Pvp balance in d2r is over!

I am an Assassin user who enjoys PK. This patch became the saddest and most difficult time in my 20 years of DIABlO career. The reason was, the main route was to tie up and attack the opponent using mind blast and traps, but due to this patch, Assassin is the weakest in the pk room and can not catch any character. Trap damage could not defeat any character that had been set to absorb, and the skill that inflicts physical damage did not pose any threat due to its low attack rating. I don’t know what the patch will look like in the future, but the next patch seems to decide whether to close Diablo 2 or continue. Assassin is an assassin? It’s just a piece of meat.


(post deleted by author)

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Since the FHR has been deleted, casting spalls that cause high damage, such as necromancer and Amazon, Paladin, BaBarian, must have a trial cooldown. But this is not what everyone wants. WOW and D2R have implemented opposition to OP in the game in different ways by distinctly different developers. So please roll back my character’s FHR. I’m begging you. I want to play 2.3 ver…


A certain stupid sorceress user died while hunting without setting FHR and asked to fix it. I think it’s foolish to eat meat at the table and get rid of it because it makes your stomach hurt.

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Yes it was a pretty vegan move XD

the fact that you didnt play a competitive end game and keep spamming mephisto doesnt mean the rest of the players do the same thing.

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hey i have explained the issue in 1 topic
and provided the fix in the 2nd topic in its entirety

if you want to have a look go to - > Diablo 2 Resurrected - Player Vs Player - Model , Concept , Ideas , Design , Suggestion

constructive feedback is appreciated but only in relation towards esthetics / theme / name
of the model / mechanic of any value

( to apply what i ve written to the live servers takes far less than 2 hours for 1 Person only & can be a part of the next regular or emergency maintenance without any problems

Bad players with for whatever reason have huge influence on d2r devs. “Waa I get killed teleporting because of FHR and block animations fix it blizz.”

And here we are.


Wanna know why PvM players have low opinions of PvP and the people that play that way, let me tell you a story.

Imagine, if you will, a player leveling up a Hunter Druid, a pet centric bow using druid, that players gets to level 13 but forgot to password his game. So, another player enters his game and goes hostile. This second player starts trash talking and asking where the original player is at currently.

The original player, hoping the guy would just go away, says, “Come find me.”

The second player asks, “Are you good?”

Really, not in the mood to explain himself about wanting to play alone and not being speced for any kind of pvp, the original player says, “Hell yeah, I’m the best!”

The second player says, “Come to the Blood Fields” (or whatever they’re called).

So, finally fed up, the first player does as asked. The second player walks up and starts beating on the first players character while the first player just let’s him. Quickly, the first player’s character dies and the second player leaves without even picking up the ear.

Yeah, true story, so yeah, PvP sucks and so does anyone that plays it.

Ok, so because you can find madmen in the world who kill people using sword, swordmanship as a sport sux and anyone who enjoy it is the same ? wtf is that 5 years old logic

Do you really think people posting here spend then time hunting pvmers in random game…?

Get real lol, if Blizzard put a option in game creation to disable hostility, we would be totally fine with it. Personnaly, only time i would care is when uber diablo spawn, because fighting around uber to try to get the annihilus is probably one of the funniest things that can happen.

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No, I’m saying, that apparently there aren’t enough PvP players for the devs to be concerned about them if some of them have to go into random games looking for “competition”.

the one who do that are just looking for easy kills. People like that exist regardless of the population of the game. Its the same kind of players who pk grey lvl in wow… Dont lump the pvp community with them thank you

Nope, I’ll lump whoever I want with whoever I want especially when they’re all cut from the same cloth. I mean, we’re not talking about racial profiling here or something like that, but about players who call themselves “PVPers”. If a person identifies themselves as a thing in a game, then yes, they put a stain on all who they associate themselves with.


So since they play diablo 2 and you play diablo 2 as well, you are just as much as a lame idiot as they are. You and them both call yourselves “players” after all


i can do 3 y/o logic as well

Yep, we’re all idiots for playing a game.

Here’s the thing. When a player is playing a game like chess and another player comes in wanting to play checkers, so he tosses all the pieces, breaks the board and says, “Let’s play Checkers!” That’s what I’m talking about here.

And it’s perfectly logical for that player not to ever want to play checkers with anybody ever. That’s what I’m talking about.

The two parts of the game aren’t kept seperate, Pvp/Pvm. So either can invade the others game. And they want to influence how the other plays.

One of them has to go and I vote PvPers find another frickin’ game!

Ok lets do that in 3 points :slight_smile:

  1. this is not the subject on that topic
  2. i can understand you got pissed, but does that lone experience is justification enough to remove pvp from this game and ruin the fun of others players ?
  3. Remove pvp from the game? Just ask them to put an option when you create lobby to remove the host possibility. We wouldnt mind that at all lol

Doesn’t fix the issue. The topic is about the devs changing something in the game that is an improvement and a part of players moaning and groaning about changing it back because now we can’t “easy kill” with stunlock and thus PvP is ruined.

I mean, really, making stun lock not a thing ruins pvp? Are you serious? Adapt, make new rules, which you folks have been doing for yourselves for years, instead of whining about something that improves the game in tons of other ways.


And my first post in this thread was a direct answer to a question asked by another poster in this thread, namely, “Why do PvMers hate PvPers so much.” And I gave my answer.

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Its not an improvement lmao. Read what people says in that topic if you want to understand what goes wrong

Btw, do you have any idea how arrogant you sound, telling people than have been pvping for years what is an improvement or what is not when you probably yourself dont pvp at all ? Like you are totally clueless about the matter and you walk in it and you are like “shut up guys i know beter you just cry baby who like to kill pvmers”

You’re not reading me correctly. Where did I say it improves PvP? It improves PvM. The fact it effects PvP in anyway is irrelevant. It’s an improvement to the game as its supposed to be played but “No, don’t ever change things, devs. It messes with our niche activity and we can’t have that.”

Like I said, the niche wants to influence how the rest of us play.

Directly quoted from the patch

" > Developer Comments: We want to fix some of the awkward lockouts that reject player input from casting skills. For PVP, we added a way to reduce hit recovery spam to prevent edge cases of characters being locked out for too long."

This is a pvp change ?? Hello ??

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