[2.6.10 PTR] Wizard Feedback

New post for solo push and multiplier feedback.

Also, Wizardspike no longer has the ICD in place but the proc rate is still low somehow. :confused:

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I guess all Archon builds would go for max cdr despite that change.
Mainly because wizard got huge mobility problems anyways and even the 2 second teleport CD in Archon form is a pain in the butt with no CDR on gear.

Which stats instead of CDR would you suggest to bear with a 2 second teleport cd. I feel like there are not many valueable ones:
ATS doesnt synergize very well with Vyrs since you alread got plenty of additive ATS via Vyrs 4piece (capped at 5.00 oftentimes when overlapping).
AD doesnt work with Chantodos WoD
you could get some more defensive stats like %life, Amor or All Resist, and some dmg rolls on rings (which is probably the biggest gain here)
Useful but not that big of a deal considering you have a higher teleport cooldown.

Maybe a flat cooldown reduction for Archon and its abilities would adress that.

or the generally better option, not Vyr related:
for the sake of the wizard class give Archons Teleport 3 charges with a 2 sec CD each, and while at it do the same treatment for the Teleport skill. Something like 3 charges with a ~8 sec CD would be sufficient.

They should also remove or significantly lower the ICD on Ess of Johan.

Well I’m sure cdr would still be an option for vyr archon builds, for example those that make use of the captain crimson set. That said for Archon builds forgoing chantodo, AD could be an option for the archon skills and would in fact be a way for vyr archon to differentiate itself from vyr chantodo archon, and aether walker helps with archon teleport (admittedly that takes up a weapon slot). That said, I’m not against improving teleport and would in fact consider that a welcome change.

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Not sure if it sure if anyone watches Bluddshed like I do but just watched his first video on some feedback from phase 1 PTR. Had some interesting thoughts on wizard slung at the others too.

I would like to see changes in the Magic orb skills, this will bring variety to the gameplay for this character. For example, to increase the damage Rune - destruction, this will allow you to play this character as a bosskiller.

You mean Arcane Orb and its runes, I assume.

You mean the Obliteration rune.

I think that rather than doing that, the Frozen Orb rune needs a nerf of about 50% to 67% and to make for that, the damage bonus on either Triumvirate and/or Unstable Scepter should be doubled or tripled. Or alternatively, the multiplier on Wizardspike could get significantly increased.

That way all runes would be somewhat on par with each other and thanks to the buff to the support legendaries of Arcane Orb, all of them would be viable, not just Frozen Orb.

Beyond that, if they have some time available, they could also adjust some of the Arcane Orb visuals:

Also I think that Obliteration should increase the AoE, rather than reducing it,

Previously there was an Arcane Orb rune called Arcane Nova which increased the detonation radius to 20 Yards. I personally would prefer that one over Obliteration. Maybe other people share my point of view on that.

What color is the sky in the world you live in? 

Instead of nerfing AO- Oblit, they should double all other runes (except FO) and triple the damage on Spark.

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I was not talking about nerfing Arcane Orbit, but nerfing Frozen Orb and then increase the damage bonus on items to make up for that.

I never played with Spark or Scorch, because I can not stand their visuals. Or even Frozen Orb…

They just look like unnecessarily large white/black balls that for some reason pierce through enemies. I definitely would prefer them to have a better look at a size that is more like the original sphere in the middle of the unruned Arcane Orb.

Also, buffing all runes to the level of Frozen Orb would make Arcane Orb too powerful during leveling, assuming that Disintegrate also has its tickrate adjusted, which currently is too high afaik.

They should just remove the ICD on every item, reduce % proc accordingly, and let there be a speed based proc build for once. Fast generator builds would benefit a lot from this.

For damage dealing procs I would agree in general, but with other procs, like buffs and CC’s, I can see that there might should be a short ICD of maybe ~3 seconds.

Maybe there also is a way that certain procs can not proc more than 3 times within 5 seconds for example.

I’m on board with that.

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Nah, it’s not unreasonable, considering you can cast like 4 and your out of mana. Plus, people hit 70 in Seasons in like an hour. Who cares?

And you can hit a large amount of enemies with one hit.

People that play LoD builds.

With spark and Scorch? The radius and targetability are these spells are rather limited.

Are you saying LoD Orb builds are “too good”? your thoughts on this are becoming more questionable by the minute. I think the most that can be said is LoD is a lot more fun to play without the ridiculousness of Slow Time.

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I was referring to the unruned version.
I only play with the unruned version because the unruned version has the only visuals I like for that skill.

No, I am saying that the discrepancy in damage between Arcane Orb and the other Arcane Power spenders could eventually become too large for LoD builds, depending on how the skill, its runes, the legendaries and the DMO set and the Vyr set will be balanced/adjusted.

I often play non-meta LoD builds just for the fun of it (including an Arcane Orb LoD build that only uses the unruned version), even if they are not efficient, and it would be much better if all skill runes and skills would be balanced on a base level (as well as legendaies).

I like to use Slow Time in my LoD builds. In a LoD set-up, or at the setup that I often use, you can not spam Slow Time and Slow Time is also not required to deal damage.

Funny you both should mention Spark. I was running nephalem rifts with that rune, it’s pretty darn good for that purpose. So good, I’m thinking of running it in season just for a change of pace.

With the higher multipliers, even the zaps deal good damage, making it a nice option.

The runner up was actually Obliteration. Very good rune for nuking elites. Problem though was the trash clear with that rune. I tested Unruned as well, but that one just doesn’t have the damage required for nephalems yet.

Yeah, Scorch is mechanically terrible. The dot doesn’t spread or apply nearly as quickly or widely as required, and the explosion damage is ‘meh’, accompanied with the 60+ yard travel range… :man_facepalming: Kind of feels like they wanted to put D2’s Fire Wall into the game without calling it ‘Fire Wall’.

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I think I might have reversed Spark and Scorch. Scorch might be the one that needs to be tripled. I don’t understand how’d you compare FO to Spark; I’d never use Spark when FO is on the table. Maybe for funzies for a run or two.

I don’t think doubling AO- Oblit’s damage to 1400% is out of the question, the radius is soooo small.

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That while also throwing in the druid’s molten boulder into the mix. There should be a legendary item that allows arcane orb to pierce enemies (admittedly it wouldn’t be too helpful to spark), while also constantly exploding (which would deal it’s full detonation damage or at least half of it) until it reaches it’s maximum distance.

Now THAT would be insane with Obliteration. FO/Spark wouldn’t care. Scorch is unusable, anyway. But Obliteration. Wow :stuck_out_tongue:

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