I bought this game to play online, so I had to wait in line for his team, how can he think like this?
Nintendo switch
10/16 845pm. Cannot connect…still. Anyone have any luck or still experiencing the same?
Can’t connect anymore either. I was able to for a couple of hours around 2pm pst
Switch as well
At least you got on. Ive been trying since last night.
It was up for a small period and then down again, still no official word.
All people want is to play, thats it.
I started and offline HC for the trophy just so I don’t get screwed yet somehow i lost pack data in OFFLINE as well (see bug report).
So I cant play online, I cant play offline for fear of hours of loss data, and your game just keeps crashing. What are you doing?
Just give up, they screwed up the launch knowing the old architecture had issues but didn’t care. I doubt they will care at all for anything in the long run, this was a quick nostalgia cash grab.
Today managed a whopping 20 minutes of play. Signed out to do a few things and when trying to sign back in can’t play because can’t connect.
I definitely won’t be touching another Blizzard game anytime soon.
Are you saying that you’re actually able to play D2R on a PC under minimum specs?? Can you hook me up with how, if that is the case? I thought I’'d be able to play it in Legacy mode, but I can’t even launch the game without error on pc…
btw, Zill is 100% correct I believe, based off my little knowledge (as a independent dev), and the behavior being an exact time.
I just downloaded d2r for PS4 and sorry if I’m late to the game but I’m unable to connect to battlenet … reading everyone’s posts this has been happening since launch ? Has anyone actually played ? Why are they still selling the game if we can’t play ? Had a refund been offered ?
LOL refund??? Maybe you will get one if you just bought it. Otherwise no.
And yeah basically consider online play non-existent.
(1) you can’t even connect to begin with. So good luck getting online to play.
(2) even if you can get online, the matchmaking is useless. Unless you find friends to specifically setup games with it’s a single player game on console.
Basically you got scammed into buying it with high expectations but zero delivery by the Blizzard team.
just tested at 6AM, it worked ^^
This is a new issue as of yesterday. Happened yesterday, now again but worse today. However, there have been server issues since launch, yes.
@LuckyPants , the matchmaking isnt useless. There is just a lack of ppl playing. Don’t really have nearly as much issues finding a party to play with since last update on PS4.
@keru , just tested at 9PM… it doesn’t work… You’re obviously in a different region. NA dont work.
Is there a way to refund it after playing several hours already?
As a console player, I feel robbed of the original d2 on PC. No lobbies, no chat, multiplayer is essentially impossible unless playing with real friends …
basically these things alone break the game in its intended purpose.
Add on literal not being able to play because of crashes and the servers being down and losing your progress over and over ?
So we see the game is broken and unplayable in 2 different ways. This is by far worse , then the cyberpunk launch .
I said it.
And they got refunds ! Just saying !
Yes , rollback our purchase for a broken game. It’s just causing us more frustration for a quick money grab.
You can really feel Activision’s greedy mitts has corrupted Blizzard to its core. Akin to Baal corrupting the world stone.
Nintendo switch player here… tried connecting all day long. Finally at 11:16 pm about the time I’m getting tired… I get in… unacceptable blizzard… please start caring about your customers again like you used to
Dont work this morning again on PS5. Only Time we can play is during night. Refund me! I didnt buy thé game to play 2 hours between 21h and 23h only per day!!! It is not written on thé game when we bought it!
Still can’t connect. Wtf
Yes this is way worse than CyberPunk launch. At least Cyber Punk was always still playable and I rather enjoyed it despite its early issues. Been awhile since I been back to it though… Easy to tell it is no where near what it “should” of been… this is worse though imo. Online is the main experience, despite who out there likes offline, that is you, the minority…
Still nadda 12:15 am 10/17
Thats when i started to have a hard time connecting wen they did that patch that didnt fix nothing made it worse