PvP is at its peak and I hope Blizzard won't revert anything

PvP is fine.

Finally for once it is not a boring snoozefest and total lack of skill that is: spam teleport, spam stun lock, kill them.

Now PvP was always a broken unbalanced mess, but at least now it’s more fun without that stunning shenanigan.
It is way less of “pay-to-win” of who has better gear obtained with FGs/$$$ wins and mistake it for skill than ever before.

Please don’t listen to the vast (VERY LOCAL) minority and revert the changes, at least consider making an official poll. I think time and resources would better spent on the main game (which is PvM) than the PvP mini-game.

People just need to git gud and adapt, honestly.

This is my honest opinion it seems 4-5 people keep spamming the forums with the same topic so I have all the right to place my opinion.

Appreciate all the changes Blizzard. Keep it up.


You are the local minority against reverting changes :slight_smile:


Source? Blizzard more than welcomed to make an official poll.

All I seen is at max 10 people spamming about it. Where are the rest? Are they very happy and satisified?

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I agree, the changes should stay, far too long have only 4 FpK builds been viable, and the FHR is at the root cause of why this is the case.



People need to git gud and adapt, that is all. They refuse to evolve, that’s on them.

PvP is fine.


Need no source, just look up the quantity of complaints posts of different players in this forum against players with real arguments being happy with new PVP changes.

PS: Whining that Stuning is annoying is not an argument. Play a Fighting game, some kind of FHR/stun/disable happens in every fighting game possible if you fail to block or the enemy gets the first hit/grab on you.

You’re probably a tier 7 PvP’er, thats why you feel this way.


This is true, but in those fighting games there is also balance. Is there a fighting game in which an opponent can spam a simple attack, smite or MB, and perma stun an opponent?, invalidating 80-90% of all builds in the game?

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I do play fighting games as a matter of fact. I play real skill-requiring PvP game and could challenge you at them easily.

None of them have stun spamming like in D2R, not sure what you are into.
EDIT: OscarMK made my point even more obvious. Really not sure what you are talking about, no fighting (hell, PvP) game has this spam stunning.

Like I said, all I saw was same at the very best 10 people complaining. The rest are either saying it is fine, or absolute silent majority. Why is the majority silent?

PvP is fine, you guys need to adapt and evolve as D2R does.


I’ll gladly show you how broken and unbalanced d2 pvp is right now.


Just a warning, truth bombing the pvp crowd is against forum rules for some reason.

Just so you know…

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Is it really? I don’t get why people just can’t evolve or adapt. D2R will always change from now on and if you refuse to get good you will be left behind.

In any case they really ARE the vocal minority. I seen like 10 people complaining endlessly. The rest most likely are happy and have adapted.

Always has been. Now at least it’s a bit fun.

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Haha… Look at this persons post history, and you can see that They is one of the 4-5 person They talks about. making Threads about the same topic over and over.


No, but combos while being stuned are very well possible and those can be deadly as well.
Ever played Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter? Heck even smash bros you can just juggle enemies from both sides until you are shut down out of the screen.
Peple have suggested that there could be a stun diminish after a period of stun lenght because having full stun immunity is just absurd.
Team Combos or strategies are not possible this way, players just run away/disengage and keep spamming range projectiles.

Not the same as spamming a mouse click button skill to spam them into locked animation. The said skill has 100% attack-rate (non-blockable) and works at virtually any range and has FCR-dependent starting frames (really negatable, it’s very spamable and almost instant).

For starter all of those moves you talk about have COUNTERS and are PUNISHABLE. This is false equivalence.


Combos are ok, D2 PvP chars unlike the games you mentioned, die in only a couple of hits though, so just one combo of perma stun is game over, can’t respond at all, unlike the games you mentioned.

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Just sayin’, expect your post to be flagged as “trolling” and a possible vacation to follow.

Also, just as aside, if you post in one of their threads and refrain from doing so for say 3 to 6 days, you will get replies and one or more of those replies will be attacks on your intelligence. Do not reply, your response, in a thread you haven’t posted in days will be flagged as trolling.

You have been warned.


Like I said in my post above yours, what he is saying is classic false equivalence lol.

Actually, this has already happened to me twice. It’s sad how things are ran. It seems automated and abusable.

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Not really, if you got a shield and high block chance or evasion rate you dont die after a few hits.
The Amazon even has a higher PVP advantage because of her passive skill tree.
Thats why Attack Rating and Defense play a huge role in PVP, with items like 3/20/20 who (were) pretty sought for pvp, also 160/60 or 120/45, to get faster hit breakpoints to be able to hit the enemy.

Nice ignoring me after trying to mislead my topic with false argument.

Anyways, so what you are saying is PvP should be pay-to-win? Those with highest equipment stand a chance? So much for skilled gameplay.

But it was false equivalence anyways comparing it to fighting games. No fighting game (or any PvP) had that stun-lock spamming BS.

Yeah… It really is at its best state. I hope Blizzard won’t ever revert it back.