It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

also did 150 groups couple of times.

i got 3.

So u hate d3 so much that u make more than 1 acc and plays more than 1 acc HAHYAHHAHAHAHAHA

Press x to doubt.

wher did i say i hate d3? why you have to make up lies all the time?

this profle is one i let kids play on in the family.

Bugles#2611 - Community - Diablo III (

paragon 600. Gj u good. Well done beating gr150xD Im sure anyone believe your lies.

for solo clear

Why not link to wudis acc while u on it?

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600 paragon in this season. yup. it was boring.

And total 2k paragon. Im sure u beat gr150 after 1 week xD

if you check. its the same


aigan… i dont play alot on this account. its a family thing.

Keep them lies coming. Not like its the first time u lie. U also share the acc on forum and d2 i assume xD

i know its hard for you to belive somone beat 150. if you need help just let me know.

so you can show me wher i lied right?
why do you lie so much?

Srry your acc dont lie, only u.

ahh ok. so people only have 1 account. i bet you only have one mail right :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Flawless Victory… Fatality

Also a friendly reminder. Acc sharing is against ToS. I know u lie but what if blizzard believe in your lies?

they dont care. all the streamers share accounts all the time.

but agian… show me the lie… come one…

ahh you back form your ban?
you got some Alt you use.

lol can’t keep a good man down, what can I say? :kissing_heart: