Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME.. It's time for /Player 8 online

Odin must want a lightning bolt up your … lol

engage with people? you mean trading joining public games pvp’ing boosting people etc etc I’ve done all these things and I still join multiplayer games and kill key bosses and stuff because I’m not a nub and I know I get it done faster that way. That’s the way this game is currently working as intended.

If anything using discord and making private games is a weaklings way out. Your not strong enough or fast enough to survive in public games and need a safe space to play in. disengaged from the wider community wouldn’t you say?

I found an ohm testing build on ptr

…and I found a ber solo cows in the first month its what’s called a statistical anomaly

anyhow im done here this is 100% correct

It’s a waste of time to post here they only go with what mrlama tells them is ok anyway lol so F it and them and the ptr too lol.

You will never be as efficient with this method as an ongoing mf party.
But it seems you are not smart enough to understand that. You prefer to show off and prey on the helpless, because you are a sad little dog.

Method of a weakling.
PvM noob :slight_smile:

Strong words of a scared noob


You actually never have a single smart. constructive thing to say on these forums do you?

Only because you don’t understand it or don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not constructive. But nice to know that you are my fanboy.

Now go and cry in your corner.

Sure they do, I did it all the time.

That guy is right, people leave games because people cannot stand you just entering their games to ruin the quests for them.


Exactly my point. nothing.

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MF games are too slow. I prefer attaching myself to a baal run if you really want to know since its a lot faster and its actually a challenge to kill all three keybosses and get back in time for some exp. Stops it getting boring.

Wearing full mf and harvesting thousands of mobs is something I finished with months ago. I’ve got all the gear I need and the market for trading items is pretty much dead now.

All there is left to do for me is torch farming and exp grinding and for that 8 player games are best. It’s not just me we all need 8 player games otherwise what’s the point in making awesome characters that do tons of damage? The entire point of the game is to grind gear and increase your characters efficiency and survivability without the 8 player games to play in there is literally no point.

Should we have to use discord to play diablo2? no…no we shouldn’t the fact people do shows the game does not have adequate facilities its the same reason d2jsp exists.

Odin your pathetic insults make me laugh :smiley:

I’ve found 33 high runes so far on P1.

So you can find stuff. You just need to farm Trav faster.


Yeah. They need a /players command online in own game.

They need a /Sloppity Bilepiper command, that will help greatly and all experts agree.

I see your at -90 posts but at least try to make some sense as you get back into positive numbers. What exactly are you talking about?

by the way odin I see you formulating a response it had better be good you’ve been going for ages… I expect to see lot of copy paste and a master piece of forum trolling get to work boy :smiley:


Doesn’t fit the narrative from before. Quoting for you again:

Especially when you try to side with the OP that clearly states that he joins to ruin others possible progress:

There is no point in it. You just do it for yourself. D2/D2R has no goal beyond defeating Baal/Ubers in Hell. Everything you do from there is for your own satisfaction.
For some people their goal is 99, for others its PvP. Then there are people that like to do holy grail or play any known and unknown build.
If you want to play solo p8 with your awesome build, you can just go to SP. Makes no difference if you just want to solo.
If you want to play multiplayer, play multiplayer. Most people won’t mind if you stray to mf in pub baals at this stage, as usually 1-2 characters that are geared already run the baalrun. But those baalruns are neither efficient nor the best way to XP :slight_smile:

Also MF games don’t have to be “slow”. But you do you.

Not as hard as your weird flex made me laugh buddy

Maybe you should try some real PvP.

What that’s all you’ve got after all that time? :smiley:

surely you can do better.

Did I hurt your feelings? Pretty much seems like I did. Sorry your weird flex didn’t work. Come back when you play with the grown ups.


What is a weird flex

What are feelings

Your not a grown up

Nobody is saying that and why does it always relate to name calling?

No OP, just No, no online players 8, go single player if you want that.

You want a p8 online game, create your own OL game and name it MF game p8 wanted, and let people join your game.


lol that part of that post…calling newbies donkey brained indirectly…if nightmare didn’t make them succumb if they chose to play melee that mean they love self torture for content with extremely painful gameplay…if they picked caster should be ez cake to build correctly without guide as a newbie and few extra players should not be an issue

back to reading topic(at post 23 where i left off)