Barb Buffs in 2.6.7 & What You Want

I am glad that barbs were buffed as they were underperforming as a class, I think the key thing was the overwhelming “feedback” that Blizzard received. As I stated previously, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. As a corollary, this does not mean that the squeaky wheel made a compelling argument based on a strong foundation. An alternative hypothesis is that it could be that squeakiness can be terribly annoying.

As you know, Prokhan’s analysis of relative class power and the leaderboards have highlighted some flaws in the initial arguments/data/conclusions that were presented in the barb buff proposal and on the forum (see Measured response). Ironically, I find it interesting Ambo pride whose autocast of rend in WW is in direct opposition to the multiple posts.

These words sound somewhat authoritarian.

My point is clear. I am glad that barbs were buffed (broken record) as they were underperforming. I am truly pleased. Some truly deserve admiration for their efforts.

I strongly disagree about how some “accomplished” their change. Many before I posted in this thread made it clear what their independent issues were. I agree with that assessment. In addition, I found many of the post in this “movement” to be of questionable data, “facts”, ethics, and respect. This is to be expected on an internet forum, Moreover, there was failed theory crafting as shown by the leaderboard and a an attempt at “revisionism” but the internet never forgets. Words like “context” and “dog whistling” were thrown around to obfuscate the truth when encountering genuine criticism.