PvP is at its peak and I hope Blizzard won't revert anything

Truth and yes, sorb/resist limitation in PvP would make it awesome.

PvP is fine. It’s at its very peak at the moment, those who abuse WSG or cheap stun-spamming are mostly the ones who are upset and refuse to git gud and adapt.

I hope Blizzard know for a fact they are NOT the majority. In fact they are the vast minority where at best they are ~10 people while the rest are happy about the changes.

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How is it better now ?
You can’t catch anyone, its just random spamming of ranged attacks now. Bowa is totally OP now, maybe even more than sins used to be. Barbs are almost useless. The balance was more broken than fixed with this.

I was looking forward to learn to properly use werebear-shockwave-volcano with my druid, which was pretty cool combo, hard to execute properly. Not a cheap stun mechanic. Now I can only spam random nados and hope it hit my oponent lol. ES sorcs will now be impossible to kill as they can always escape from telestomp.


Already explained. No more stun-spamming which requires no skill and is unfun to go against (or even to play as).

Skill issues. Adapt and you will get there.

Compared to previous state it’s way better, PvP has always been unbalanced (and very, very broken) and only few builds reigned terror. This is a step in the right direction.

The only mechanic that had to be toned down a bit was mind blast. They could do that either by reducing the duration of the stun on it, or making it have worse cast rate, similar to lightning/cl for sorc, or some other solution…
The general FHR mechanics (where you get stunned when you get damaged for more than 1/12 of you hp as well as other stuns (shockwave, barb leap…) were perfectly fine. Without stuns it actually require far less skill to play as you can just tele around spamming random projectiles and never get caught. It comes down much more on pure luck now.

I’m trying my best. Actually managing much better than before on my bowa. And the nemesis for my druid, assassin, is out of the game. Is it more balanced and fun though ? I Don’t think so. Still want the changes reverted.

So making PvP only viable for ranged charcters is a step into right direction ? Okay…


?? wtf is that post, you were saying you played only pvm a few days ago if i remember correctly


Never ever said that.

More misinformation, please.

Would ruin PvM.

Can agree to an extent. I still prefer them gone to be honest, way more fun this way.

I find it more fun but like I said it was always unbalanced, there were always classes who reign terrors and others “just for fun”.

Compared to what we had? Yeah.

lol, you did a topic some days ago and you were totally clueless about pvp (which is fine tbh). You were like “PvP Shouldnt Impact PvM” when we were all about the FHR change which doesnt impact pvm, and you recognized yourself that as long as something doesnt impact pvm, you dont mind it being changed or w/e. And now you are telling us the change is good for pvp and you are sure everyone is in favor of it and only 3/4 games are spaming it XD. And you are even giving advice (well more “get goot or get rekt” answer) as if you had any clue how pvp works in d2…

Pls stop trolling, its already painful enough with blizzard trolling us


Uhmm… That’s not what I asked for. Also, more misinformation with no evidence.

Stay in topic, please. This is pathetic. The mental gymnastics, ad hominem, and lies people.

are you going to cry for misinformation every time xd ?

You are 100% trolling aha


When it is a misinformation, sure.

See? This is the difference between us. One discusses civilly and the other is just toxic posting personal insults out of topic. Who should Blizzard listen to?

Again, stay in topic or get ignored.

Insulting? i’m just saying you are trolling and i asked you to stop. There is no insult lol.

Otherwise, there have been enough topic to explain why the current patch is a bad thing but w/e…

You yourself complain about pvp being a tele fiesta. Well bad news, with out stun you cant never stop the actual tele fiesta. Even worse, actual aggressive gameplay is less rewarded because you cant deal as much dmg as before, while random spaming and running away became incrisingly stronger in comparaison. This is more close tthat boring telefiesta than ever before… Melee character are weaker than ever because of that.

Imagine a smiter having to stomp succesfully his oponent two or 3 time before and then to execute fairly complicated combo to capitalize on it. It was already hard to play it well before, but now 1) his complete combo are almost dead because of the anti stun mechanic. 2) He needs as a result to do twice as more sucesfull stomp to succed, while his opponent caster is potentially rewarded twice as much for spaming randomly

Team play in tvt is also destroyed as people cant coordinate around stun to execute fast take out. Now its probably going to be camp team only, with only 2 form of cooperation “rush the amazon” “protect the amazon”

i could keep going for a while, or you could just read a bit the others topics posted on the matter


“You disagree with my opinion therefor you are a troll”.

Stopping the “tele-fiesta” with the spam-stun meta is so much fun, yay!

PvP was always a broken mess in which VERY few classes reigned terror, and the others were bad. Smiter went from OP no skill to better balanced. It’s a step into the right direction.

Get good and adapt? Add one more rule? TvT is not standard PvP even, and you already use 10000 rules when playing it.

I did read them, none convinced me. People can have different opinion to you and Blizzard should satisfy the majority not some vocal minority spamming on the forums while the rest are happy playing the game.

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But your answer kinda show you are clueless about how the game is played in pvp tho, no offence…

Smiter have never been op, stop trusting what Oscar says on that, the guy is totally out of the loop and has no idea what is even going on. And no skill? bro you are crazy, i literally explained you you need to perform complexe combo to make it work proprely, while having a very risky gameplay

And ofc we are going to add rules, but we cant add rules to compensate for stun not working lol, there is nothing we can do about that. The tools to coordinate in team vs team simply doesnt exist anymore. And yes, TvT is standart PvP lol, its probably even more played than 1v1 for tournament for example. Its really popular in the different communities…

About stun, i agree they were a little too strong in tvt, probably fine in 1v1 (Assassin opness came in big part from the martial art being sure hit). But this patch nuke down much more than just assassin lol. Its way worse than before and the game got dumbed down to kindergarten level

And “get good and adapt” isnt an answer, because the adaptation you talk about would probably not be to play better, but to play more defensive or in the lamest way possible. Its just not healthy for the game…


Your answer kinda show how you are clueless about the game. Smiter was always OP and you should not listen to people telling you otherwise. See how that sounds?

Your opinion is not a fact. People can have a different opinion.

More misinformation. TvT is not the standard by far, your tournaments mean absolutely nothing. We talk about the majority; those are the ones that matter and the ones Blizzard are listening to.

It’s way better than before with just spam-stunning and calling it a skill.

Your opinion is not a fact. People can have a different opinion.

Again, that’s like your opinion man. Again, Blizzard should listen to the majority. Let them make a decisive poll. But be it us or you guys, being dismissive to other party and aggressive just because they are having different opinion is never okay.

Your opinion is not a fact. People can have a different opinion.

I mean I know he’s just trolling, but he does make a pretty good point, it really is only like 10 of you guys lol.

You are just being toxic right now. Come on, i know you can be smarter than that.

The majority of dueling game are in private btw, not in pub game, because at that point 95% of the people who wanted to duel seriously joined some community


Well sorry if i’m not online 24/7 like you, actualy have a job and wife.

Yes you are toxic, same as OP.

You both don’t play PvP and don’t care about it.

Your only pleasure is to trash talk about guys that share the same passion for pvp for years. And most of them are just trying to make the game better.

Seriously i don’t get it. For real, i just pity you.


Yeah we get it buddy, people who have different opinions to you are “toxic”. Toxic word really lost its meaning online.

Citation needed for your majority. Blizzard obviously listened to the majority when they made those FHR changes dude. WSG glitch and spam-stun were the most annoying things ever and it’s just 10 people keep spamming the forums with same crap because they don’t want to adapt I am sorry to say…

“You have different opinion than mine therefor you are toxic”. Seems very common with those 10 D2R Forums PvP guys. But also you added “I am better than you I have a life”, lol.

D2R is not a game for you 10 people only. Lots of people like the changes and appreciate them, and we can voice our opinions. Majority seem to enjoy it because again: 10 people are constantly spamming with the same complaints.

PvP is fine. People’s mindsets need to adapt.

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its not about opinion, its just that i saw you in the topic before and it seems obvious to me that 1) you dont care about pvp 2) you are clueless about it (nothing wrong with that)
and 3) you are therefore trolling because you didnt like some answers in the topic before. You are not being honest about it. Thats what is toxic…


PvP is for people that play PvP :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, whats your problem if thats only 10 people? Let those 10 people share their opinion about PvP and how to improve it.

Once again, all this fhr change is a PvP only change. I don’t get why you care so much since you don’t pvp.

Also, explain me why pvp is fine at the current state?