Pvp balance in d2r is over!

The opposite is correct. No one gives a f if your are one “OG” player or about your GaMeKnOwLedGe. You selfproclaimed “competitive” players are the guys with irrelevant opinion, no one cares no matter how long you whine on the forums the devs will ignore you. It funny how hard you try, but you will get nothing. Just look at 2.4, accept and move on. Almost pathetic.

Maybe some confused garbage can d3 pvp for legendary pvp game d2

Trolling hard on this one. The not giving a F about the OG players that have game knowledge is exactly what will cause the game to fail. Why do you think this game has OG players in the first place?

The reason a 20 year old game like this one or CS1.6 still has the original fan base playing it is because there are game elements that people enjoy. The mindset that it is not important, is exactly why WoW is withering away right now. So yea lets promote ignoring the OG players and call their opinions “irrelevant”, even though they are the most relevant opinions. Good idea.


So much wrong with this.

WoW withering away? Guess what, internal problems causing content draughts and p2w bs and all that stuff that happens latly. Nothing to do with ingame mechanics or balance patch changes, those have been changing the core game each expansion since 2007 greatly and the game was still running at the top until like 2018. Go make up more arguments.

No one cares about a handful of players, if you like it or not. Its more important to revive the brand and bring in new players, especially casuals to sell d4. No one cares about some hardcore manbabies. Go play the OG game, thats still there for you.

you clearly didnt play wow recently LOL

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Did you read and not comprehend.
Or cant u read?

lmao if u are a represent the hardcore pvp guys you are hopless

you are acting as if wow mechanic / gameplay change has nothing to do with its decline, and its just wrong bro.

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Blizzard made the change to FHR specifically for PvP.

The haters need to be quiet.

Reverting the change would have zero effect on PvM play. It doesn’t effect you PvMer’s in any way.

So please haters, just get out of the conversation, your opinions really don’t matter.

Pvp LLD and high lvl stuff has no worth anymore. They…it up. They dont listen and do what they want. Bring back saison one omg…

You PvPers are just lazy. You became comfortable whit no changes over 20 years. 20 years of monotony. Now it’s time to use your knowledge, and fantasy to start theory crafting new ways, to be good in pvp. But you just refuse to adapt. Like if evoulution had to rely on you guys, in ancient times, we would still be hanging from trees, and throwing :poop: at eachother.


interesting comment from someone who knows exactly what is going on

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I get it. The FHR an block animation change was… uhm… unjustified. Other than that, it’s nothing but a matter of brain work. And adding new rules, to your little black book of forbidden things in PvP.

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Haha… you have to be trolling now. Can’t be serious with this take.

You don’t think WoW is withering away, yet Blizzard Re-Released BC, now why do you think that is?.. probably not because they made so many changes people disliked that they literally reset it back to classic for people.

And… you are the handful of players, because you will be gone when the rest of us are still here. Trying to make D2R the way they “revive the brand and bring in new players” is not by making the game trash. You haven’t been paying attention to anything anyone here has said. You think the hardcore OG crowd wants to make the game worse?.. Noooo… They want to make this game the best possible so they can go on enjoying it and not go play Lost Ark or some other crappier version of D2.

I really don’t know what you are fighting FOR in this thread anyway… a Blizzard paycheck?

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no you dont get it :slight_smile:

Some classes got their whole gameplay destroyed by the patch. The game as a whole isnt the same anymore. Its not just different, its less complexe, less skilled, less fun. Its not something we can change with rules. We are obviously going to change them and adapt them, but it will never be enough


The direction of all patches should be happy for the majority, but the conclusion of this patch is that only Druid and Amazon like patches. It’s the sadness and despair of users who use the rest of the characters. Are you saying that there’s nothing wrong with your enjoyment left over someone’s tears?

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It changed like it changed up to 1.11. This game went :poop: whit the introduction of runewords in 1.10, and become super easy. This is not the first big shift in the game and not the last.

That’s right, but some of the things that didn’t change, FHR, FCR, FBR, IAS, FR, etc., were the framework and foundation of this game system. Everything in the world is shaped like a basic skeleton, with flesh and blood attached to it. When the basic skeleton changes, many things change. Never take it lightly.

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I said I don’t agree whit FHR block animation, IAS changes.

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Let’s get rid of fast cast frame and fast run frame. And just adapt to the new meta!
To be simpler. Like as junk mobile game~

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Ur right…

The problem is that the additive effect applied as a preparation for Wow’s Crowd Control is applied equally to D2R for the additive effect. It is enough to change the FHR of Sorceress, Amazon, or Druid to similar or less than Barbarian, but all stun skills, knockback effects, and FHR have become unnecessary options due to the gradual effect.

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