Daily skill tweak #12: Sacrifice & sanctuary

Skill: sacrifice & sanctuary

Skill flaw: sanctuary suffers from the same issue holy bolt did, boring inability to hit certain monster type. Sacrifice on its part is a boring single target with no special effect, it’s basically default attack and the recent changes made it more so by reducing the life cost which should instead be embraced

Skill changes:

  • sanctuary now hits all monsters type with its magic damage

  • Sanctuary now has a new synergy with sacrifice which improves its magic damage

  • Sacrifice now has an increasingly higher life cost, from 2% at lvl1 to 10% at lvl 30

  • The life you sacrifice is added back to the hit as “Add x-xx damage”(phys or magic or 50/50)

  • therefor you can modulate your life cost through the skill level, but higher life cost paired with higher life pool yield higher damage

  • Sacrifice now also generates additional Sanctuary pulses on hit. The life you sacrifice for God gives you strength but also protection, pushing back those who wish you arm with holy damage

Should it add magic dmg to your weapon attacks? I feel like it should.

Could might as well be since there is no attack skill in Paladin arsenal that deals magic damage

Could be a nice switch skill for zealer when he encounter immunes

Your power resides in your health pool

But the problem would be that you could no longer leech from it

Yeah dieing quickly is a problem

Yep that’s why it allows multiple gameplay

Using sacrifice with sanctuary allows you to have aoe, therefor less hits, less health sacrificed

But you could also go for more hits, dump sanctuary and max out prayer to regen like a god

Or you could have both. Using sacrifice+prayer+ lawbringer/azurewrath

Yes that’s reasonsble.

Ofc Life tap remains a solid option in all situations

It’s an op curse

sanctuary now hits all monsters type with its magic damage

I have a problem with above. The knockback damage on Sanctuary(which is purely Magic) was not the primary purpose of the aura. The primary purpose of Sanctuary was to grant the aura holder the ability to ignore Physical Resistance of affected enemies. That means that instead of dealing half damage from 50% Resistance or not dealing anything from Physical Immunity, you’d deal face value every time your melee weapon connects(and can leech depending on target’s drain effectiveness). People constantly bemoan and whine about Elemental immunities but a skill literally exists on the Paladin to ignore Physical Resistance but only on Undead(which is its niche use).

Since you’re proposing the knockback to affect everyone, then one can conclude you also mean for the aura to affect every monster’s Physical Resistance. Otherwise the knockback shouldn’t affect them if it doesn’t since that’s how the aura behaves right now with Animals/Demons. If you simply want pulse damage + knockback but no change to Physical Resistance, you’d be changing how the skill behaves and I’d be against that(all or nothing basically).

Yet if my assumption is correct, and you’re proposing Sanctuary to affect everyone, that means you’re proposing Sanctuary to not only affect Demons but also Animal/Beast monsters(which lacks a %Damage modifier existing within the game(not that I’m against adding such a modifier)).

Therefore, and the primary reason why I’m totally against this, you’d basically make the game a cakewalk for the already OP Paladin class or any class that wields Azurewrath or Lawbringer that grants Sanctuary aura when equipped. Enemies under the effects of Sanctuary would basically have their Physical Resistance ignored so any monster that is naturally Physical Immune(Wraiths, Swarms) or gains it via Stone Skin can effectively be attacked for full damage. Everything else simply has their existing Resistance set to 0, leaving Attack Rating as you’re only obstacle to steamrolling through all 5 Acts.

The aura does come with limitations in that it doesn’t affect Act Bosses/Ubers but it never did in the first place since they’re all Demon. Should we add Demons to Sanctuary aura, who knows the unintended bugs/issues with excluding Act Bosses from the aura’s effects since %Demon already works on them. Can the game differentiate %Demon from gear and ignore %Demon from the aura if Demons were to be added? Ditto with Physical Resistance?

As for damage… Here’s my breakdown on why Sanctuary is OP: Sanctuary Damage

TLDR: Don’t screw with Sanctuary aura… it doesn’t need it. Sacrifice… fine but seriously don’t mess with Sanctuary aura.

Seems like 88% of players disagree with your assumption that sanctuary is Op lol


I attribute that to sheer ignorance and the fact that the aura had been bugged for years(just got fixed in 2.4). Trust me when I say that if you apply this aura to more than just Undead that you’ll make Sanctuary Paladins the dominant build/class without fail.

Try Sacrifice on hc Ladder!

Lol the game has become boring because of Blizzard lack of efforts into bringing needed improvements to the game

No point playing the inferior mode when you don’t have the motivation to play the superior one