Pvp balance in d2r is over!

The two sentences are seperate. The first sentence has to do with pvm and the second has to do with pvp.

It’s basically, we changed how something works for pvm and it effected pvp. We think assassins being able to easy kill with stunlock is dumb, so we changed it. Get over it!

ok read just a bit before now :slight_smile:

“Character hit recovery will now have diminishing returns when being hit by another player”


The entire topic is about that

/E anw i’m deleting my message past that point of the discussion. Talking with you make no sense as you are obviously unable to have any coherent thoughts about this matter

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Point is, the topic is dumb!

You guys have made rules for yourselves for years. Well since the game came into existence. Something changed and you have to make new rules, like you’ve been doing for years, but this time, we’re not doing it. No way, No How. How dare you even ask!

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Pvp always sucked. That didn’t change. The fact you guys have to make your own rules is evidence of that fact. In other words, it’s you guys that are the problem and not the game.

A niche group of players is unhappy with a change, a change that actually doesn’t do anything but remove an over-powered mechanic. The fact that you guys relied on stunlock so heavily is a huge problem with pvp itself. Removing it just means you have to find another way to play that doesn’t include one player negating all skills from another.

Hmmm, seems like an improvement to me.

Yeah, who’s got the grade school mentality now? Take it easy, big fella.

Seriously, cry more please. Ever since the incident I described earlier, pvper’s tears have fueled me and today I feast!

I’ll laugh because that was slightly funny…

But on a seriously, I do have PTSD, not from that experience, but something much much more traumatic. You really shouldn’t trivialize a real mental disorder. But again, I’m the one with a “grade school mentality”, right?

yeah, yeah. You are pretty sorry. I agree. G’night.

When was it ever balanced? D2 pvp was loosely stitched together with a bunch of gentlemen’s agreements to begin with.


One of the most clueless posts I’ve ever even seen here

Please spare us from your ignorant opinion

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I don’t play pvp competitively. Rarely and casually. Just not my cup of tea. I don’t have the time to grind for the gg pvp items: job, family, other hobbies.
You are as toxic as the pvp players who pay real money for their gear and than cry that their 500usd assassin became irrelevant.

The FHR changes impacted the current meta that hasn’t been touched for literally a decade.
You don’t play pvp, it’s ok, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t an important part of the community/economy. I have all the respect for the real pvp players, the ones that played the game to amass wealth and didn’t reach for the pocket. Without them who would’ve I sold the jmods, tri res boots, +life skillers etc, 3/20/20 charms, ias/ed jewels etc? Without pvp players buying my loot maybe I wouldn’t have had all the items and runewords I own.

So stop being so condescending regarding an important part of the community. Do I agree with their complaints? No. I find this major changes to the meta refreshing. But it’s normal to exist reactions to such a change of the status-quo.

Its an insult to the playerbase to get rid or make core mechanics somewhat useless that were first implemented in diablo 1 and enhaced even further in D2, just because new generation blizzard “dislikes them”.
You might as well want to get rid of all faster frame rates affixes for PVE of the whole game as well.
Damage nerfs/buffs is one thing but getting rid of Stuns is the dumbest “balance” ive ever seen from blizzard.


What do you do, compete do be the biggest bad on the server? LMAO
You guys are so ridiculous, get a life.

you have fun killing meph, we have fun doing both, pve and pvp. Farming without a goal its farming items for nothing

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Stuns are integral to dueling, we need to revert to 2.3 and rethink how stun nerfs should be implemented. Swirlies mean nothing right now.


Pve, Pvp both are same game player. Don’t despise PVP users.
It’s just a different kind of fun to pursue.

It doesn’t make sense for a ranged wizard to have no penalty like this.
All the skills are working with Blocking… and stun skills are useless.
plz roll back and Please return my hobbies


What goal? Be the biggest name on the server? LoL as if that gives D2 more “meaning”.
You can do whatever as long as its fun. Go be the biggest bad in a noncompetitive minigame pvp game if that is what makes you happy go for it but don’t pretent your anyhting better than someone who just enjoys the game. That makes you actually looking ridiculous.

i dont know, actually have an use for the gg items you aim for feels a bit better than farming just for the pleasure to kill diablo 0.2 s faster lol

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Its fine go for it.
Be biggest bad on server and tell your friends you can do very good in d2 pvp LMAO

Barbarian versus casters…

Toxic. Rename to “Idiotlis”