Class balance has gotten worse. The Paladin was already game breaking with the old blessed hammer +enigma. But now they have introduced new Paladin builds that actually break the game. 20 fanat, 20 zeal, 20 holy bolt, 20 fist of the heavens,dump the rest into vigor/max resist, holy shield/passive attack rating or sacrifice synergy as needed. Astreons Iron, Spirit shield, Fortitude armor, Shako, draculs gloves, highlords ammy, raven frost ring, duel leech rare ring, goreriders, arachnid mesh belt, congrats you can now do it all.
75% caster breakpoint, max zeal and smite breakpoint. You can face melt any undead or demons with fist of the heavens, be super tanky, regen all health and mana with 1 or 2 zeal swings, you dont need meditation aura because of massive mana steal from zeals so you can have an uber powered might aura reapers toll merc that gets insane attacks from fanat aura and also casually deletes any physical immunes that aren’t undead or demon (if they were either of those fist of the heavens or holy bolts would delete them anyway).
Massive life steal from the zeals, easy 12000+ defense and easy to reach max blocks and max resists ensure you can never die. 35% enemy slow means even ubers can’t do anything, especially when your merc decrepifies them and stacks with your 35% slow. Nothing in the game you can’t kill, never in danger of dying, 48% crushing blow smite to demolish bosses and ubers, literally zero weaknesses, nothing you can’t clear, and super fast with vigor + charge to quickly run through the zones.
A catch all build with literally zero weakness. Something about the Paladin needs to be nerfed here. Fast travincal clear, check, fast chaos sanc,check, fast world stone keep, check, good and super safe uber clears, check. All with a single set of gear, no swaps needed. Yeah that is way too good. If you are too lazy to make another character for cows you can even just throw on a grief phase blade swap in to zeal those down too. Ridiculous.