MrLllamaSC Potentially Let Slip: Act 6 may be coming

I’m actually really surprised only one other thread was made in regards to this, so let me light this fire up some.

It appears MrLlamaSC may’ve let slip that he’s privy to some information in development, specifically this time about the development of potential future expansions or DLC.
See for yourself in the video. It is damming evidence if nothing else that he knows something.
“But Muyu! He likes to troll, so clearly he’s trolling”
Sure, but the body language, the sudden and very abrupt cut off and his facial expressions all together do not paint the picture of him trolling. This is a very real deflection and reaction from nearly letting slip some information that is quite neatly wrapped in NDA wrapping paper.

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The firstish thread on it was locked and has a blue response claiming there is no Act 6:


Ah, neat. Didn’t see this one pop up in my first sweep.

Shush. There is no cow level.


Also funny that a CM would respond. That all but confirms it for me that there is an A6 being worked on, honestly.
Blues don’t typically respond to these forums. I feel like Sir Pez was having himself a tongue-in-cheek moment by responding and locking. Why else would they so hastily react to the thread? :stuck_out_tongue:


Pez posted it to the Diablo Reddit too.

Yeah. Damage control at its finest, lol.
Only the future will tell now.

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And it was hasty I believe because cheetah asked what the original thread was about, which is probably how it caught his attention.

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Old news, clickbait. Ad revenue must be slipping.


Maybe, I guess technically saying there is no Act 6 is just a correct statement with zero indication of whether there may be in the future. Or it could even be a cow-level style joke about it being a forbidden topic. That’s probably just super wishful thinking though.

I think it would be neat if they would just take Brevik’s design document for the expansion that was never made and actually made it. Ignore any conflicts it may have with the D3/D4 stories and just consider it a separate thing.

That would probably require a lot more work than minor changes to numbers and adding new rune words though. Realistically probably not something we’d get without having to pay for an expansion. They wouldn’t even give us adventure mode in D3 without paying for it despite a “free roam” mode being the most requested thing in D3 since it was in beta.

I personally can only see it being added as a D2R only (no-legacy graphics) mode because I highly doubt they have anyone that is skilled in pixel art, so only people with computers that can handle the HD graphics would be able to play… So it’s likely to be a DLC-style expansion.

I mean, they could hire someone that does pixel art, but that’s a venture way out there.

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30 threads about this already. And BTW there’s zero chance they tell a streamer NDA stuff like that.

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30? I counted 1 when I initially searched prior to posting so that I didn’t make pointless threads.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Llama’s a pretty close asset to Blizzard.

what if this is a 4d chest move to create hype for Diablo 4? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, then we must ask ourselves the time old question…

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsiepop?

3, duh. :slight_smile:


3 licks… 1 lollipop…
… 1 Diablo II title… 2 installments…
1 + 2 = 3…
3 means 3rd installment…
Third Diablo 2 installment confirmed!
we’re getting an Act6 boys!


If it is coming, I wouldn’t expect anything “official” for at least another year or two.

Better just to forget about it and let it come as a surprise, rather than expect it and find out that it is not coming at all.

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Heart for you because that was fun logic to follow, but no we’re not xD

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I hope it’s just him misspeaking or trolling, as there’s no possible way to make a decent quality act VI (no boss would make a decent threat without feeling forced into the plot, they need to dub Cain for a whole extra act, the insertion of the act would require them to up endgame monster levels by around 10, and thus equipment too, plus relevant balance changes required, quest reward power creep, etc…).
There’s design space for additions to the game (like extra classes), but that’s not one of them.