We r gettin a half finished product. No lobby, no /players, no queue
Still doesn’t work for 6 hours now - no communication, not even the regular twitter post from blizzard.
Is Blizzard aware of these console issues? It’s been down for several hours…
console online will be down until they implement queues for console xDDDD
i want a refund this is pathetic
Wow, calm down, Satan
Been a rubbish week at work and almost consistently everytime I have a little time to play the game it’s down or broken. Some communication is sorely needed it’s unnaceptable.
Queue system is coming to Console next week in a patch. So they say in the patch notes in the General forums.
Not surprise that we are treated like second tier players. After all, we cannot even general enough to join “general discussion”, right?
So for most console players seems they have to wait a week
They didnt even notice that the queue Thing made it unable to log in for us
I hope these Developer are losing their Jobs.
D2R, one of the worst Gaming experiences at Playstation from the last 10 years.
I can’t believe that we are unable to interact with the general forum aswell, wtf is that about, pc players complaining about lobby don’t even know that consoles aren’t working at all.
It really does lead to feeling like a second rate customer.
My guess is the reason they don’t want us console players on general/other forms is we would blow up the forms full of complaints and thus they are trying to keep us mute until this is all fixed.
There are still people defending this ,lol thats really disturbing .
Si ce 10h this morning… and probably before ( ps5 player)… incredible… and with no news on game… Diablo 4 without me ! #refundd2r
Brainwashed sheeple is what they are…
Blizzard probably has a magic wand. All they have to do is wave it and everything will magically be fixed. Thing is, they don’t want to wave that magic wand. They want you to suffer. Suffer so much, they’ve made a special forum just for you.
Blizzard s.u.c.k big time can’t play online on console, and when you can game is dead anyway because there’s no lobby.
Queue update next week HAHAHAHA w.t.f
I better not be banned I switched to my second switch and cannot log in now if this is a ban I’m going to refund game my game I was enjoy the play threw I was act 5 of my first play threw I had a full legendary inventory that took nearly 50 hours to build legit on console
This is the worse game I’ve ever paid for. Anyone involved in the management of this project should be fired or deeply ashamed of this turd that they polished up and fed to us like R. Kelly.
I just don’t like how I’m an hour or 2 of a clean beat of game and now I’m off it for a week what’s going one week servers issue this isn’t 2000 when the game came out similar issue back then ?