I am against /p8 online function

I am in favour of p8 online



What A PoS you are odin lol

Ok think about your reply take your time lets see how you do :smiley:

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I’m to old for groupies please find someone else to follow.
I already apologised for hurting your sensitive mentality, so please try to get over it. It’s not healthy for you.

Weak rated 3 out of 10

At least you tried here have a :star:


I can tell you from my experience, offline mode has been more enjoyable to play. I don’t need maphack and as long as I don’t change between normal, nightmare and hell, I get the same maps. I can set players 1 through 8 and there is no crying about drops. Now that more stash is available, I can actually use items between characters as well. It only takes one soj to walk diablo, and soj doesn’t cost me an arm & leg to get one, where I’ve gone many seasons without one. Most of all I don’t have to worry about whether or not, I’ll be able to join that “full baal game” or waiting to see if they created it.

There is more reason that I haven’t listed!

Don’t tell blizzard that. If you ever want players 8 online, don’t let them know you’re willing to buy multiple accounts to make that happen. They’ll never put the feature in the game.

I’m a little ambivalent on the subject. I would love to have the option of players 8 so I don’t have to join random people’s games to magic find. Although, I think the better option would be the option to put your game into a category. I think there could be a lot more public MF games, which I really enjoy. It’s exciting when someone else finds a ber room in your game even if it’s not you.

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If everyone is so concerned about the social aspect of the game, why is every one against ploot then? It’s not about antisocial, it’s purely antichange.

Give /p8 to non-ladder!


Blizzard already knows there are people who do this. Not like they dont have metrics showing who is logging into multiple instances of D2R from the same IP. Most people are unable or unwilling to do this though so its a moot point. My point is just that its already happening, but much like the SOJ/Anni thing its just a select group of people who get this advantage and everyone else is out of luck.

I think people who are most vocally against /p8 are probably either people who already have a setup like this and dont want to lose their edge on the market, or people who are leeching. There’s few people who want their MF games contested by 7 other people. They just put up with it because they have no choice.

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It will ruin the game because the noobs may be able to get gear equivalent to those that use D2JSP? Farming gear and runes still isn’t fast on P8.


mostly because of Leecher and that most people confuse Ploot with the D3 lootsystem, where you have bound loot and smart loot etc.

Nobody wants to clear the throne or cs in a party and watch the leechers post their HRs they got from your work.

with p8 you can make a simple script to run first wp in act5 or pindle.

You can to that perfectly fine without p8. + ban for ToS violation also works fine with or without p8.

Point being? If a normal player bots to get gear they aren’t even going to play the game. It is much like putting cheat codes in a game and getting bored with it. If people are able to reasonably farm for their own gear it will impact bots even more than banning them. The RMT values of the gear will go down and could kill off the some of the reason to bot to begin with. P8 doesn’t get you BiS without effort either it just makes the grind more bearable.

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/players8 is the same as asking for better drop rates in essence


They can’t get their personal loot, so they’ll just go after the next best thing. Solo games with artificially inflated drop rates via /players8. The laziness knows no bounds. If people would spend as much energy farming as they do trying to ruin the game for a quick drop I wouldn’t have to read so much nonsense.

I would agree with players8 for the increased difficulty and extra XP as long as it was non ladder. No extra loot though

That’s as far as I would go though

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P8 online is one of the most retarded requests. What is the main point of these people? Drop rates. It is indirectly asking for online drop rates to be better. If you really don’t play with anyone and don’t trade especially through d2jsp then go play single player and stream on twitch. When you find your first self found Gul, we’ll all give you golf claps and you can finally be proud of your life.

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Nerf LK i say
A arpg where the best loot comes from chests instead of mobs is just a bad game

trash monsters give way less loot the higher the player count, loot/monster hp wise.

bots already multibox in private games, stop fooling yourself and the others

stop spreading misinformation
uniques and super uniques are not affected by /x loot wise, they are for hp and xp
botting uniques for loot at higher player count will neet you less loot than /1

please stop spreading misinformation

monsters have more dmg and hp on any /x+
taking more time to kill/having more challenge is the opposite to lazyness

/x+ already nets you less loot

it dont look that retarded when we read your posts and figure that we can meet you online in any splitfarm game
You and any one like you is the main reason people want to play alone

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You either aren’t being honest or you just don’t do math well.

If I hit monster A for 10K and it has 2K hp - it dies. If I put it on /playersX it now has 8K and I’m still doing 10K damage and it’s still dying in one shot. All I’ve done is effectively boost my drop rate for the same work.

I know, I know, it’s difficult to be honest when you’re looking for any way to avoid farming, and all that disappointment, it’s just terrible! Luckily, there’s a Diablo for you.

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This post is special here have a :cookie:

Wrong, the way this keep being repeated makes me think maybe some streamer said it and you are all just a bunch of zoomers repeating what you heard.

This would be fine.