Items Disappearing from Stash

Loosing weapons and armor and items is still a thing playing offline!! even after the 10/20/2021 update, I’m loosing weapons from my stash. This needs to be fixed!!! Loosing stuff everytime I log on.

They haven’t acknowledged this bug yet, so we will see if it will be fixed at all :confused:

I just went ahead and made about ten mules so everything is in their personal stash. Seems to have helped so far. Shouldn’t have to do this but it is what it is.

I’ve been using mules for a couple of weeks now. (PS4 offline). I’ll place items in shared stash, save and exit then immediately start new game with mule and retrieve shared stash and place in mule’s personal stash, no problems. If I wait to use the mule, the shared stash has been empties out…

Typically when it happens for me, it’s when I’ve put something in the shared stash at the end (last 30 minutes or so) of a nighttime play session. Conversely, taking items out of the stash at that time, closing the game, and not returning until the following day / evening has often duped the item, one in my character’s inventory and he original back in the shared stash. You could try removing a rune, weapon, etc., right before quitting for a while - I only ever play in the evenings, most often between 9:00 and 11:00 PM Eastern - and letting it stay shut down for a good chunk of time. See if that duplicates the item reliably. The only thing I don’t know how to do is guarantee that an item I put into the shared stash becomes a fixed item in there, i.e., one that will be there when I turn the game back on (and one that I could reliably duplicate). Sometimes the items I put in at the beginning of my play session will be in there the next time, but other times they won’t be, and I haven’t figured out the pattern yet.


It’s been almost a month since OPs post and it keeps happening.
I beat Duriel yesterday and he dropped 2 pieces of Set armor, loaded up the game today and both are gone. I’m really enjoying the game but it’s incredibly discouraging to keep losing stuff like this.


Yep me too I’m on the PS5 and I’ve had it happen twice. Once I thought I was crazy but it just happened on a brand new account. Lots a gems…

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Hi everyone, I’m a professional web developer, not related to any game development but the different sync process for shared stash does not surprise me as a way to do it, especially if they want to implement a feature where you can resume your game with all your characters on any pc/consoles thanks to your blizzard account, but poorly thought by Blizzard if it doesn’t force sync for them too at least once when you close the game …

Anyway after facing several crashes online and the recent queuing system, I left online behind me and switched to offline, hopping to have better experience on a so loved game I used to play younger, but … it seems it won’t be without trouble :confused:

I thought I was crazy about the amount of runes I had in stashes when logged in back and today I played this morning, got a break of one hour or two and played again to discover massive loss of things in shared stash, like someone already said, as if it was a past save. But as a developer, as I understand it, it should work in both ways, if you move an item to your personal stash and save and exit as usual, then shutdown the console, then log back in, it should duplicate the item (the one in your personnal stash and the « old » one in the shared stash.

I tried this experience with all my runes, gems and some items and it did exactly what I was expected, resulting in double amount of gems and runes …

I don’t like the idea of cheating the game but I see this as a compensation for the moment (luckily I didn’t loose anything really valuable yet)

Using the personnal stash with other characters seems to be a less risky way, until the shared stash becomes safe.

I hope it may help you


Geez, plz plz fix this I have been loving this game so

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Adding my vote :confused: Already lost several runes, gems and unique equipment… I’m so dissapointed by technical state of the game. It’s got worse by each update. It’s really frustrating to experience such bugs and errors even in Offline mode…
Even so with hundreds of users in Online queue, I’m not even thinking about trying to create a new character. After all, it’s just really sad. I was so happy about this remake and literally got goosebumps when first started the game and hear the music after all that years… All the nice and warm impressions and feelings are just shaddered and gone now.
I’m trying to play, but the enjoyment is not there when you know, that half of the things will be gone when playing again later :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
Soooo dissapointed Blizzard

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Nice work Detective Pikachu :wink: Really, hope your points can help tech guys to fix their shEEt soon and give us real update to repair the game.

Previously lost multiple perfect gems and other items. Just lost a shared stash tab FULL of set gear from different sets. Guess all of this stuff is now in your Cosby Suite. UNACCEPTABLE. Get your act together, fix your company, and fix this broken POS game.

Same here on ps5. I’m losing the will to play. If this isn’t fixed soon, this will be my last purchase from blizzard. They used to make the best games, have the best customer service. Now they’re just a cash grabbing CCP loving woke brigade. I just can’t support them anymore. They can’t even get simple things right anymore.

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This is still being reported in several recent threads here, here, here, here, here, and here.

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I made a ticket and they said they were not aware of this bug. So don’t get your hopes up that it will be fixed :man_shrugging:

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Don’t worry, it will be fixed.

I would say before summer 2022.

Replying to SuperMage: ya man u definitely wanna hit “save and exit” before u close the entire game

I’ve lost all my MF gear :sob: very disappointed but it’s not enough to make me quit, any suggestions on how to maintain items in shared stash before saving is helpful I’ve read some descriptions above but still can’t fully understand any ideas helps. I’ve been playing D2 since day it came out and LoD love this game but yea shared stash comes up missing is a issue the dupes are kinda nice but I wanna be fair playing this game. From my understanding so when putting items in shared stash wait until the D2 symbol shows then save and exit??

I’m afraid I don’t understand well how the bug behaves. I’m under the impression that choosing save & exit immediately after changing the contents of the shared stash might cause the state of the shared stash to not be properly saved but I’m not sure. I think some folks also suggest that it is more prevalent if you do this at the end of a long-ish session.

It would actually considerably increase the chances that it would be fixed if we could come up with precise instructions how to reliably trigger it.

I have found a way that for me seems to be able to replicate the bug very persistent.

Start the game, enter with a character. Open the shared stash, take something out and place it in your inventory, save and exit immediately and then close down the application/game. Restart the game and the item will be in both your inventory and in the shared stash, i.e. the shared stash was not saved.