Now increases elemental damage instead of just converting physical damage into elemental
Hit with the skill trigger additional Pulses on holy fire/freeze/shock auras
Now vengeance synergize well with holy auras but isn’t mandatory, you still have a solid option with single target zeal. You also can modulate your build how you want, which auras you want to focus.
The change to elemental increase also opens up a new variety of items rather than the usual boring “Most physical dps weapon”.
You could use weird items that grant high elemental damage and it’ll buff them, for example Baranar star which grants 1-200 to all elemental or gimmershred which is like 400-1200 total
King slayer could become a very interesting item for sorceress since it grants +1 vengeance
Note: it would greatly help the skill to reduce the quantity of synergies of the skill
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yah i’d like to just see it as a passive to your weapon instead of an active. Usable with zeal.
Literally not possible to become overpowered. It requires a huge investment of 60 points into synergies + 20 to vengeance itself. That barely leaves you room for 1 single offensive arua, say you take conviction, now you cant maximize zeal for attack rating or physical damage, and you cant invest much into holy shield, so you’re just basically a weaker version of an Dream/Dragon Auradin. Even if you tried to go physical zeal with vengeance, you’re still having to force 80 points into vengeance.
There’s 1 reason why NOBODY plays vengeance outside of meming. It’s because you have to single click every target in the entire game. AND THAT ISNT FUN. Making it a passive and allowing it to work with zeal simply lends us some quality of life.
Other than that, they could just alter the skill itself to have splash damage like fireball. Or build in 1 pnt of zeal into it.
i really hate auradin, and it stupid melee pally relies on have Dream or being terrible. If they changed vengeance with these ideas, we could do the Dream without the Dream gear.
No. Vengeance should be it’s own independent attack skill. Just keep it the way it is. Maybe get rid of it’s Salvation synergy and slightly boost the other 3 synergy’s.
no, you’re the one that is wrong. the proof is 20yrs of being one of the absolute least played abilities. Literally as unused as arctic blast and inferno.
get real, dude, you’re so wrong it hurts. this is 2022, not 2003
I always enjoyed vengeance but I usually paired it with conviction. I like the idea of the damage auras having their area damage procced more frequently, I’m just not sure I like the idea of tying these two things together, however .
As for it never being used: what? I always have at least one point in it for physical immunes in hell difficulty on my zealots (unless I happen to have a gimmershred or azurewrath lying around).
The lack of AoE does make it a painfully slow thing to specialize in
okay well show me a build that could make it overpowered, because i just tried and none of the combinations came out to be anything special. Just a weaker auradin.
if you’re talking about after they change synergies, then what sense does that make, because i wasnt referring to changed synergies. The problem isnt the synergies, it’s the active use of the skill itself requiring you to single click every mob slowly.
First, you have a fact wrong. Vengeance doesn’t convert physical damage to elemental, it adds a percentage of elemental damage based on the weapon damage.
Effect: Adds Elemental (Fire, Lightning and Cold) damage to all melee attacks.
The Damage bonus applies to all three elemental damages. At level 1, it would be +70% Fire, +70% Cold, and +70% Lightning (not Poison).
The skill does not work like Magic Arrow, which converts a part of your physical damage into magical.
Second, have you even played 2.4 in any depth perhaps more than an hour or two? It might actually be helpful for your theorycrafting if you ACTUALLY played the current set of balance changes, testing out a variety of builds for yourself. Spamming blind skill balance changes without testing the current set out we got does not help Blizzard, nor the playerbase.
Third, I see Vengeance primarily as a utility skill, as opposed to a main attack; such as the likes of Holy Shield (Defense and Smite dmg) and Conversion (a crappy skill to be honest, but utility to lessen the load of mobs to deal with at once). While 1 point in this skill isn’t going to whittle down physical immune monsters to any degree of swiftness, when combined with the right build, it is a downright great utility skill. With the 2.4 Elemental Aura changes, this can fit very nicely into an Elemental Aura build to help aid against immunes to your elemental type, due to the Salvation Aura synergy, which is also a synergy with each of the Elemental Auras.
The skill might not see as much use, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is already a great skill. Now if they added in melee splash to the game (I don’t care either way), the skill might see some greater use as a main attack.
Vengeance has way too many synergies in random nonsense auras nobody ever uses. To max it you need to spend 100 skill points, ridiculous.
It shouldn’t be put into zeal though, the game shouldn’t be spamming just 1 skill forever.
Is Magic Arrow bad? I never used it due to physical Bowas being bad without high investment, but just the small damage tweak to it, with the synergies to bow skills, I have been putting hard points into it, and physical immunes don’t take as long to kill; even faster once Amp procs. I’ve been having a blast playing Bowa right now, with only a 2 High Rune Investment (New Mist Runeword, and Fortitude).
I already mentioned, if you are playing an elemental aura build, the skill is pretty neat to deal with your elemental immunity, thanks to the Salvation synergy for ALL of the 3 elemental auras. On a maxed ele build (Holy Fire, Resist Fire, Salvation, Vengeance), this might even be a faster boss killer than the standard 5 point Zeal (except Diablo). The elemental aura deals your aoe, especially with the proximity bonus of 2.4.
Why are you back on your daily change spam that folks have primarily been ignoring? I’m your best response mate right now, offering critical analyses of your idea? You never did answer my question on just how much time you have actually played 2.4. Not every skill needs to be PD2 level of nonsense.
Skills that nobody uses vs actually being viable are different things. While I do have some issues with the original skill synergy system, one of which being that many skills have too many while others have none and severely limiting player choice if that character wants to be efficient, the idea behind them was to make the leveling up of certain skills during progression meaningful. Why would you put more than 1 hard point into Resist Fire pre-synergy? Post-Synergy, to fuel Holy Fire. Same question for Salvation, which now can fuel into all 3 branches of the holy elemental auras. This skill was not meant to be maxed, but to be used in a variety of builds.
you’re literally agreeing with me - you’re putting skill points into pointless skills simply because they are a synergy. Time for an interracial facepalm
And lol @ this guy running holy shock, go make an inferno sorceress or a potion throwing barb
You do realize that the resist auras have passive bonuses to max resists right? 20 points into resist Lightning gives you 10 extra max to light resist without the aura active. With that build, switch to resist Lightning when running wsk, and no longer fear burning souls. While the auras were meant for party play back in the day, they do have purposes. You might not like them, but they are viable options.