Pvp balance in d2r is over!

Pve, Pvp both are same game player. Don’t despise PVP users.
It’s just a different kind of fun to pursue.

It doesn’t make sense for a ranged wizard to have no penalty like this.
All the skills are working with Blocking… and stun skills are useless.
plz roll back and Please return my hobbies


What goal? Be the biggest name on the server? LoL as if that gives D2 more “meaning”.
You can do whatever as long as its fun. Go be the biggest bad in a noncompetitive minigame pvp game if that is what makes you happy go for it but don’t pretent your anyhting better than someone who just enjoys the game. That makes you actually looking ridiculous.

i dont know, actually have an use for the gg items you aim for feels a bit better than farming just for the pleasure to kill diablo 0.2 s faster lol

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Its fine go for it.
Be biggest bad on server and tell your friends you can do very good in d2 pvp LMAO

Barbarian versus casters…

Toxic. Rename to “Idiotlis”

Didnt read.
Still toxic. Bye

Your loss, but for the record, calling someone an idiot for disagreeing with you isn’t exactly “non-toxic”. Just so you know, Joker.

The only pvp after 2.4 is the missile magic character’s infinite missile launch. Barbarians, Paladins, and Assassins in close combat can no longer hold swords due to Necromancers, Druids, Paladins, and Amazons that cover the entire screen.

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Absolutely true! They’re all in pretty bad spot atm!


I. Release updated 2.4 ver

Nec specification : LV90, FHR 56, FCR 125, dmg Reduce 50%, BR 75%
I’m dead if I’m hit by three bone spirits.

ASN " " : LV98, FHR 60, FCR 105, weapons block 60%

What skill should I use to attack the enemy now? My trap was blocked by a wizard’s bone spike and a Thunder God belt, and martial arts skills became unusable. Fantastic missile Diablo IIR collaboration created by the opinions of developers who have never done PvP and users who just hate PvP.

Enemies no longer struggle with my traps and mind blast combos… A free-running dance club.

Thanks to the developers who don’t know the game in pvp and some people who don’t even know the difference between pvm and pvp, my character has become a fool who can’t beat anyone anymore.

great. What do I benefit from better FHR? Didn’t I say balance patch? What’s the point of useless junk martial arts and easily defended traps?

II. 2.3 ver duel for ASN vs NEC (before update 2.4ver)

Nec specification : LV96, FHR 86, FCR 125, dmg Reduce 50%, BR 75%
ASN " " : LV98, FHR 60, FCR 105, weapons block 60%

look at this…Can’t you see and feel anything?!


So happy to see this video, it just shows how pay-to-win won’t carry some players anymore and they actually need to git gud.

Now using FGs or real money to get top-gear for huge advantage and thinking it is a skill is a thing of the past. Good job Blizzard - PvP actually require some skills and not purely who has better gear.

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You have no idea what you’re talking about. 0 awareness of PvP mechanics and the PvP part of the game itself. Just trolling PvP-related topics for no reason…Something must be completely wrong with you.

There’s no skill involved in current 2.4 patch, just random spell spamming. But you cannot know that cuz u are not a PvP player, so - please don’t comment on stuff you don’t understand. Thank you!


revert FHR changes, revert amazonbuffs, revert necro buffs, increase teeth damage to compensate for druid pets, nerf mindblast stun, nerf openwounds etc

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“You disagree with me therefor you are toxic, clueless, and your opinion should be dismissed”.

PvP is fine; some mindsets aren’t. Majority are happy it’s only 10 VERY LOUD people who are also very hostile, aggressive, toxic and dismissive to other people.

Thank you Blizzard and keep it up please. Majority are happy with the changes.

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Nah, PvP is not fine, it’s almost dead. There’re 0 public PvP games in comparison to pre-2.4 where they were 4-5 full games running simultaneously per server. Private games are close to 0 as well, but as i said, you have no clue about that. Stop spamming.


I see many PvP games personally, way more than before 2.4.

Stop spreading misinformation and being hostile to anyone disagreeing with your propaganda. PvP is fine. 10 people with alt accounts should not decide D2R’s fate.

Go see a doctor, you most probably have some serious eye problems. Where did u see them, i wanna join - pls send me game name


assassin can cheese nec and casters with open wounds just apply and run away. Sins have been on top for a long long time. On top of that, I believe most assassins on asia realm when I was playing relied on 2.3 broken kicks and open wounds. Just have to adapt i guess :frowning: now it’s filled with max poison tele bow zons.

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toxic casuals are 100x worse than an angry pvp player.

Youre a toxic casual.