Pvp balance in d2r is over!

d2 has the lowest form of pvp and for decades ive found it very funny that a pvp community exists and even talks smack about being good. Watch youtube pvp d2r vids-- its so elementary, yet here we are 20+ yrs later. The funniest is that the losers quick escape exit games. So much more to laugh at about d2 pvp.

Most of the pvp i see isnt even pvp…its pve player killing. Killing people in pve gear who are high or half asleep and took the wrong portal.

What is wheelwind? That sounds like fun! That wheelwind sin just wrecked the game #op.

talk about you. For us, pvp was pretty much the only fun things in d2, and it has been like that forever.

Not true, differnt people have different opinion what is fun.

I keep seeing these doomsday topics about pvp but my question is? Why dont you adapt? Game and pvp before last d2r patches was glitch fest and buggy mess. If you are participating in serious pvp,leagues, tournaments just make new pvp rules people. Yes it will require some work, but its better than constant complaining about end times in d2.

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From what you are saying you have pretty much not seen any real pvp and you are completely clueless about it

There is a difference between subjective fun and objective balance in the game.
Tell me why must rangers have the overall adventage over all melees by just spamming projectiles and teleporting to not get catch when you cant even catch them with stuns (since there are no more stuns in the game).
Ofc its not fun to get stun, but like it or not it heavily balances or breaks gameplay and PVP.
Immagine Mobas without Stuns.
You wouldnt be able to get kills without stuns since the enemy can easily run away if they see on the map two heroes in your team are go for the kill.
People not understanding this simple logic makes me really wonder what they understand at all in D2.

so tired of hearing d2 is alive because of pvp… literally like 5% of the people that play the game WILL ever pvp, not on a regular basis, but like once or twice. and most likely messing around with friends, not even joining a public duel game.

theres probably less than 200 players that seriously deck out characters and pvp on a daily basis.

also, spamming mb and traps at 150 apm didnt make you a good player and the only reason they didnt bother patching it sooner was because wsg was a thing. if you want perma stun mb, you dont want game balance, you want the class and spec you enjoy playing to be op.

You can have enigma with teleport too.

Also stun still works, you cant just spam it as in old times.

You still have to teleport to the foe while being melee while ranger attacks first and then teleports away. You also need to have end gear for enigma while sorc laughs at all of you by having teleport as a default skill.

What you refer here is just a mini stun, which does not work as a full stun.
It does does not matter if you get staggered for a half second, by default attack/cast animations you can teleport straight away after getting one mini stun hit.
The PVP turned in this case to to be, one shot the enemy or just dont since running away with low hp is easy now.
The simple solution would have been to put a short cooldown on spammable stun skills instead of messing around with hit recovery.
Some sought small charms with dual mods with hit recovery are worthless and indirectly breaks the economy, people will not pay anything if you get lucky to get a dual mod sc with FHR.

I agree that they should do something, but can’t they just tweak the FHR fall off that they implemented? Right now if it’s falling off too quickly how about extending it a little?

In games like League of legends, 3 seconds is usually around the max someone will be stunned for, and then you buy the FHR items (can’t remember the name) to reduce the stun.

Would around a 3 second stun be good enough in D2 pvp?

Even 2 or 3 seconds stun duration would help a lot.
Thats common in MOBAS like LoL or Dota.
Then stun skills would need a few seconds cooldown, say about 7 seconds or so.
This way you would need some coordination to chain stuns if you would like to.

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Reducing the problem to assassin spaming mindblast is an huge mistake. You dont break pvp just to nerf assa, you nerf assa directly. That change ISNT an assa only change

While I agree with the FHR change was too much in that direction, stating D2 PvP was perfect is definitely not true. That’s why its filled with a bizzillion GM rules that guide duels at a “competitive” level.

For sure. PvP in lod had reached a pretty good balance tho. PvP in d2r… not that much

keep crying toxic casual. youre the worst kind of person on the internet.

Stop crying

There was never Pvp balance

Only Pvp stability

Which are 2 different things

The stability stems from the game being the same for so long that people mastered every bits of the version

Change to Pvp keep it as unbalanced as it always has been, it’s just that the knowledge is disturbed and people don’t like having to adapt to new balances

Okay 16 post moral arbiter of the internet. You win! I surrender.

that only means i dont come to the forums and complain like you do.

its like youve never played a game with patches before.

Sure, sure. Whatever you say boss.