Pvp balance in d2r is over!

Learn to read mate, you understood my reply the other way it seems

It’s still here because PvPers have driven an economy for 20+ years.

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Let’s keep pvp alive, revert fhr please!


They dont want to keep pvp alive. They have turned this into a d3 no pvp crap loot pve adventure game.

They lied to us just to get a sale. ANd now they rubbing crap in our faces.


FHR was a key mechanism in the game.

Now it’s a missile shooting game. The old Diablo 2 in Legacy Mode made it better.

It’s not the Diablo 2 I know anymore.

I’m disappointed. I want a refund.


I want the refund too. If not the refund then i want to waive my rights and join the class action. Im sick and tired of blizzard ripping me off and doing crap like this.

Stealing money from people with the same constant bait and switch gets old and makes people extremely bitter towards them. This community is now over run with people i do notwish to associate with at all. I will delete the one character i have been able to scrape by and build. They can just lock the damn account and erase it. I dont care. The $40 i spent was for a diablo 2 updated graphic game ONLY!

Its ok to add features and items, but removing them was the red line. I could care less if blizzard bankrupted tomorrow. They are thieves.

Revert it all!
Its damaging thte pvp

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I just realised nobody replied to all this …

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ZERO HYPE FOR 2.5! What a waste of time! BAIT AND SWITCH GAME!

But… there is no pvp? There are a ton of neckbeards who have spent years getting an unfair/unequivocal gear bonus over their peers.

Now if they added battlegrounds like wsg or arathi basin from classic wow? Or a moba style battlemap? Yup, there would be pvp. Otherwise all you have in this game is dueling. Its not pvp.

New PTR but no bug fix about FHR & FB.

PvM Farming and lving only

i dont think anyone can hear us. Its very quiet out here. PVP is wrecked now!

How to wheelwind dance?

This is the most hilarious thing i’ve ever read on this forum. PvP in Diablo II is a niche experience. It never had balance in the first place, much less now. It mostly exists for PKing people in Hardcore and little else. I don’t find duels compelling in the slightest, since there’s no normalization and no easy way to compare stats and skill levels beforehand, it’s usually just one person totally annihilating the other every time.

In other words, the pvp balance was not right in the first place. So, users enjoyed prohibiting certain skills (necromancer’s curse) or certain items among themselves. (Slow target option) To that extent, the pvp balance of this game was shattered. Still, the users agreed to set the rules and enjoyed the balance. After FHR was removed, all games started and ended with teleportation and shooting.


Look, if you really like pvp in this game for some reason, I’m not here to judge. But it’s a side show, not a main focus of the game. It was never something that was intended to be taken really seriously.

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I’m afraid your gonna have to offer proof for this. There never was balance in D2 pvp. I say this as one of the top dueling amazons in 1.09.

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Some people only play for PvP and they usually cheat in some way to aquire gear to compete with leet pvpers. Essentially, they are a problem with actual players because they will always have an unfair advantage over those who casually pvp but otherwise play as intended. Can’t say I condone toxic pvp behavior because it gives the illusion of a turd in life accomplishing somthing that he/she did not earn. Those rockin perf items and prefer bone mancer or ele druid or hammer din are the scourge of d2.

FHR actually help you overcome players with better gear with better skill. Now with the stun immunity you can’t punish poor play anymore. It heavily favours characters with more damage and hp.

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But you can still stun players just not consistantly. One big reason Smite was op vs other melee. One thing is for sure, Impale is now desgustingly op vs certain builds!