Items Disappearing from Stash

I Lost everything from tomorrow. I put gems and runes to shared stash when I beated 3 acts in one run and today everything dissapeared. This is unacceptable. I noticed also that It saved previous items when I put to the stash like week ago and then, its not saving when I put something else. When I dropped all of the items from shared stash then they all back when I created a new game with new char.

Hello, everyone!

I made several tests in offline mode and can to say that Diablo autosave symbol doesn’t have any connection with shared stash synchronize. Even if you see this symbol it means nothing and you can still lose your items and money from shared stash. So there is no any visual sign for your stash synchronize. So there is no safe way to use you shared stash without risk to lose your items. Nice game, Blizz!


One would think this would be fixed by now considering how easy it is to replicate the bug.

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this game being an absolute broken mess doesnt surprise me at all… i mean thats the norm for anything blizzard nowadays. the surprising part is that it is over a month after launch and blizzard refuses to even acknowledge a game breaking bug and patch after patch gets released with no communication about them working towards any type of fix for it.

online is absolutely unusuable in its current state… atleast fix offline from deleting our stash and let us do /players 8. not much to ask


I pretty much knew since I decided to go console that I was going to be playing only offline. Still blows my mind that there is no /players command and that such a massive issue with the shared stash hasn’t been addressed.


I haven’t played since October 5th because of this shared stash issue, and I’ve only been playing offline. I downloaded the game on release day too, and still no fix? This game is a broken toy. I’ve since deleted it from my PS5, along with game saves. I don’t want to see it again. I will chalk it up to never doing business with Blizzard again. It’s disgraceful.

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Does creating mules and putting items in their personal tab fix this? Will I still potentially lose items if they are all in personal tabs?

Worked for me so far…

Just found out that Blizzard do not fully support the console ver of this game and the devs do not read the console forums so good luck with hoping this will get sorted.
At least now I know I will not buy DIABLO IV.

I wish that’s the only things I have lost xD I mean some yellow items sells for 35k gold in hell :stuck_out_tongue:

true, but time put in is time put in especially when I don’t have that much of it. I guess i’ll have to grind gold. Afraid of starting an Online character.

how can you lose stuff being offline? lol

I’m playing offline on PS4.

If I want to reproduce this bug, what do I need to do? Is there a reliable way to cause the bug to appear?

Yes, open the shared stash, move some items to it, save and exit immediately and then exit/close the application/game(a real exit, no suspension). Start again and more often than not the items will be gone.


I tried this a few times yesterday, wasn’t able to reproduce the bug i.e. didn’t lose anything but it makes me wonder.

Could it be the case that the autosave (spinning pentagram in bottom right corner) and the manual save from save and exit actually do somewhat different things? For example, if the autosave is strictly local but the manual save also syncs your save with Blizzard servers then if you save and exit in the middle of an autosave the local and cloud saves go off-sync in which case the game very stupidly overwrites your local save with the cloudsave?

I would like to try manually saving in the middle of an autosave to test it but I’m somewhat worried that I’ll end up losing more than a few items in the stash…

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May it be that the latest patch fixed this?.. One can hope

I will have to test it some.

Saw this:

If that is true it’s a pretty nice workaround for now, just keep your console disconnected while playing D2R.

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My game just crashed… And i lost sp progression again…

Holy cow… Again really? Only lost 20 mins of inventory management this time though^^

break a leg Blizzard hope you make it before we loose our minds :wink:

Same here on PS5 - 1.5 runs worth of runes vanished. Absolutely gutted, what shoddy coding from Blizz

I’m experiencing the same on PS4. Just tested it this morning: dropped 10 k in shared stash and saved & quit, restarted ps4 and logged back in - all gone. I lost so many hours of progress to this. I can’t play if I can’t rely on progress saving, wtf would the point be.