Unable to connect to battle.net (Oct 16th, 2021)

Ever since the PC queue patch, ps5 can’t connect to battle.net. What is going on with your development team, Blizzard? Give us some information on a fix or roll this change back so people can play.


An official statement would be much appreciated.


I think it’s pretty obvious what happened….

They had a choice to make, get queues in for the weekend to at least keep the servers up for PC players, or wait and have the servers crash for everyone again and again.

The lack of communication is unacceptable. The decision to break the game for console players is unacceptable. This whole launch has been a joke. Who ever signed off on the application design and infrastructure decisions needs to be fired because they’re terrible at their job.


will not get one blizzard does not read this forum and until pc goes down they will not even know we are down.
And it is clear what happened they gave us queues too. But like a bunch of idiot 10 year olds they forgot to remove the authentication time out timer. We in a queue but getting kicked after the 45 sec auto error for taking too long to connect.


We don’t have queues. Our game clients haven’t been patched to support them. If there is a queue, we simply don’t authenticate and get disconnected. They need to roll back the queue changes or console players won’t be playing this weekend.


Oh yeah and you know this how? They do not need a patch to queue the authentication server, Just like they did not need a patch to change the game creation limit 4 times in the past 3 days. How 20 years ago did queues get put in without patches? Did it many times. Not once did it solve a single issue either.

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Becuase the client, the game on the console, will timeout if it doesn’t get connected. A patch is needed for that. Your examples are all server changes, the client don’t know how to wait.


Because I’ve worked in software design, build highly available hybrid-cloud solutions, and have 30 years of infrastructure and deep technical experience.

That’s how.

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watch and learn, he gives a great explanation.

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Yeah yeah everyone does in any argument over whats going on and the truth is most of you work at mcdonalds. Funny how no one on the internet is a normal employee they always the master of whatever they talking about.
You are wrong the authentication process has 0 to do with client. Do not care if you gave me your resume from Cal tech I know this for a fact just in my experience in gaming since there was such a thing as gaming.

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I love how you say that everyone claims to be an expert and know the issue, but you turned around and did the exact same thing you crapped on others for. XD


Bragging about being a gamer is on a gaming forum is far different then about my job.
I never worked in software I havent programmed a computer since the apple 2c back in the 80s. I will not sit here and argue I am an expert. But does not change the fact the authentication has nothing to do with the client if it did it would be exploited to no end.

Want to see what happens when anything is done client side in an online game? Go look at d3 leaderboard on the ps5. Does not happen on pc because the authentication is done through battlenet.

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Let me try and break it down for you since it seems you have a limited understanding of client/server dynamics.

On consoles now, this is what happens:

  1. Game launches
  2. Tries to authenticate
  3. Server says no, here’s a ticket for the queue
  4. Console client hasn’t been updated to understand the servers response about the queue, disconnected.

If there was no queue, the console client would authenticate successfully and connect.

On the PC, since it’s been updated, here is what happens now:

  1. Game launches
  2. Tries to authenticate
  3. Server says no, here’s a ticket for the queue
  4. Game clients understands, accepts response
  5. Game client runs process for checking place in queue
  6. Once game client is told it’s time to authenticate, it resends the request
  7. Game client is authenticated, player can play.

Understand now why the client absolutely needs to be updated to understand the new responses from the server? That’s the only free lesson I’m giving today.


On console you try to authenticate. Server says no. You get a ticket for queue. It accepts 45 secs later you time out.
Works just as well and it explains why every time out is at EXACTLY 45 seconds. Your break down does not it would vary depending on how fast your connection was. Or do i have to explain the scientific method to you?

Sigh. Console has a default timeout for authentication and gives a generic error message. It’s error handling 101 in programming. It’s the same error message and timeout window for any number of reasons that would prevent you from authenticating. It just so happens that this time, the error is being caused by the queuing system.

You have no idea what you’re talking about here.

Also if we not in queue why is a 100 man queue on pc taking over 30 minutes to log in? Because we are clogging the queue with multiple attempts on console is why.

No. We’re not. There are no console players in the queue.

I’m not going to spend my time trying to raise your Pre-K level understanding of software design to a point in which I would be able to have a meaningful discussion about it with you.

Keep on keeping on. GL with your drops.


In diablo 2 all messages are “An issue occured while communicat…its you bro” Whether you fail to connect due to authentication issues or you timed out or your being limited on game creation same error message.