Ploot is really about

People aren’t satisfied with the amount of good drops they are getting. Most likely unable to efficiently clear high level content on their own and are dependent (leech) on others to kill & generate loot. Once ploot is added then they will all start complaining to increase the drop rates because D2 loot rarity is nothing like D3, it doesn’t just throw hundreds of useless legendaries at you per hour. So yes, adding ploot will start a chain of events that will ultimately ruin this game.





You should go read up on what a strawman argument is before tossing it around on public forums. The very core of the ploot argument is that people are unhappy with the amount of loot they are getting, this is fact, plain and simple.


Prolly one of the dumbest things i ever heard. Those 2 things arent connected.

Not at all. The core is that the current system is outdated and abused by cheaters. Its flawed design choice which makes the game unfair and make ppl stack mobs instead of killing things.


I’m guessing you are one of the leeching ones.


This is what you just made up out of thin air so you could beat up… the strawman.


Im one of those who dont play multiplayer since its so bad in d2. Simply just play solo. Leechers have advantage atm.


Cheaters are blizzards responsibility and they are supposed to handle them by banning accounts, not changing core gameplay mechanics.


And ploot is a way for them to handle it. 20y have passed. Cheaters still exist. If its bad then nothing wrong in changing it


If they are able to solo and efficiently clear high end content then why are they running with groups for magic finding?

because they want to play with other people? i mf alone because i don’t want to lose a drop to pickit or controllers or lag/whatever.

zero issues killing things, but you made up some dumb fake point to try and bolster your argument.

i would play in groups more if there was ploot. i really don’t think it will ever happen but you just decided to make up nonsense point to attack.


what do you mean by “ploot”? Individual loot or loot allocation?

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Like I said, cheating needs to be handled by aggressive monitoring and account bans, not changing core gameplay mechanics. Remember this is a remaster, not a remake.


Ppl arent. Only leechers play in group atm. Why u think baalruns are full off leechers? Ppl who cant solo join baalruns with a controller/pickit to get the loot. I would play in group if there was ploot. I dont like sitting afk close to mobs just to take gears. Which is what ppl are doing atm in pub games.


First, I don’t know if personal loot can even be added to this game.
However, if it could be, I’d vote for a 90/10 rule. 90% of loot is public, 10% is personal. The key is you don’t know what is or isn’t. Gameplay doesn’t change at that point outside of actually getting something for your efforts.

I generally don’t do public games on general principle because that’s all anybody is there to do. Leech.


They tried for 20y and it didnt work. Ploot will work. Rmb they said ploot is being discussed. And changes been made and they open for more changes in the future. This game got remastered. It doesnt mean its only a remaster

It can. Its one of the things which they been considering.


You know you can still join 8 player games and magic find on your own right?

Loot allocation. Simply same amount of drops and all. Just ppl wont gain advantage by stacking the mobs and not attacking or by using cheats

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you know lots of us like playing in a game with other people right?

having to avoid other players is a shame


There will be no ploot in D2R.

These tourists will be playing Diablo Immortal soon, with its pay to win features and instant gratification, everything they need to get their fix.