Down for me since I bought the game today at 5 am cet… Why cant I play offline when battle net servers are down???
Been down since I woke up this morning at around 11am EST, yesterday was the only time I was able to play before 2pm since release.
I have also bought the game today and can’t play anything.
The basic idea of capitalism is great: the exchange of value for value.
However, the reality of capitalism is it’s easier to grift for a profit than provide value.
Blizzard didn’t get enough servers because that would cost $ even though preorders and online purchases should have given them an idea of what they would need. Not to mention unemployment is high and we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Fact is, they have data like x% of people will quit after x% of time and just did the math that it wasn’t worth it to get new servers, better to just wait until player count drops enough for their servers to handle it. After all, they still got our money.
And we’re addicts so we won’t do anything about it. We COULD boycott D4 and other products, but we won’t because of addiction and FOMO.
Hated D3, don’t care for D4, will wait it out with D2.
Haven’t been able to play all day
try and refund your purchase immediately.
This is getting old! Been 4 hr so far for me again!
Guys, I patiently kept hitting the online button when I could and after like 10 mins of multiple tries I’m in the game. Luckily, the game session was opened with no hiccups:)
United States, Ohio: been down for hours.
Server should be up, the issue is with queues, check my post here
This is it exactly…servers are not down, just queuing.
I have been unable to connect with servers on PS4 for 3 hours now
Yep still down… way to go blizzard. Five days later and you still can’t sort out your garbage.
Can’t log in at all on ps5 and no que. This is absolutely unacceptable. Blizzard should be offering refunds for this garbage at this point.
Same here. Playing on ps5. No queue. Cant login. Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves.
They should have separate servers for PC and console… that would solve the problems. I am not happy with this situation. Bought the game 2 weeks ago and had trouble several times. I played D2 on Mac for many years but because there is no Mac support at the moment for D2R I bought it for PS4. I also miss the lobby and think the group search doesn’t work good. Just found one other player with it once. That sucks! I would play single player but there isn’t even the set players option on console.
Contact Sony for a refund. The issues with this game are so notorious at this point that you’ll get it. That, or dispute the charge. This company and launch are a total shxt show.
I’m able to connect on PS4 now, thankfully.
Still can’t connect on PS5