It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

they dont care. all the streamers share accounts all the time.

but agian… show me the lie… come one…

ahh you back form your ban?
you got some Alt you use.

lol can’t keep a good man down, what can I say? :kissing_heart:

Why show u. U alrdy know u lie. And everyone else can see aswell. This is getting pathetic rly. But its ok mr 600 paragon.

so you cant show. we all knew…

whats wrong with 600 paragon i dont get it.
most was done by a 9 year old.

here from febuar. saying the same thing…
what lie will you come up with next…

Sounds like u the one trying to come up with excuses after u got caught lying. HF though. Its out there for everyone to see.

Gl beating gr150 with your 600 paragon.

what is my excuse exatly? and caught how? got proff? unlike you. i postet proff.
i just postet that its the exact same thing i said 4 month ago.

i dont play d3 this season. only lvl from 1 to 70.

What lies and stories will you make up next.

Because you cant beat what D2R has to offer… dont be mad… its ok… ask for help and you will get help.

That was u though, not me. Dont u rmb? Keep trying though

Not everyone believes d2 is hard.

Yer i havent beat all D2R have to offer on highest difficulty … but beat d3 highest difficulty … D2R is harder then D3. we agree…

Dont make block you with all your lies. , i have already blocked some of your alt accounts.

Who cares which game is “harder”? D2 has had the same 3 difficulty levels since its release in 2000. D3 has added new difficulty levels on several different occasions, so of course it’s going to be a more “difficult” game. What does that do for the gameplay, though? Nothing, really. You just have to upgrade or reroll your gear to keep it relevant to the game’s difficulty. I’m not sure how that makes the game any more fun, but I guess there are players who enjoy the constant challenge of maintaining relevancy.

I would much rather see new endgame content/quests that give players something different to experience. That’s what I’m hoping they do with D2R. I would love to see them add a few more events, such as the Pandemonium Event and Diablo Clone, that would net players a specific reward.

I will continue to clamor for the implementation of the original Diablo’s Tristram and its 16 dungeons into an endgame quest in D2R which would feature an Über version of elite creatures from D1 in every 4th dungeon. For example, in the 4th dungeon players would find themselves face to face with an Über version of the Butcher all the way down to the 16th level where Über Lazarus, Diablo and Na-Krul. After defeating them you would be rewarded tickets to an Aerosmith concert IRL! I’m, of course, 100% joking, and any Diablo fan who doesn’t get the joke should stop playing Diablo immediately and go fly a kite.


Because ppl who dont believe in your lies are my alt accs? Everyone who doesnt agree with u is the same person? If u believe that u should prolly seek help. Could be a serious disorder.

Then why ppl beat ubers and hell within a few hours from ladder start, while it takes weeks for ppl to beat gr150? U being rly bias.

Cant say I expected a adult with teens to be so emotional unstable. But yeah gl trying to fool ppl with your lies. I know i wont fall for it.

You are not people. you are alone…

so you can prove you have beating pvp at the highest lvl?
els stop lying,

people beat G-rift 150 in les then 21 hours play in season 25.

solo was under 48 hours.
yup so hard.
D3 so easy… 20 hours LoL

3h < 21h.
S25 the most broken season ever. Pretty much meant to be for the casuals to reach higher than usual. It was like 10 grift+ on each build. Try do the same now.

Even with the most broken builds and theme up to date it took longer for ppl to beat gr150 than it took ppl to beat ubers.

Still harder than d2. 3h lol

so you say some one got full pvp gear in 3 hours and won pvp turnerment? can you show proff of that? or is it just another lie. i guess its a lie

people Beating the hardest in D3 in hours. :ballot_box_with_check:
NOT Beating the hardest in D2R since launch :ballot_box_with_check:

So we agree. D2R is harder. :ballot_box_with_check:

Funny noobs think ubers is the hardest content D2R has to offer :slight_smile:

d2 hard lmao, most builds are one button wonders that requires the intelligence of an ant to pull off. at least in d3, you actually have to do some sort of a rotation to get the same results.

and btw, i love both games equally so don’t put me in the the same boat with the haters who have to hate something to feel good about themselves. each game is great in their own ways.

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you still here? haven’t you died already?
go play d3 and remove yourself

Was this solo? What class? What season?

The current season of D3 started on Aptil 15. No one in the entire world has soloed GR 150 in any class.

Soooo let me guess you gave up on your “easymode grind” because you couldn’t hack it and came here to complain after beating D3 for the season?

Rotations hard… Do you mean digital whack a mole? At least makes you occasional think about immunities. Not just “damage go brrrrr.”