Emanate System Feedback: which items should and should not be included in it

I wanna give some feedback on the items that are and can be included in the new Emanate System, and also list a few items that should NOT be included in it.

I will keep my feedback limited to armor pieces and jewelry, and also only mention Utility-focused Items, as there are no weapons included in the original list and also no items that give (either directly or indirectly) offensive bonuses like ‘xxx% increased damage’, or ‘xx% reduced damage taken’, etc. Class-specific item will also not be mentioned.

List of items that are currently included in the Emanate System

  • Broken Crown
  • Homing Pads
  • Spaulders of Zakara
  • Goldskin
  • Custerian Wristguards
  • Nemesis Bracers
  • Gladiator Gauntlets
  • Gloves of Worship
  • Dovu Energy Trap
  • Rakoff’s Glass of Life
  • Avarice Band
  • Krede’s Flame
  • The Flavor of Time
  • Sage’s Journey (3-piece set bonus)
  • Cain’s Destiny (3-piece set bonus)

The only item that imo should not be on this list is Flavor of Time, as it is too good to still be considered a simple Utility Item.


List of Utility-focused Items that >should< be featured by the Emanate System

  • Deathseer’s Cowl
  • Chaingmail
  • Warzechian Armguards
  • Promise of Glory
  • Boots of Disregard
  • Irontoe Mudsputters
  • Golden Gorget of Leoric
  • The Ess of Johan
  • Haunt of Vaxo
  • Pandemonium Loop
  • Puzzle Ring
  • Rechel’s Ring of Larceny
  • Stone of Jordan


List of Utility-focused Items that should NOT be featured by the Emanate System

There are a few other items that are kinda utility focused, but still too good/too powerful to still be considered simple Utility Items, and they have not been included in the Emanate Feature yet, which is a good thing, but I just want to mention them here anyway to underline that these items should NOT be included in the Emanate System:

  • Ring of Royal Grandeur
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiak
  • Leoric’s Crown
  • Pride’s Fall
  • Heart of Iron
  • Harrington Waistguard
  • Aquila Cuirass
  • Squirt’s Necklace
  • Ancestors’ Grace
  • the Immunity Amulets
  • Unity
  • Oculus Ring


Items in the Greyzone

These Items are in a greyzone between Utility on the one side and Offensive/Defensive Bonuses on the other. I am not sure if it would be a good idea to implement them into the Emanate System.

  • Pauldrons of the Skeleton King (Shoulders that have a 25% chance to trigger a Cheat Death)
  • Reaper’s Wraps (Bracers that give you Resource when picking up a Health Globe)
  • St. Archew’s Gage (gloves that give you an Absorb Shield when encountering Elites)
  • Goldwrap (belt that gives you armor based on the amount of gold you picked up)
  • Insatiable Belt (belt that increases your Maximum Life for 15 seconds when you pick up a Health Globe)
  • Sebor’s Nightmare (belt that casts Haunt on enemies when opening a chests)
  • Cord of the Sherma (the belt that create a large field on the ground that Blinds enemies)
  • Death’s Bargain (pants that turn your Life per Second into a Death Aura)
  • Ice Climbers (boots that make you immune to slow and stun effects - problematic in combination with Stone Gauntlets)
  • Illusory Boots (boots that allow you to walk through enemies, which is very powerful for some builds)
  • Overwhelming Desire (amulet that charms enemies and causes them to take increased damage while charmed)
  • Halcyon’s Ascent (amulet that CC’s enemies for a while after you used skills like WotB, Archon, etc)
  • Rogar’s Huge Stone (ring that increases your life regen the lower your health gets)
  • Wyrdward (ring that causes lightning damage has a chance to stun enemies)
  • Freeze of Deflection (shield that freezes enemies that hit you)


An Alternative Solution to help Solo Players

There are other ways to help soloplayers to be more competitive with group player than letting powerful items that have effects like “Skill X deals xxx% increased damage” to be included in the Emanate Feature.

For example by giving Followers an baseline / passive Aura that unlocks once you reach for example Paragon 1 and that gets stronger based on your Paragon Level, which gives you increased damage and damage reduction.

Let’s say that your Follower gets an Aura at Paragon Level 1, that increases your damage by 200%, and for each additional Paragon Level you have, this damage bonus increases by an additional 3%, or by 2% or by 1% per Paragon Level, up to a maximum of Paragon 200.

At Paragon 200 this would be
° 400% increased damage with a 1% increase per Paragon Level
° 600% increased damage with a 2% increase per Paragon Level
° 800% increased damage with a 3% increase per Paragon Level

Something similar can also work with Reduced Damage Taken.


Personally, for me, all legendary items should be on EMANATE list. I mean, it is not like it will be OP in the group play since you can’t bring your followers along in a group.

Sure that certain item, let’s say Flavor of Time is OP as Emanate for the solo play, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you still need to get the real Flavor of Time for your character if you are playing in a group.

Limiting Emanate List is just forcing the players to equip all the available emanate items on the followers since they don’t have much choice to pick from.


It seems to me that old items mechanics are still alive and Ess of Johan works for follower self as before. Think no need to emanate it. Also the Unity and Oculus.

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class items that doesnt have xxxx% more damage to X skills should be used by followers, also flavor of time is great to emanate so u can forget to get a good one with good rolls is just a pain


Slorak’s Madness
should be a staple!


Why not? It’s already a mandatory item on follower for solo pushing, and even if two circles overlap the buff doesn’t stack.

Making it Emanate will only give solo player one more circle for possibly better positioning, and make certain pet dependent builds able to proc the ring more reliably.


Some people just can’t stand that SOLO players finally got some love and must ruin it for them, by removing some items they don’t like.

If you don’t like FoT with followers than don’t use it on them simple as that and don’t tell others what they can or can’t use, because God forbid a SOLO player might gain 5 more GRs… :man_facepalming:

Followers should never been considered as UTILITY only from the beginning.
Compared to D2 LoD mercenaries followers in D3 RoS are a JOKE.

Not everyone enjoys playing over 6h in Rat Runs or playing only in 4 Man META groups.
Some people want to play the game in their own time and for how long they want and they sure as hell don’t want to be lectured about what items they can use and what not, cause they might have too much FUN right?

I wonder how you’d fell if suddenly Blizz decided to CAP paragons in seasons at 2000 or 2500 and allowed to gain only 50 or 100 paragons per day?
Would you be happy about it, cause it’s the same as you asking for removing FoT from emanate, cause it’s too OP?! :man_facepalming:

Why can’t people mind their own buisiness and let others who prefer to play SOLO have some FUN too.

Since when is having FUN by playing a game considered a TABU?!

For me the emanate is a welcome change and just like Kilometer said ALL Legendary powers should be added to it in time.

They’re currently focused on making D2R, D4 and D:I, so why not let SOLO players who don’t want to or just can’t spend all days in groups have some fun too?!

I don’t get why so many people are so bitter and can’t stand the fact that SOLO players finally got something good for a change…

FoT opens a lot of build possibilities and due to the ridiculous NERF to DHs GoD set which was the best and fastest SOLO build, now there’s only few options (for me UE multishot, cause I don’t like the the shadow impale one and the rapid fire is weak anyway unless you have over 3000 paragon or over 130 caldesans) and as a DH player I don’t want to be told how I can play the game and what items I’m allowed to use!

If only D2 LoD had such a great combat system and few QoL changes that D3 RoS had I would be still playing it, cause it’s hard to be a D3 RoS player, cause of all that moar powah creep or OP BS all the time and constant nerfs to popular and strong builds…
Why even bother making a build strong if you gonna ruin it anyway, cause some people have a problem with, cause it’s too easy for them when they play in their 4 Man META groups all the time and if they prefer to play SOLO than they’re really sad people if they find joy in making others unhappy, by ruining items or builds, cause they don’t like them


Legendary skills that already work while equipped on the follower don’t need to be capable of Emanate.

I thought Puzzle ring already worked on the follower?

Honestly, I agree.

Let people have fun already. When you limit Emanate to the weak legendary powers, most of the options are pointless. Let followers function as a “Kanai cube” for generic legendary powers.

And increase their damage too while you’re at it. It’s far time that they started to close the gap being solo and multiplayers.


Putting all in them could make it a little more fun :slight_smile: Easier for blizzard to implement too, no need to emanate the single items… Just use them all…


More like compared to Act II mercs, but at least they all did decent damage.

D3 follower damage was ruined way back during beta because some players complained that they could solo the Skeleton King. This logic is also why few pet builds actually have the pets do damage.


It’s largely focused on those items precisely because it doesn’t increase our power by much.

FoT passing the cut is a huge outlier, and I’m not sure if it was oversight or just so Emanate didn’t feel worthless to players that don’t care about farming mats.

I disagree completely, it is the only one that MUST remain on the list. For many builds/classes it has essentially become the only amulet you have an option on as it is too powerful. This change actually lets you use a different amulet as opposed to being locked into a singular choice. That coupled with the annoyance of finding/reforging a decent one make this an awesome change that is long overdue.


FoT being on the list follows the logic of Gloves of Worship.
People forget that anyone min-maxing will still equip a FoT because of the extra affix.
I hope they keep it.


Not sure about that. A fifth passive might be better, Squirt might be better, endless walk might be better.


Perhaps, we’ll have to wait and see.
But do you think having FoT on the emmanate list is really OP? How many tiers above people will start clearing because of it?

The loss of the 4th cube item will hit harder than the foT can compensate :confused:


I don’t think it’s OP, but it’s certainly an outlier when you look at the list.

Personally, all generic legendaries should be added to the list.


I mentioned that one and Unity so it doesn’t double-dip

You don’t need the Emanate Feature for that.
You can for example also make it so that once you reach e.g. Paragon 800, your Follower gains an Aura that gives you e.g. 600% increased damage or whatever.

Not every build has a third, forth or fifth legendary that supports its mainskill by an additional x hundred percent.

It would only widen the gap if the Emanate System would include these items.

It is the same reason for why there is such a huge gap between one LoD build and another.

Honestly, solo is so far behind that allowing all items to benefit make more sense. If they dont buff solo the only other option is to nerf groups, is that what you want these developers to do op?

Because asking for flavor of time to be removed is basically that. Might as well remove pylons from groups then right, or make it where the only person who benfits from the pylon is the one who grabbed it right? Stop trying to ruin the fun of solo players.