I am against /p8 online function

Ok continue to play alone. I have a group that I’ve been playing with from day one. We invite any people ok d2jsp for any open slots in our games. Sucks to be you waiting for a stupid request that will never happen as blizz has stated.

So if players8 isn’t for increased loot then what’s it for?
Because that’s exactly why people want it.

For more loot

Lmao not for loot… yeah right xD you guys are just something else.

You answered your own question here

Maybe you don’t realise how rich I am already lol this ladder is ancient now I’m fully equipped with stuff and am stacking hrs for random projects now. I’ve got 14 characters all geared and afforded to give my brother two griefs (that rolled low lol)

All legit no jsp nothing… non ladder gear is not important at all.

Then go play single player for extra difficulty and p8 ability! Otherwise join full chaos/baal runs online. Smh

This solution is perfect imo

As long as it adjusted up and down depending on how many other people join your games.

you are just showing how you dont know this game
at last use a true example and not something you got out of your head

take hell cows as example: 9,442-15,449 HP in hell

now look at this table:

x (players difficulty) = y (drop chance)

p1 = 0,3750
trash mob life = 1x

p3 = 0,6128
trash mob life = 2x
dropChance/%mob life = drop/100%moblife
(0,6128/2 = 0,306)
you get roughly -18% DropChance/100% MobLife

p5 = 0,7595
trash mob life = 3x
dropChance/%mob life
(0,7595/3 = 0,253)
you get roughly -35% DropChance/100% MobLife

p7 = 0,8571
trash mob life = 4x
dropChance/%mob life
(0,8571/4 = 0,214)
you get roughly -44% DropChance/100% MobLife

now about this…

you should be more careful when talking about something you dont know

i respectfully desagree bc it dont solve the problem of one mode being objectly better than the other.

I just don’t enjoy the difficulty being too low, kills games faster than anything else for me.

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i fully agree with you but /x in bnet is not a discussion about challenge only.

So is it actually the same in current single player ? are people ONLY doing lower kurast there all the time ? i never heard of that

/x dont change the amount of drops from superchest
supers chests have about 65k patterns of drops
tldr: the higher the player count more highrunes patterns you have, even multiple patterns for the same rune.
if by single player you meant offline, yeah not even travincal or cows are good for high runes as LK. One can expect 1 ber each 1.4k LK runs

Sure, so… how about buffing rune drop rates? Seriously, people have quit the game because grinding is bad in this game.

The drop rates have been the same since 1.10. Original game is still alive and healthy. I categorically reject your premise this is needed. You want loot to fall from the sky and get bored in less than a week? Go play D3.


Again, an argument with no point. No one argues against that. Its not a healthy game. It has probably less than 10,000 worldwide active players. You can reject whatever you want, but the reality paints a clear picture. Those empty lobby lists aren’t because of some IP issue. The game is just not played.

You wonder why gaming is going mobile? Well, its because of popularity. D2R is not popular anymore.

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No the point was pretty clear but you try to say its an argument with no point since you really have no counter to it (or you just don’t understand the point made). The lobby in D2R is horrible made worse then D2LoDs by the region and ping filters they have in place. This makes it harder for people to find games.

I’m willing to bet a lot of people that bought D2R thinking OMG a new ARPG and didn’t bother to actually understand that its a remaster of a 20 year old game and got wicked old school culture shock from it. Those (like you) are complaining about drop rates because they simply aren’t used to a game not hand holding and spoon feeding them everything like today’s modern games do.


Not true, they raised HR droprate in 1.13 if I remember correctly.

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It was 1.10 they raised them.

Rarity is what P8 function online will increase especially for runes since rune drop rates only increase by player count and lets face it the games itemization favors runewords in the most key item slots.

Are in in favor of P8 online with P1 drop rates and exp gain just making mobs harder?

they increased them with 1.13. Not sure if there was a raise from 1.09 to 1.10 too. But latest increase was 1.13.

By a whopping …wait for it…wait, .0001%