It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Only in D2 you could reach maximum level by not even playing the game having other people play it for you and in short period of time, matter of few days.

I do not understand the bashing of The Evil D3 by the D3-phobics to be honest when it does a lot of things right that could be brought to D2R.

It has already been proven superior (1 week sales probably more than D2R 7+ months sales, 1 month sales probably more than D2LoD LTD sales) and now it has proven to be even more difficult even though elitists of D2 love to claim how hardcore D2 is, and how D3 is for filthy casuals.

Now don’t get me wrong, I barely played D3 and love D2 way more but I am not forcing myself into self-delusions of being some hardcore elitist and am being objective about it.

This is the point of this topic: We really should bring some QoL and changes from D3 to D2.

Your thoughts? Changes wanted for D2R? I will leave my personal list.


Oh come on. When’s the last time you took more than an hour to reach level 70 in diablo 3 other than season start?

I love d3 btw. It took me many hours of single player d2 to get a taste for online d2. There is depth to d2 you don’t realize is there. It’s the frickin wild Wild West out there.


people beat 150 G-rifts faster then 1 week in some d3 seasons.
D3 is only about paragon farming northing els.
I sometimes play d3 season super casual. and even i cleard 150.

Yeah…d3 is harder

People usually wear nostalgia glasses when judging d2

And you can beat the hardest content in d2 in less than 24h


what is the hardest content for you?

For me?
Doing the same run 10k times

Ubers no doubt


ok you cant do 10k runs in 24 hours.

ubers is for some.
Pvp is for others.
Bis gears is for others
Grail is for others.
You se the list keeps going.

op talkes about lvl 99 is easier then d3. its obv not true…

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In D3 you reach max level in minutes by standing still in rift entrance while someone else clears it. Then he can continue boosting you by farming items for you the same way.


being 99 that fast is hard tbh. Its just from a logistic / endurance / theorycrafting perspective, not from a skill perspective

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No…ubers are objectively the hardest content in the game

The rest is a matter of preference

Max lvl in d3 is 70(20000)

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become good at pvp is alot harder.
Hc is alot harder.
no death playthrough is alot harder.
the list goes on.


Oh god I am glad you arn’t president because what you want is just fooking bad


Its true

Being good its nothing but an opinion

Well…so ubers in HC is objectively the hardest content in hc

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Hardcore in D2 is hard. :rofl:
Been Hardcore player since forever, can count by one hand number of deaths last years I played it. Resistance, damage reduce %, bo [barbarian]. No cooldown potions, can just save and exit. Very basic and skill-less.

Hardcore in D3 is way harder.

PvP talk is baseless too. PvP is not even skill-based in D2, it is gear-based. By that logic brawling is harder than PvP in D2 and it is my word against yours.

Maximum level in less than a week without even playing the game, by the way.

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Grail online connected self found mod with 1 character thats it!

For clarity, level 70 “cap” in D3 does not include paragon levels that apparently go on and on.


I clearly and specifically written: maximum level.
Some people just can’t read, man.

PvP not skill based lulz. Great example of PvP knowledge again from Zahramar ahaha

Lets be real guy, if we are talking skill, pvp is by far harder than ubers or diablo clone. I mean, how can you compare a monster that you need to pretty much left click with a minimum amount of gear with a real player trying to kill you with everything he got

And i dont say that to be rude to pvmers. Its fine if you like pvm, or dont like pvp. The game doesnt need to be hard to be good. But just lets not try to pretend that the hardest pvm content come even close than high lvl pvp (and by high lvl, im obviously talking about skill, not about your character level)


Shhh dont tell them facts. they dont know what it is :wink:

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yo here’s a cool idea. all you guys who want diablo 2 to be diablo 3? just go play diablo 3.