It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Agreed with that. PvP is by far the hardest content in d2, but its just because of the very nature of PvP. You cant use that as an argument to say D3 is not harder than D2. Anyone thinking D2 PvM is harder than pushing high lvl rift has to be crazy.

Being perfect gear in d2 is probably harder than being perfect gear in d3 tho, but that doesnt qualify to say than d2 is an harder game overall imo…

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PVP is the only reason I play D2R!

same for me, same ^^

What does that have to do with the discussion? I can like both games doesnt mean i have to be bias. Just cause d3 is a harder game it doesnt mean that d2 cant be fun at times. Thats just black and white thinking.

They different. In d3 its about paragon rather than gear even though gears so matter and breakpoint etc. U dont care about def in d2 while its kind of important in d3. D3 is more about getting the good rolls rather than the item. Simular how circlet and amus are in d2. Its not hard to find a circlet but getting one with good stats is a different story. Lvls arent that important in d2 while paragon matters alot in d3.

Yeah, obviously different mechanics. Diablo 2 is probably much more deep than diablo 3 regarding that kind of stuff, but once again its not relevant to the comparaison imo. Especially because all that mindmaxing is useless unless you do pvp (and not even that key in pvp either)… I mean a smiter with trash gear can clean up the harder content in the game, so…

The dmg calculation is kind of deep in d3. U got both multi and addative dmg mods etc. However at casual lvl ppl dont care that much about it. Its obv about min/maxing which arent that important when blasting. For ppl who chase the LB in solo and group it matter more but again. 10% less dmg because of not having proper stats could be made up with paragon.

Its not a requirement for any of the game to have perfect gears to beat the endgame. Obv perfect gears will help u beat it sooner or faster or in d3 with less paragon. But like most games its not a requirement.

D3 never existed.
It was a cash grab project from WoW team with marketing to advertise WoW yearly subscription (there is legit proof from this).
They clearly had no idea how to make ARPGs and the devs in charge of Vanilla D3 and RoS were fired for that reason.
They just could not succeed with a sequel from old Blizzard North team.
And while at it Diablo fans were craving for a sequel for D2 for 10 years.
Perfect marketing success Blizzard.

There is no hit recovery from Mobs or players in D3.
And while you are knocked back you are immune to damage.
Just boring monotone auto attacks with generators/spenders and a rotation with CC or Evasion/Escape Cooldowns with a Potion CD of 30 seconds Lol.
You can just faceroll and walk through mobs with CDR.

still doesnt make pushing rift easier than cleaning baal minion lol

You get guaranteed drops from D3 in D2 you dont.
If the RNG gods arent on your side and you got crap equipment i wouldnt say minions are easier than rifts
Once you got your gear and levels its another story.

Still curious how :trumpet: can beat GR 150 solo in less than a week playing casually unless it is using an OP seasonal theme (and even that it is not trivial). No one in the world has done it this season yet and that it with petrified screams that give easier augments and xp than non-season.

Dependent on class, the top current solo seasonal GR clears worldwide vary dependent on class from GR 139 (Wizards) to GR 148 (Monk). This season started April 15. This fact suggests your claim lacks merit.

Facts > Perposterous Claims

To reiterate, 24 days of season 26 and no D3 player in the entire world has done GR150 solo and the claim is you casually beat GR 150 in less than a week. I realize that this “may” have occurred in an earlier season but I think the current season shows the issues with your claim.

Please just let this die

It surely does exist. And consider DI and D4 is taking things from d3 its doing pretty well.

Obv some d2 fanboys wanted d2.5. But there are more ppl than d2 fanboys which plays diablo games. There are also ppl who isnt interrested in d2.5.

I also linked his acc. Paragon 600. He is just making things up. D2 is still easier even when u compare it to s25.

you keep talking about paragon for this season… i dont know why. but keep up making up you own stories…
My my main D3 account is even lower this season. if you can use that to spin another storie… go for it.

D3 is ALOT easier then D2R Facts.

Again here it is

How is it easier? Takes longer and more effort to beat d3 than d2. So far 0x gr150 this season. While ppl beat ubers long ago in d2 ladder. D2 is a casual game. Also Micro asked u when u beat gr150 in 1 week as casual. As there is no record of that.

Then enjoy your MOBA against Bots aka D3.
Even dota2 or LoL did better.

pvp is the hardest to beat in D2R

like i postet many times. season 25 monk… you can se it here.

i provided link to it. you just have to look at it. is not that hard.

D3 is easier then D3 facts…

for your lazy as again…

the record of it. right here…

You never beat pvP in D2. so you will never beat the game.

Paragon S25: 1980

Solo GRift: 150 (13m 11.566s)

Paragon S25: 1980
world: 24999
Europe: 13223
Solo GRift: 150 (13m 11.566s)
world: 4166 (monk: 3691)
Europe: 1781 (monk: 1602)

could have done 150 2 mans.(did 149) but ditten want to fish maps or farm paragon.

ohh. and its not a week of play time obv. so it was alot faster.

Again that doesnt determine if a game is hard or not. Its like saying getting rank 1 on d3 is the hardest. Its player vs player. Pvp isnt harder than getting rank on in d3. Also d3 got pvp so guess u never beat that game by your logic.

S25 the easiest season of all up to date with monk the most broken build ever. S25 was the season where all classes could beat gr150. And still it took u longer than it took ppl to beat ubers in d2. Now go beat gr150 this season in 1 week. And do it on bugles acc. I dont care about u linking some random acc. I did ubers solo second day as casual. And thats without a seasonal theme.

Pvp isnt the game. Its like saying u didnt get rank 1 so u didnt beat the game.

Ok now we all know for sure you`re just a troll…