zDH…so why not add a few more of these to followers?

Follower AI will never (?) be as good as a 2nd player - so it’s not like a solo/follower combo is going to compete for the same GR levels as a true 2man.

The one’s saying that are likely the same ones who post “D3 is MULTIPLAYER with an option to play solo” so solo should not be buffed.


The only thing I’ve ever heard other DH’s ask for on the follower is the ability to move it. Let’s face it, our followers stand in some pretty awful positions that can make or break a good rotation.

For years my small circle of DH friends have dreamed of being able to press G, see our social flag go down and see our follower immediately move towards it.

Am I alone here?? I’ve not seen anyone else on these forums mention it… surely this is our chance? #confused.

Another good post tho.


Yeah, I think we’re agreed-- I’m definitely in the “add stuff” rather than the “subtract stuff” camp, myself.

Just as a thought experiment: what if EVERY cross-class legendary (not set) item could be emanated? How much of a buff would we actually get? We’ll go slot by slot (and pay special attention to damage gained).

Head: serious options are Leoric’s and Pride’s Fall. Both are pretty good, especially paired with Crimson. For most builds, at least in terms of pushing GRs, Leoric’s would be the way to go. But the actual amount of power added is not that huge… maybe the equivalent of about a 1.1x multiplier.

Shoulders: only serious option is Mantle of Channeling, meaning only channeling builds could use this. 1.25x multiplier.

Chest: Aquilla, Cindercoat, Shi Mizu, Heart of Iron. Aquilla would probably be the most commonly equipped, and depending on build it could add enough toughness to equip some other offensive item.

Bracer: Warzechian, Parthans, Strongarms, Reaper’s Wraps. Only Strongarms directly adds damage, 30% additive, and you need something to proc it. Most builds run with at least 30% additive from some other source, whether skill rolls on gear, Taeguk, passives, or whatever. The max is obviously a 1.3x multiplier, but for most builds it’ll be considerably less. Let’s spitball and say 1.2x. For a lot of builds, just taking Nems for the extra elites would be better, especially when that’s combined with FoT.

Gloves: Magefist, Frostburn, Tasker and Theo, St. Archew, Stone Gauntlet. Lots of strong options here. The defensive options, particularly SG, could enable extra offense in some other slot. Since most builds run with 40% Elemental already, Magefist and Frostburn give an actual contribution of about 1.14x.

Belt: String of Ears for some toughness vs melee, or Harrington for some extra damage in T16s. Not super consequential.

Pants: Hexing Pants or Depth Diggers. Most builds that can use DD will already have them in the cube, though, so what this really ends up equating to is unlocking that cube armor slot. I’m not sure what the “average” amount a build could get by having an extra armor choice would be, let’s just wing it and say 1.2x.

Boots: Nothing of major consequence.

Amulets: FoT is already included in the Emanate system, and the only significant competitor is Squirt’s, which for pushing only works for a few builds. So, (just as it is now) if Squirt’s was added in, you could have both that + FoT, but not both plus the Endless Walk set as well. The “assumed multiplier” of this slot is a bit hard to come up with, but I’d estimate that FoT is worth about 3-4 GRs in a perfect rift, so that’s the equivalent of something like a 1.75x multiplier (but only in ideal conditions).

Rings: RoRG, Zodiac, CoE are the major contenders. You also have to reckon with whether your follower is going to keep wearing an Oculus ring. Assuming we’re only calculating for one open ring slot, RoRG will let a lot of builds equip Crimson or Aughild, each of which is generally between 1.5x and 1.6x. CoE is worth between 1.4x (Monks) and 3x (burst-fire builds like Raekor HOTA). Most builds that need Zodiac already use it. Let’s just call this slot 1.6x.

Weapons: Sankis, Envious Blade, Echoing Fury, In-Geom, Executioner, Messerschmidt’s, Furnace. The best of these are probably Furnace and EF, each of which isn’t going to have 100% effectiveness. I’d say the equivalent of 1.3x, tops, for either one.

And that’s it. So that’s, VERY ROUGHLY, something like:

1.1 * 1.25 * 1.2 * 1.14 * 1.2 * 1.75 * 1.6 * 1.3 = 8.2x, enough damage to go up about 13-14 GRs (keep in mind, +4-5 GRs from FoT + Nems alone).

And that’s probably about the amount that would be needed to bring solo pushing up to equivalence with group pushing. Now, I’m not actually suggesting such a thing be done, but my point is: an awful lot of stuff could be added to the Emanate system without making solo play catch up to group play, since it would take Emanating basically every cross-class item in the game to make solo and group reach equivalence.

A lot of stuff (Scourge, Stalgard’s, Fulminator, Rimeheart, to name a few just among weapons) is essentially +0 GRs, so why not add it in? There are lots of folks out there who like to make fun and wacky builds, and it gives them a bigger toolkit to draw from. Other items are fairly potent on paper (immunity amulets), but get eclipsed by still more potent items (FoT, EW, Squirt’s), to the point that they are basically never used. So, why not add those in?

Bottom line: a lot of stuff could Emanate without it screwing up the game. Hell, probably 60-75% of all cross-class items could Emanate without adding even +1 GR total to most builds.

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Follower never dies token removed and becomes default follower attribute, replacement token ideas

Increase attack speed and attack sight radius/range by 35% - Templar especially seems to sometimes not see any targets to fight, range increase for echantress/scoundrel

Increase skills potency (damage, duration, etc) by 50% but increase skills coodown by 15%
Increase bounty cache mats by 250%
Call to Arms - giving 2 active followers when 2 followers wears the token avtivating each other

  • Enchantress Call to Arms tokens
    Call to arms relic Scoundrel
    Call to arms relic Templar
  • Scondrel Call to Arms tokens
    Call to arms relic Enchantress
    Call to arms relic Templar
  • Templar Call to Arms tokens
    Call to arms relic Enchantress
    Call to arms relic Scoundrel

Other follower changes:

Dropping banner summons follower to that location

Make Lorath Nahr a 4th follower option, a Horadrim warrior/assassin that can dual wield single handed weapons

Make followers global so use same followers for all characters with wardrobe saving specific follower items/skills for each character.


<3 this and was starting to think I was the only person who actually wanted it.


Consider too that Scoundrel can’t wield any of these (you’d have to Eminate some bows like Etrayu, Windforce (paired with Strongarms), etc… and Templar can’t go two-handed either…

But hey - they just nerfed the top DH build by somewhere between 10-18 GR (still debating and now testing after PTR patch)…so your 13-14 GR bump would nearly cover that!



What is it, about 70% of time the follower is in the wrong place at the wrong time…fighting some lone white spider while you are begging for an Oculus and Johann pull for the 50 skeleton archers where you are…


True, they could add a lot more to the emanate list but I was proposing a conservative/safe list that wouldn’t likely break the game in any way as well as adhering to their design philosophy of not adding direct damage/toughness/healing.

Of course, they could indeed expand the list to include all legendary items but I think a few of them might be problematic, especially the RoRG. The RoRG also has the unfortunate side effect that if someone joins your game, you could lose your 6-piece set bonus which essentially destroys your character’s performance!

That’s a neat idea and gives a use to the drop banner action.

I think the game is too far in the development cycle to add any more followers. The only changes remaining for D3 are balance updates, some class set reworks, and maybe a few new season theme ideas which don’t change the fundamental mechanics of the game too much.

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Idea 2) Followers should get their own armory tool.

I think the best thing to do is to just put the follower into the hero’s armory so that when you change the hero’s armor sets the followers armor and skills change as well