9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

Edit: Rods’ new tweet from September 16



Edit: All 4 of Rod’s relevant tweets from August 30-31.

The image link for a bigger version is

[ Nivea Miranda #XboxGamePass on Twitter: “@RodFergusson Hello Rod! Any chance to put a loot setting for co-op? A way for everyone to see their own loot, instead of having everything shared by the group.” / Twitter

Rod Fergusson’s response:

"Not for launch but it’s something the team continues to discuss.’

Edit with new information:

If one inspects the image, there are two distinct tweets that Rod responds to. In the bottom half of the image, he reaffirms that Blizzard has discussed adding optional personal loot and that it would not be added at D2R launch. He further states that if (and emphasis on if) personal loot would be introduced, it would be at game creation and players would opt-in.

In the top half, Rod is responding to a tweet where someone is concerned that the D2 loot experience (FFA loot) would be altered in D2R. This tweet was 8 minutes after the other tweet. Rod assures that FFA loot will continue to exist in perpetuity in D2R and not to worry. This quote does not exclude the possibility of introducing optional personal loot later that is opt-in since the original FFA loot experience still remains preserved for anyone who wants that experience.

Also, it is noteworthy that Rod stated:

"if we were ever to do it we would make it an option for the game you create so that people have to opt in to that style."

From this we can conclude:

  1. Blizzard does not consider the introduction of optional personal loot significant enough to require a separate realm. Blizzard considers this change insignificant enough that it can be set at game creation.
  2. Blizzard also apparently recognized that optional personal loot would not adversely affect the trade economy and knows that personal loot does not lead to extra items drops in comparison to FFA only loot. This confirms that Blizzard implementation is not up to 8x drops as some have falsely claimed.
  3. If optional personal loot is added by Blizzard, there would be no game where players would be using two different loot systems.
  4. By having an opt in system, the old D2 loot system (FFA loot) is preserved for anyone who wants that experience.

Marius Trolle on Twitter: “@RodFergusson Hi again Rod, if your team considiring Ploot in D2:R. Please do timer instead, then both sides can pick up the item. Let say you have 2-3 seconds to pickup the item on the ground before it is visable for everyone else.But I prefer FFA like D2. Let the game stay uniq” / Twitter

Rod Fergusson on Twitter: “@NorXTroll Hey, first, I only said it was a thing that we discussed and if we were ever to do it we would make it an option for the game you create so that people have to opt in to that style. But it’s definitely not happening at launch.” / Twitter

/loot Pri

/loot Pub

/loot Nil

Yep. I’m waiting with bated breath, nearly collapsed from the anticipation.

Need more toggles!

Interesting. It was something that they surveyed on pretty early too. If they go the route of replacing, I support it, as long as they don’t do the mistakes of D3. I even support the loot allocation option, though I do sort of side with the anti-personal loot crowd on how people will respond to it with drop rates not being fulfilling enough.

This is not new. Like months ago. Considering not means you get it.

Considering also means you might have to deal with it.

if you want ploot make private game, problem solved. too many crybaby leeches nowadays

I dont need to deal with it cus in worst case then must give seperate realm. False advertising the last thing Blizz need.

Months ago, they made specific reference to loot ninjas, meaning loot system was not under discussion to change. However, it was also a survey question “Do you want personal loot to replace FFA loot at launch?” - While not at launch confirmed, they are still discussing it and the topics of these surveys that went ignored by people, are coming back.

As for false advertising, not really. The general classic gameplay is still there, with the original engine firing off mechanics underneath. Changing very little at launch meets the requirements as per advertisement, and they have not hidden the fact of communicating that they would be willing to make changes.

Instanced loot or not, I’m happy so far with the product, and I see a good future for D2R, one that might even stand up to D4.

If the option for ploot comes, all of my games will be FFA loot.


FFA loot better be the default option too… If not, I’d go ballistic.

Sounds like a good PR response. Not anything noteworthy.

Well, one of the questions during the beta survey asked about how loot drops felt, or some variation of that question, followed by how many unique/set items you had.

i swear to satan if this actuallly happens…

You seem to forget that this is a loot based game. If they change the the most basic of the game (how the loot sytem works) and forcing this on everybody that is false advertising. And actualy survey was not part of advertising. They send those out to random people in secret.

Better hope it’s not instanced loot for everyone in the group for the kill, otherwise goodbye economy lol.

I’m fine if they decide to go the divided amongst all players route, because I solo MF anyway, but if everyone gets all items from the drop table, there will literally be no ecomomy worth trading in.

At launch, the game will be what was advertised. Anything that happens after launch, is called patching to update the game. They have stated that they were willing to listen to player feedback. Also, any and all footage of D2R has included a disclaimer of “Still in production, may not reflect final product”

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

This is how still the game is advertised. Changing core of the game and forcing it on everybody is not fit in this role.

Disgraceful, if it’s true.

And as long as you can play the launch version of the game when you want in the offline version, it will be preserved. Multiplayer isn’t what everyone plays with D2, and the droprates are mostly the “reward” system as opposed to the main gameplay systems. Technically, if they felt it was “too easy” to get to level 99, they could nerf Baal XP. The gameplay would STILL be the same, even if the reward was rebalanced.

They also need to hold their word into multiplayer. Only cus not everybody plays multiplayer blizz cant change his mind later on a product what is delivered. He need to uphold what they told. Imaginge if poe suddenly turns into a turn based strategy. They cant say: Oh sry guys you could play this game on launch as rpg but now poe is something else. Nerfing xp gain on baal runs wont change the leveling up system (gaining xp).

They advertised the game where was no official word from personal loot (what was never part of d2) so they need to give in the worst case a seperate realm.

And changing the loot rewards, doesn’t necessarily change the gameplay. You still kill monsters and gain loot. It isn’t anywhere near as drastic as a change you just mentioned about POE. I was actually surprised when they didn’t announce instanced loot, it was the first thing I thought of when they talked about controller support, auto gold, etc. In any case, it’s no skin off my back if they don’t introduce it at this point. I’m ready to play, and I feel confident that they are going to give some update support for the game.