Rise Drop rates

What are the ranks of your 3 top legendary gems for season 25?


the aug was all 125. i think i missed 2-3 pices of gear to aug even. around 2k paragon.

Dude he is right. D2 was funny in the childhood but if u have children how u want enjoy this game? I hope they rise it.

Not the right one it sounds.

Interesting. Is your EU player profile accurate/outdated or are you talking about another account?

this acc is for the teen`s in the family. many times had them deleted a char to make new once. so i use a personal acc to play. BoB jurij(Blue Oyster Bar) is my own. look it up if you like jurij#2201 , i havent been at that char since last year. so perhaps the gems is lower or higher.

Play non ladder. If you have kids it shouldn’t matter how fast you progress. Don’t ruin the game for others just because you decided to have kids.

Coincidence doesn’t prove causation. The game was already 10 years old at that point and Starcraft 2 and D3 - 2 plausible catalysts for significant player base migration - were introduced at varying times after the 1.13 patch.

I think we need some context around these numbers; we can talk numbers all day long, but numbers will remain just numbers until we relate it back to something real.

  • If someone plays D2 for 4 hours a day 5 days a week, I think if anyone is able to keep up this schedule consistently while juggling everything that’s happening in their lives, they are doing well. Assuming this, that’s a minimum of 40 weeks worth of gameplay to reach 800+ hours
  • In contrast, Starcraft 2 pros play 50 hours a week, or a little bit more if in the lead up to a tournament. I consider this level of play very much impractical for the current D2 player base, many of whom used to play D2 back in its 1.09/1.10 days and are now living adult lives
  • 1 Zod rune from a minimum of 800 hours of gameplay offers you part of a runeword, or to use it in 1 item to make it indestructible. Along with other runes found, you can make a handful of other runewords.
  • This seems to be consistent with my anecdotal experience, albeit I probably achieved the same number of 800 hours over a longer 28 month period since I picked up the game again to make BotD, Enigma, CTA, Infinity, CoH, Faith, Pride and a few Fortitudes with quite a few more high runes to spare. Note that a number of runes found have been through P7 Lower Kurast running
  • The shelf life of D2R is to be considered. At best, I see this game lasting another 8 years, at worst another 2 years. I’d argue that optimal drop rates will play a factor in determining this number:
    • too high and the player base would have played out all the builds they would have wanted to build
    • too low and the player base would give up and play something else that can make them feel more adequately rewarded
    • out of the 2 scenarios above, the top one is better from a player satisfaction perspective; the latter scenario would be like watching a horror movie and seeing no one die
  • For me, I don’t consider myself even close to exhausting all the build possibilities after the 2 years of starting from scratch, so I can’t imagine an increase in drop rates would “kill the game”
  • By contrast, I played Zelda BotW for a few months at the same pace and felt like I’ve accomplished enough in the game (the only thing left really was all the 900 or so seeds). Link’s awakening I did everything in 1-2 weeks haha
  • Something else to keep in mind is runes are not even the rarest thing in the game. High level unique, magic and rare items are. If anything needs a buff in roll probabilities or potency, it is these items
    • If properly fixed, it would at least address the fatigue and frustration experienced by people not finding runes, by at least finding magic or rare items that are of equivalent strength
    • Currently, it would take someone 100 years of 24/7 play to find a rare bow that is on par with a Windforce. That’s just dumb
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Yep! In the game’s current state, it would take about 100 years of 24/7 gameplay to find a rare bow that’s on par with a Windforce, it’s a joke.

As for not changing the existing magic properties, there really should be more power creep for rare items. Because of how rare the best rolls are, and not to mention the effort to pickup and identify them, they really deserve to be best in slot items. For circlets they probably are but for weapons, armour and shields they are not.

You are delusional… the worst of the worst purists on this forum


Such a bold statement, kid.

Replying to me or the delusional purist?

Don’t worry. It’s ok.

Dont worry about what?

Although I do agree that certain drop rates should be reevaluated, also consider that you and your friends may not be playing optimally. You mentioned that you played over 300 hours, possibly all on your one-character level 89 sorc, to me it sounds like you are playing for fun. I am not criticizing your play style, just making an observation. If you look at some of the most efficient players they will play on optimal META builds very efficiently. And they will play the same areas over and over without wasting any time.

Back in the day I used to observe what public bots did to see what and where they farmed and what skills they used. Today you can watch youtube videos and ask in forums what the most effective farming routes are with which skills to use.

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Wow man, I can’t believe you’d say something like that. Such powerful text. You’re like some internet tough guy. I’m going to go pout and cry myself to sleep now!!


We can only hope, if your asleep your not posting your trash on these forums.

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If my asleep my not posting my trash on these forums.


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How can you have time to be on the forums when your still looking for a ber rune after your 7000 baal runs?

Did it attract new players? Did it bring back players who left? The fact that it didn’t, shows that increasing drop rates didn’t make it better by your logic.

More than 90% of players that play enough to gear characters within half a year without freebies. Blizzard and the polls agree that 6 month were to long. That’s why we get 4 month in d2r. Now you are petty. Strawman arguments don’t help.

Again, it didn’t increase the playerbase and players left. It had no positive effect on the player count. So why do you think increasing drops until players leave is the right idea?

Not my sensibility, but math. Don’t make this about me.

You already showed your lack of knowledge about rune farming. Farming a single mob doesn’t show the drop rates overall and 800 hours seems reasonable for a single mob.

It doesn’t, so how can it illustrate that drop rate increase was a good thing? Wouldn’t we have seen an increase in players? How can the coincidence of other games be taken as proof for a decrease in players? How can a rts permanently remove players from an arpg?

You pretty much countered your own statements.

This has nothing to do with drop rates. Zod is rare because it is the highest rune you can create by cubing. That’s why it has the lowest drop rate. Bad item design made zod less valuable.

You still didn’t answer when increasing drop rates is enough and why we should do it. Considering the facts that previous increases didn’t increase player count