Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME.. It's time for /Player 8 online

Yeah. They need a /players command online in own game.

They need a /Sloppity Bilepiper command, that will help greatly and all experts agree.

I see your at -90 posts but at least try to make some sense as you get back into positive numbers. What exactly are you talking about?

by the way odin I see you formulating a response it had better be good you’ve been going for ages… I expect to see lot of copy paste and a master piece of forum trolling get to work boy :smiley:


Doesn’t fit the narrative from before. Quoting for you again:

Especially when you try to side with the OP that clearly states that he joins to ruin others possible progress:

There is no point in it. You just do it for yourself. D2/D2R has no goal beyond defeating Baal/Ubers in Hell. Everything you do from there is for your own satisfaction.
For some people their goal is 99, for others its PvP. Then there are people that like to do holy grail or play any known and unknown build.
If you want to play solo p8 with your awesome build, you can just go to SP. Makes no difference if you just want to solo.
If you want to play multiplayer, play multiplayer. Most people won’t mind if you stray to mf in pub baals at this stage, as usually 1-2 characters that are geared already run the baalrun. But those baalruns are neither efficient nor the best way to XP :slight_smile:

Also MF games don’t have to be “slow”. But you do you.

Not as hard as your weird flex made me laugh buddy

Maybe you should try some real PvP.

What that’s all you’ve got after all that time? :smiley:

surely you can do better.

Did I hurt your feelings? Pretty much seems like I did. Sorry your weird flex didn’t work. Come back when you play with the grown ups.


What is a weird flex

What are feelings

Your not a grown up

Nobody is saying that and why does it always relate to name calling?

No OP, just No, no online players 8, go single player if you want that.

You want a p8 online game, create your own OL game and name it MF game p8 wanted, and let people join your game.


lol that part of that post…calling newbies donkey brained indirectly…if nightmare didn’t make them succumb if they chose to play melee that mean they love self torture for content with extremely painful gameplay…if they picked caster should be ez cake to build correctly without guide as a newbie and few extra players should not be an issue

back to reading topic(at post 23 where i left off)

Great. Another /players8 thread (we already have to many of them) posted and the same old back and forth, personal attacks, etc. etc. Stop asking for /players8 online. The devs already said it’s not going to happen.

You have a better shot at asking what you really want – increased drop rates for solo games.

And yes I agree the OP is in the wrong. If you join an Act1Walk game where CLEARLY the intent of the game is to get other to go thru Act1 with you and clear it, and perhaps continue on thru the rest of the acts, if you’re joining the game for Magic Finding because there are multiple people in the game you’re:

  1. making it harder for those that are in there trying to quest
  2. ruining the game for them as you will be taking away their quests and progression. no wonder they make a new game when you show up. why reward a jerk with increased drop chance

To the OP: Why don’t you simply make a MF game where like-minded people can join, and you can run a full game and MF in various spots. Split up the areas so you’re not stomping on each other and go. I’ve seen it work. You simply have to be like minded and not be a greedy pig.

Game is all ready dead and lame duck runewords with basic balance isn’t going to help! We don’t have a legit end game so farming has to be done by joining full games and or glitching act bosses…… this is the greatest ARPG with no issues and yet the game is dead again because purist lied and thought pvp and a RMT site kept this game alive not mods…. Damn this game died a horrible death again same with ladder people will realize how basic and boring farming is and with out a proper trading dead in two weeks or less

Why don’t you make a MF game with others lol lol lol

Why not a mapping system so stupid low end out dated things like this don’t happen don’t need player8 if we have legit key word legit way to farm it’s like none of you played other arpgs oh wait you didn’t

Every purist typing stopped because of the fear of an actual end game ran like rats

To think we need to join full games to MF just to get loot rofl rofl rofl

another thread of;
me, me, me, more, more, more, faster, faster, now.
community, helping, friends, teamwork.

Fun stuff.


This game has no community it’s more toxic then a moba! Ppl are forced to glitch act bosses join full games and MF like wtf how stuck in the past are purist ???

Teamwork Would be high end maps with personal loot because everyone is pulling weight not being toxic joining games PKing / opening chest or killing act bosses! This isn’t a game or a community it’s how do I OUT toxic the next person! You purist enjoy your toxic out dated dead game you only want to enjoy and not allow anyone else community of trolls and toxic gamer

Purist get a hard on for this toxic game play join full games kill bosses use 3rd party site to auto win each ladder no end game no real progression just out toxic each other

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Its not about drops is about challenge, by the time you can solo 8player games you dont need items anymore you just dont want to explode the entire screen in one shot.

Why always the connection I would be happy if it didn’t effect drop rates and just increased monster life and exp reward.

Playing Poe solves all these problems but I’ll never give up the fight to put this game on top once purist finally lose and we personal loot and end game like maps or rifts other wise enjoy your toxic degenerate fake arpg

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No comment…


You are the problem that plagues this game. You are the toxic one.


People acting like there is zero loot if you mf solo… WTF is wrong with everyone?

I have found every single rune up to Ber solo, including 6 Gul runes, 3x Ohm runes. My brother mostly solo mf’s as well and has found all of his first 4 SOJs on D2R. We all need to understand that it’s a big bonus if you happen to be able to MF with more than one person. All these offline mods and single player communities are trying to flood into the online portion of this game. While that is a very real community and fun, it should not directly influence the farming online.

But to the OP, you shouldn’t be going into public games where people are trying to gather a group to quest. They might end up just going further than the title of the game because they found success with the public, and then you ruin their quests. This could disband most the group, completely stops the flow and fun. It’s like the newer community can’t handle that there is actually a grind in this game, and not everything is super target farmed. We shouldn’t be able to play like single player and translate the benefits to online.

just run some chaos or baal games, noob