Daily skill tweak #7: Conversion

Skill: Conversion

Skill flaws: bug ridden, clunky and the converted monsters are weak and dumb

Skill change:

  • conversion chance now applies when you kill the monster. When they see the light they try to redeem themselves. This also has for effect to prevent all the bugs related to conversion
  • now empowers the monsters you convert granting them champion/elite monsters affixes (enchanted, aura, extra fast, etc). 1 affix at lvl 1 then + affix every 5lvl
  • maximum of 5 converted monsters at a time
  • Conversion now converts 50% of physical damage to Magic damage
  • Conversion now has sanctuary as synergy which adds “% damage”
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It could work like a curse, covering an area after a monster is killer, others in a radius :poop: themself and start fighting for you. :grin:

That’s already a thing

It’s called Confusion

Conversion as a new form of melee-summoner would be a good fit I think. PoE has something similar. They could even use a more golden tint compared to the darker tint that revive uses.

The affixes thing also would be a nice way to differentiate them from revives.

Poe had Dominating blow which was Incredible and their ruined it by making boring basic summons instead of Converted monsters


Exactly! Conversion is just single target Confusion.

Well that’s exactly why my suggestion make it not Confusion curse lol

It’s empowers them and buffs you with their auras

But why not AoE? Make it AoE.

Aoe of this skill is a vector of how many of them you have

It’s like skeleton warrior, they don’t need splash because you have so many that they hit like an aoe

Convert more monsters, get more coverage

What if converted monsters has a chance of converting other non-converted monsters?

That’s a possibility but I think it would be hard to code

If you limit it to 5 at once there’d be no point in really making it AoE or having monsters convert other monsters. If you raised the limit, then it’d be more like revive and you’d also probably have to ditch the affixes or it’d be too strong (if you had 20 conversions with powerful affixes for example).

I think it makes more sense with that 5 limit but making them more powerful. It also makes it a different kind of summoner playstyle compared to a druid or necro. If the limit was higher and/or conversions made other conversions, you’d just convert one and could play like a necro or druid where I think the idea is to try to make a melee summoner that stays in the fight as well. Not sure if there’s a duration still or the idea is to let you pick 5 long/perma conversions.

One thing that would make it better is having the ability to command their target, but that’s really just something that should be a baseline change that anyone with summons should have access to. IE: a baseline command attack ability anyone can use for any summons (and maybe include merc in it as well).

Alternatively, conversions could prefer to attack your last target you hit with conversion if they can get to it. If you already have 5 out, you could just keep those 5 even if you kill another enemy with conversion (and could use the unsummon ability to get rid of one if you wanted a different unit). That could also be a way of keeping it a melee playstyle, even if the conversions were very long durations or permanent (until dead).