Why eth bow is not possible?

I mean all items can by eth only bows not. Why?

When was the last time you had to repair a bow at Charsi?


Yeah but thats nosenses


Bows don’t have durability therefore no ethereal status, since that would just be a uber superior bow.

On a similar note, throwables should be able to be socketed.


Ethereal/ unique projectiles would make more sense “in universe” wise since a bows damage doesn’t come from the bow itself, but rather the projectile.
You don’t melee someone with a bow, for example.

I guess they could make ethereal bows take 2x arrows per shot.

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That’s not the question at all…

The question is, why isn’t an ethereal bolt possible that shoots at half the distance of a normal bolt.

But not even I, knowing this… think that that is a good idea. Allow me to redirect you to my current thread.

And if you want a mid ranged attack, just put a whip in to the game.


Ethereal was the idea that you can have a powerful weapon but for a short time. You either burn a Zod or it breaks. A bow doesn’t have durability, the arrows are the durability. So to make a bow even stronger when it won’t break goes against the idea that ethereal was intended to be temporary


Just let eth missile weapons spawn but instead of the usual 1/20 spawn rate just set it to 1/100 or sth like that

Amazon changes need to be addressed. Suggestions inside. LONG post - PTR Feedback - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (blizzard.com)

Any weapon that does not have duration aka doesn’t need repairing do not have eth

True but you’re overlooking the fact that we can roll eth throwables with ‘auto-replenish’ and also get the “repair 1 durability each x seconds” mod on eth items when you get extremely lucky. Bowazon could be one of the best PvM noob friendly build but it remains trash tier to this day unless you get the most absolute best build and that’s a shame. Having way more fun with a Multishot DH in D3 and even that is boring to me.

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Sure lets have eth bows and socketed throwables. Jamming a jewel in a gimmershred might make sense if only the first projectile gained a bonus because you would not be jeweling the whole stack/quiver. Eth bows would require drastic rework of all bows to have durability and wear damage similar to the first game. I have wondered why the game lacked enchanted arrow quivers, seems like a missed opportunity.

Lets just give bows durability.

“Ethereal arrows”… :thinking:

50% enhanced damage.
Stack size reduced by 80%, can be stacked with other ethereal bundles.
Can’t be repaired.
Vendor doesn’t sell them.
Arrow bundles have a 5% chance of being ethereal.

this is false… uniques that spawn with indy also cant spawn eth…, so no eth cranium basher :frowning:

But… if you have a stack of 140, which one is going to get the socket!?

solid reply lol :sweat_smile:

seen this idea before on here (maybe it was you) and it’s pretty good. at least one of the modded d2 servers has this feature and it makes it easier to have A-tier bowa and possible S-tier with an uber rolled quiver

Rare footage of the bow shooting ethereal ammo in playtesting. Circa 2000.

Yeah guys, I think this one stays out of retail… - Blizzard.

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Most arpgs with bows do have magic and even unique quivers. GBA Lord of the Rings Two Towers comes to mind.