Uh-Oh someone made an oopsie

I like how it’s portrayed as some big tin foil hat conspiracy.

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If it’s true, and that’s a big if, it does indeed sound exciting but also very risky. They can very well just screw everything up. If it was introduced in a standalone sort of way, like an expansion, I’d be okay with it.

I fail to see what could act 6 bring new to the table, realistically.
Fully geared toons can melt anything even in higher player counts. You think higher HP/higher level mobs will change anything?
Or new items will be hard to find and get? Not while jsp is around.

Sure, ActiBlizz will want to milk D2R for all it’s worth, so maybe they’ll do it. But if you think it’ll be a game changer, think again - just look at patch 2.4

Given what has been established with the D3 storyline, including Act Bosses, and where D4 is heading with Lilith, who would be left to shoe-horn in as another D2 Act Boss?

Seems odd he would know anything certain unless it was already pretty far along. The only reason a streamer would know something like that before everyone else is maybe if they had gotten to see a preview and make a video about it that hasn’t been released yet or something. :man_shrugging:

Super Duper Mega Uber Tristram it has Uber Diablo Uber Baal Uber Mephisto Uber Lilith Uber Duriel Uber Izual Uber Nihlathak and Uber Griswold and if you kill them all an Angelfire Torch drops which gives +6 to all skills, +30-40 to all stats, 30-40 all resist, and +10-20% experience gained

They won’t do it, D2R runs on top of the old game. They can’t make any new assets only use old ones.


Look at that body language KEKW, He knew he screwed up lol. I hope Microsoft won’t sue him.

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It’s probably happening.
I guess it could be interesting, but I am skeptical.
It could also be a turd and a money grab.
Wonder what the the story would be for a huge extra area,
cause it has to make some sense with lore.

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Used more for profanity, but can also be used to stop accidental release of sensitive information. That is of course as long as they know about it… Unlike the fake news report about Asiana flight 214 coming down back in 2013, and them naming the captain/co-pilots names.

Slime area with a quicksand feel ? :3
more Void like Arcane Sanctuary ?
corrupted clouds that we walk on ?
not sure how they could take a lightning approach XD
maybe more rocky mountainous area but instead of Frozen we run trough non-deep water ?
maybe some huge temple theme ?

MrLlamaSC trolls his chat like this all the time. It’s a running gag. Good clickbait video though.


Great game, love the cleric and Wraithverge!

Unless Blizz actually wants to add an expansion to D2R I will look at it as an error a Freudian slip. slip of the tongue, etc…

There are a lot of problems that would come with an expansion. Things like zero legacy mode for the expansion. Unless they are gonna make it for not only D2R but the original D2:LOD. But changing the original just to get a legacy isn’t something that I see Blizz doing. Then what about the time period between the destruction of the world stone and Diablo Immortal.

Will there be any power creep caused by the expansion due to new items for the new act. How will they handle changing the area level to balance out having a new act. These are questions that only the devs would be able to answer, and even other questions that others could think of long before doing such a thing.

Is it possible, yes, but it is likely to happen. I would say no due to the time and money involved compared to just releasing new content in the form of patches.

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100% slip, now its time to decided when to talk about it, possible after 2.4 is released.

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In act 6, Deckard Cain makes an illusion of himself and sends it to the future to pretend to die to a butterfly so Diablo will think he’s gone.

…until the time is right…


There is no Act VI. There, I just ended your speculation.