Unfortunately no, it’s happen to me after 1.05 patch (PS4)
Same here!! Lost all my runes in my 2nd page (shared stach)
I assume all of the stuff we had is just gone, huh? My stash reset to probably a week ago. Gee, it’s great I got back those worthless jewels I’d sold. Sure was a great trade for all of my uniques, runes, and perfect gems.
Just adding to the list, lost all the shared items on my main, that I’d been collecting for my other characters. Also finally got my first set items and 2/3 of them just disappeared seemingly forever. Playing on Switch. The whole game is about getting loot, why would you not make sure this works properly???
also just lost my entire sp shared stash through ps4:’(
Hi, been playing since launch on PS4. Logged in just now and a large number of potions I was collecting have vanished from my shared stash. Nothing else is missing. This is very frustrating. When will this issue be resolved?
Still happening. Has been happening since launch. Complete radio silence from Blizzard. This is beyond unacceptable.
Adding another voice to this thread.
Playing “offline” on PS5 since launch and the stash not only deletes items but intermittently rolls back to previous state(s), creating duplicates of items that were removed manually.
Various workarounds that include changing game options, or loading another game as a different character after quitting seem to rely on trying to force the game to save/update the stash.
These workarounds are not reliable and eventually that rare rune will still vanish and/or the rubbish shield you sold yesterday will reappear in your stash to haunt you.
It’s entirely inconsistent, annoying and makes the game not very fun to play.
I’m a super casual offline player who just wants to kick back and collect some treasure of a weekend.
In days of old, I used a program called ATMA to transfer items between my characters. At the time it seemed inconvenient and I was excited to see the addition of a shared stash feature to D2R.
But as of the time of this posting (16th October, 2021) the shared stash feature is NOT working as intended. Items added to the shared stash will randomly be deleted and/or duplicated.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect Blizzard to acknowledge the existence of this bug; what’d be even better is if they’d fix it.
Until then I’ll play something else.
Still happening to me as well. Just lost a bunch of perfect gems. No crappy items taken oddly, almost as if someone went in and cherry-picked items to take. I thought it might have been fixed with the recent patch so I started using the shared tabs again but it has not been fixed. Use offline shared tabs at your own risk I guess.
Some details related to my occurrences:
I don’t have duplicate named characters and I’ve only done offline.
PS5 with latest patch installed. Happened before and after patch.
It has happened more than once and with multiple characters.
Usually only certain items will disappear (the valuable ones) which is highly suspicious.
Maybe it has something to do with rest mode? I have used it occasionally.
It’s not about rest mode, it’s just that the shared stash is not saved on save and exit. But rather on an interval or at random.
Well if this is true hopefully it shouldn’t be hard for them to fix. Why it would not just save the shared tabs when you “Save and Exit” is beyond me.
Yes it’s very strange. But the bug is very easy to duplicate, just put things into the shared stash, save and exit and close the game. More often than not the items will be gone.
This has been happening to me a lot. I thought for awhile that I was playing tired and accidentally selling/dropping gear. I’m playing on PS5 offline and everything is updated. Items either go completely missing or an item from my shared stashed gets duped into an item from my personal stash. Wtf man….
Finally got my first item disappeared from the stash in offline. I highly doubt it’s going to be fixed.
I played two nights ago and had three rare eagle orbs with rare boots and a few gems and they all disappeared today on my shared stash😑
I thought someone hacked my game and stole the items because only the good items were taken
I lost a bunch of perfect Ruby’s, emeralds, etc. supper annoying
Iv lost a good amount of gems and item gear from the same situation
I duplicated this bug on my PS5 console.
It happens because when you do Save and Exit game saves only your current character and his stash. Shared stash has auto synchronization. So you have to do some delay after you put your items in your shared stash before Exit. Check for Diablo autosave symbol in right corner and exit only after it appears.
Well has anyone found a way to force the auto save icon?
Im so disappointed. Im wanted to play this game so much, but i have already lost count of how many items and characters i completly lost. This game is trash. Its absurd to release a game like this, its unplayable. This is not a bug thats happens with some people eventually, everyone on console is losing progress consistently. I lost at least one item per day since launch. I just hope there was a way to refund this trash.