Ploot is really about

Ploot is available already, single player. That feature exists.

Playing online and interacting with people to trade is not for everyone, so choose SP.

You are right. Only bad players depend on being in a large horde of other people to magic find. Magic finding is done alone even in a full game.

I use a hybrid input system to play. I am not crying about ploot. I simply know that there are inherent differences in loot collection based on melee versus ranged, differential ping, and controller.

If you want, I can invite you in game once I get passed the queue, and we can do some Chaos or Baal runs. I bet you that I will get far more good loot than you. I want this fixed to be made more fair.

You do understand that I want ploot because I get disproportionately more good items in multiplayer games than one would expect by random chance alone. I am advocating for fairness to my own “loot-detriment.”

No I don’t and out of any changes that could be envisioned for this game ploot is the least likely to happen. Idk why even talk about it it’s kind of absurd when the whole game of d2 revolves around drops vs player counts and bartering.

Again u rly are a slow brainer. It says classic gameplay preserved. Which is up to blizzard to define what classic gameplay is. By their definition all the current changes kept the classic gameplay preserved even though it changed the game. Adding ploot could very well be fine by their definition of what the classic gameplay means.

If you want, I can invite you in game once I get passed the queue, and we can do some Chaos or Baal runs. I bet you that I will get far more good loot than you. I want this fixed to be made more fair.

You play with others for fast EXP, you play solo for loot. This is fundamental and the way D2 has been played for 20+ years. There is no reason to change this now. The game was never supposed to be fair. If it was supposed to be fair, items would not have a 0.0002% chance to drop…

My 7 mules or useless uniques disagrees. Will never understand the insistence that farming for a Primal drop with stupid low drop rate and farming for the few useful unique/HR with stupid low drop rate is fundamentally different.

I agree that ploot likely won’t happen; however, Rod Fergusson, the head of the diablo franchise, in mid-September on twitter said that they would discuss loot options after launch where timed loot was being suggested.

Why do I need to play solo for loot if in a 8 player game I can get the majority of good drops? That means I get xp and more items. If there was ploot, this would not happen and be more fair to all.

Why do you think people mf in public games in their own areas? It is due to multiplayer bonuses since there is no /player command for online play.

Changing the core mechanics of the game is not preserving the classic gameplay. keep reaching tho


I agree that ploot likely won’t happen; however, Rod Fergusson, the head of the diablo franchise, in mid-September on twitter said that they would discuss loot options after launch where timed loot was being suggested.

Actually, he said, they discussed it internally in August and then came out the very next day and said, “Relax. We’re not doing it.” after the initial comment blew up Twitter.

Sorry. You are thinking about his tweets in August not the later one in mid-September.

Why do I need to play solo for loot if in a 8 player game I can get the majority of good drops?

Cool story. However, it doesn’t change the fact.

Sorry. You are thinking about his tweets in August not the later one in mid-September.

He just said today, ploot crybabies need to find a new game.

See how easy that is. Show me this tweet you are talking about then because I already know what he said and when he said it.

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And what is core mechanic? Again thats up to blizzard to decide. What u think is core mechanic doesnt matter. Autoloot gold and using controller doesnt change the core mechanic? Like spamming A click so u can get items before they even reach the ground so the ppl who have to target like old days wont have a chance for the loot. Nice try though dino purist.

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If you think gold picking up is the same as loot distribution your really reaching. Kinda sad you bought a remaster when you wanted a remake

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I am not arguing with people like Coreander.

Welcome to ignore.

Could you show me that tweet because I do not see it. In contrast, I can show you hs tweet from September 16.

Rod Fergusson on Twitter: “@Portal_Ingress Let’s talk about it after we ship.” / Twitter

Also, his late August quotes, you need to be careful as to what “it” refers. It apparently refers to at launch.

9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

You need to read the tweets that he responded to ascertain what “it” means in those late August tweets.

I think nothing will change until after the first ladder season.

No thanks. - characters

Didnt say its same. I said its up to blizzard to decide what core mechanic is. The essence of the game. Again its sad u cant read what is written and jump your own conclusions. It got remastered. It doesnt mean no changes or new features will be added. Its just tunnel vision low educated purists who think that. U can add 200 new classes and say d2 still got remastered. I didnt buy a remaster, i bought a game which got remastered. I bought D2 resurrected. Which is a remaster + much more.

Ofc since u cant. Just like u cant understand or read what is said on the website. Dino trash purist 0 iq

He was being facetious because he’s spewing crap and thought therefore others are spewing crap too.