PvP is at its peak and I hope Blizzard won't revert anything

  1. I said I care way more about PvM (which is the whole game) than PvP. I still do play PvP occasionally and I much prefer it this way. Majority seem to despite 10 people keep spamming the same points.
  2. You have different opinion than me, therefor you are clueless! Once again, bashing because of opinions.
  3. Wrong premise (see #1&#2) so wrong conclusion.

No dude, it’s obvious. Toxic because having different opinion.

Who said I don’t play PvP? It’s not an exclusive club and you being dismissive just makes your case even [way] weaker (than it already is).

I play PvP. It’s not for you 10 people only. Majority seem to be fine with FHR changes and we want it to stay in PvP and PvM. Deal with it dude, people will have different opinions and Blizzard should listen to majority not vocal minority spamming the same thing.

Seriously just adapt and git gud.

Read OP. Read my posts. Actually read before going all aggressive.

Op is just a troll we all know it. He comes out the same time every day, and when hes mom tell him internet time is done for the day, he is out until next day. and stay hit in the basement.
just repport the post he does. and he will get a new ban soon.

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I have read it all.
It’s empty, no arguments, no explanations. Just “it’s good don’t listen to those guys”.

Nah i’m pretty sure you don’t play pvp. Maybe you want to prove us wrong and challenge us in the blood moor?


Then you have not read it.

PvP is at its peak now - no longer pay-to-win with BS they obtained with FGs/$$$ and mistaking it for a skill. Time for people to actually git gud.
No cringe zero skill stun-spamming.


Ok, lets pretend to take you seriously.

How the fhr change has anything to do with the fact it would be pay-to-win or not lol?


Lmao please be a troll you cant actually be this clueless


Pvp is not pay to win and never has been gear dependent, it shows how clueless you are.

Good players with basic gear would kill bad players even with top end gear.

This game is all about reflex, locking (chainlocking), combos, tactics, defensive and offensive phases and much more.

This patch however made it differently by the way. It’s much more gear dependant now and skilless.

With this stun immunity, all skilled combos are useless. Being offensive/aggressive is unrewarding so you better be unskilled with high end top gear you will outank top skilled players.

Indeed it’s a very good patch.

I stop here.



Being out of a thread for 3 days is evidence that a guy is on-line 24/7? Really?

But that’s beside the point.

But you want to know what real toxicity is…

Real toxicity is coming into a thread to call a person toxic and then call him an idiot and never realize the hypocrisy of those two sentences together.

But yeah, whatever you say goes, sir.

Just as proof…

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Does PVP have any actual rewards that can progress your character forward?

Skill upgrades?
Gear upgrades?
Does pvp have a ladder or a way to track progress?
LOL No and ROFL No

What is the saddest pvp ever created in pc gaming history
A. D2
B. D2 LoD
C. Everquest
D. All of the above
D. Correct You win a prize its install POE And NOW YOU DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH D2JSP!

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Let’s hope it is the negative peak.

Ew I’d rather not play that trash thank you very much.

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We are happy with the changes and wish Blizzard keeps them forever, we have adapted and gotten gud!

This argument is stupid. Gear is always a factor in pvp. Lets have a hypothetical situation where 2 robots run the exact same skills, however their gear is different. One gets more life, damage reduction, plus to skills, mana, block, resist and the list goes on. Who do you think wins 99% of the time? (please don’t look like an idiot.)

Gear is VERY important in pvp.

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It might sound weird to you but we play pvp for fun cause it’s challenging.

The only reward is to get better and learn how to play the game…

It’s same as most fps like quake

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No this argument is not stupid at all.
Your argument is with two robot at same skills level.
My argument is two robot/players with 1 badly geared but extremly good player and the other one very godly geared but average player.

For example, a god tier player playing a 2k life bone necromancer can kill a whole game of top geared but average skilled player.

What i mean is that Perfect gear won’t make you win and won’t change anything. It does mather at very high skill level only.

You just need basic stuff to reach max resist, fhr (before this stupid patch), fcr breakpoints.

Skills> gear in this game in pvp and that’s for 15 years.


Right so just ignore the fact that 2 people with the same skill and different gear means your argument is stupid. I gotcha

i mean, if you take two clones, obviously the one with more gear will win. But in real situation people have different gameplay and skill level. What DHA means is that a gap in gear is easily compensated by skill. Being a better player than your opponent is always going to matter much more than being well geared (except in some very specific match up)

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Then stop cuz blizzard is trying to tell u stop trolling the forms. Dude u keep going ur going to get banned. If u don’t stop spamming/trolling the forms.

Ur spamming by repeating the same crap like a broken record. Which also breaks the forms rules.

Consider ur self warned.


Also how can a change be considered good when it made items such as these worthless:
All skillers with FHR = crap
Small charms with FHR = crap

Yeah great change :rofl:

Also FHR breakpoints are now practically useless as you dont need to pay attention to it anymore, so another facet of character building has dimisnished. Dumbing down the game is not a good change in the slightest.


It made stunning useless. Spam-stunning is absolute zero skill. By doing so it made it infinitely more fun.

It also made gear less relevant so PvP is more skill-based (although it still is not skill requiring).