The truth is, we are all D2 fans. We should not fight (changes vs. no changes), Blizzard should do the following:
- Three game modes (not sure why this wasn’t available on launch?): Resurrected, LoD, and Classic. All modes should have same storage (stash) too.
- Allow online mods, with that “TCP/IP”.
This will solve all the issues. There is no other way to make everyone happy, ever. Which means no one will ever get exactly what they want, you will get some stupid “alternative” such as: People asked for /player x command to get better loot and more exp (or they asked for a good endgame other than the usual), we got “Terror Zones”. People asked for removal of Immunities, we got “Sunder Charms”. People asked for class balances and shaping up the “meta”, the “meta” barely changed and there are still useless/ inferior builds.
Personally I like those changes, don’t get me wrong. But are they really what we wanted? Are they the best thing? Absolutely not, but we have to settle for them sadly.
Why are we not having this, Blizzard? Like what can we do to just have this?
Go back to playing classic
Hodor, hodor hodor hodor…
They should just bring a feature to D2:R to be able to run the original game as its “beating heart”, but it must also support all of what the original game has to offer… TCP/IP, LAN, open/closed Bnet1.0 play along with remaining fully play compatible with the original game. D2:R would just become a graphics overlay for the original game. It would be Blizzards official “mod” for the original game, and would uphold the following statement which is still proudly displayed on
Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.
In the live / PTR selection, just add legacy 1.09 / legacy 1.14.
All new graphics, Code, Security, QoL, Features,…
Old items, skills, monster stats,…
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I highly doubt Blizzard is going to put in all that time to run so many different modes of a 20+ year old game especially when this is supposed to be just a remaster. If you want the OG one you can still play that and is up and running. If you want the D2:R experience and what is offered play D2:R.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not disagreeing with what you are wanting but simply speaking in reality that they will not spend all that time and resources to give a bunch of different game versions for an old game.
what this game really need is TCP IP something diablo 2 lod have for 21 year
so player will not be force playing these garbage patch that kill the legacy of the game
because a few casual d3 player and streamer will play d2re for a few month before d4 release and after drop the game and let d2re broken for ever ,
he all know the day d4 release all these casuals will drop d2re and never play again
I agree, and the 2.4 changes have been so nice i doesn’t even wanted 1.09 anymore. But now 2.5 has drifted so far away from “The D2 you remember” that a legacy mode would be more then adequite. I mean come on, this is a remaster…
I’d love to see TCP/IP reimplemented into D2R but it very likely won’t happen after what happened with the Technical Alpha. 
All we can really do is wait for some folks at the Phrozen Keep to finish their project that would allow 3D assets to run over the top of original D2, that way we could have hardcode editing and multiplayer mods and all the other cool stuff with the awesome D2R graphics (they obviously wouldn’t provide any assets, you’d still need to buy D2R).
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Having a LoD option would be nice at this point I agree with OP.
I’d say the only way for D2R to run with a TCP/IP mode would be for it to draw only from the offline set of characters.
I also don’t understand this desire to have both a) modding and b) the LoD (or earlier) experience. These desires contradict one another as one group of players doesn’t want D2 to be played as it is (otherwise why mod it, right?) while the other wants D2R to stop innovating and be more like D2. No game company could ever satisfy such a community.
It would be pretty neat if instead of having the legacy graphics toggle, you could actually launch the original game installation, and patch of choise, through D2R. Optionally choose to have the new CoL features to go with it, auto gold pickup, controls and whatnot.
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Diablo 2: Resurrected: Rebirth coming 2029
Omg where do I pre-order !