Blizzard should give people a reason to play ladder

I hope Blizzard will take action.

enigma is not $300 right now lol. and if you only have 300fg worth of items after 10k hours you are terrible at this game. You dont know how to barter or play. I had enough under 100 hours to have a decent enough light sorc with cta and a pally that did ubers. Yeah, pay to play is annoying but d2r can be done very competitively without paying a penny.

I know how forum gold works, that is a lot of effort to convert to real $ and the transaction costs are significant. I’m not saying it isnt happening, of course it is, but not for an hourly rate that is higher than minimum wage

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I get it, but I think they should start slow with changes or new stuff for the first one. Just like they are doing so far. Don’t get carried away and break everything.
Next ladder change more and slowly work towards bigger changes. D2r needs to stay d2 without power creep

This part of your statement right here leads me to assume that your partially brain damaged or much less intellectual than I.

One cannot trade an item of value or use it If the game does not generate items that are upgrades to increase your characters power.

This game is not generating items for me.

When you have others dumping money into the game, it creates a completely unfair advantage to the person spending the money on items to create the character that they get to compete with.

Im dont even have the option to wear what i want, Im being forced to use what the game generated for me. I cant even be remotely competitive against a credit card warrior right now, and this is BS…

Nuff said.

you speak with undeserved smugness and and its pathetic. 10,000 hours and you have no items still? im sorry you are mad you are poor but that has nothing to do with how bad you are at this game. rng can be a pain but 10k hours was either a lie or you really dont know what you are doing. you could run nothing but countess runs and the low runes would be worth more than you claim to have. farm keys to trade, there are ways to essentially guarantee a minimum return on your time. your insults are pathetic. be better

Edit: and I work as an actuary. Think hard before you go down the math or stats route in your rebuttals.

Yeah, they suck so bad, lol.

And people still want to argue the D2R team actually knows the game.

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Who waits for a gradual change? Already, the number of d2r users has decreased to such an extent that it is difficult to find open rooms that new users need.

Can subsequent ladders receive the same attention that the first ladder received? I don’t think so. The first ladder is likely their de facto last chance.

So they also prepared a large-scale update in their own way to 2.4. It’s just the direction is wrong.

They understand the importance of the first ladder and are willing to change, but they are going in the wrong direction.

People will play this ladder just because it’s the first one anyway. But if people disappoint on this ladder, there won’t be another.

If Blizzard is good on its own, there is nothing more to say. But isn’t the d4 supposed to come out after 2023?

Immortal have different classifications, so d2r is the last Diablo we play after all.

I think that this point all of you ladder people pushed away most of the player base in it’s entirety, what you all need right now is more inclusion, not segregation… **** your carrot on a stick b.s. mode… you wanna waste your life / time, that’s on you…

No one should be forced to play ladder to access 100% of the content… that way of thinking is so ridiculously selfish and asinine.

I dont care what you are. You think that this game is an investment. That tells me even more about your intentions on how this game should be enjoyed. They need to take ALL MONEY out of this game. THis should not be a pay to play game just to do end game content and pvp. There is no competition when you have to compete against people that are paying money or buying forum gold to buy items for the unfair advantage over others. THis game is not generating me jack Chit OK? Do you understand that? Probably not, because your throwing around an ACTUARY title like your some kind of government video game economist and in your mind, everything is ok with inserting money or forum gold into your character for a monetary advantage over others.

Seems like you don’t understand the game. Also your hyperbole shows that you spent more time whining than farming.

Even if you just sold pgems, craft runes or keys, you could have made more fg.

Wanna tell me that the evil game doesn’t drop you those either?

You aren’t competitive because you suck at the games basics. No game knowledge, no trade knowledge and a whining attitude


Those are supposed to be your gambles… Do you not understand that this game is supposed to be played as a DIGITAL DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game? It was probably about 20 years ago, but when i bought the original Diablo 2 Battlechest it came with the Diablo Dungeons and Dragons book inside of the package. This game is for gambling and rolling items. Not using your credit or bank card to purchase items. That completely goes against how this game was designed to work… The only items you buy in D&D is your books and dice and other things like that, but your character cannot be bought with MONEY… So lets not ruin how this classic game was intended to be played. GET THE MONEY OUT ANDMAKE ITEMS RAIN FROM THE SKY!

Maybe they could revert the 2.4 patch for ladder chars as an incentive to play the game before it was totally dumpsterred

Ok, I overestimated you. You are just plain stupid. Thx for the talk.

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SOunds like i ended the conversation by telling you what you should have already known.

I don’t think you are correct. The post you are referencing from Dec 15th '21 states the following:

“For the first time, players will have the chance to unlock a host of new Rune Words in the Ladder system! To be clear, these Rune Words have never existed in the game before, and they will not be accessible in non-Öadder play like the previous set of Ladder-only Rune Words in the original Diablo II experience. At the end of a Ladder season, players who successfully made these Rune Words will have their Ladder characters be moved into a “non-Ladder” version of the game. Then at the beginning of the next Ladder season, players will make a new Ladder character and start all over again to earn new rewards.”

My understanding is that it will be handled like it always was. Your already crafted runewords will be transferred along with your characters but you will not gain the ability to craft said runewords non-ladder.

Correct me if I am wrong.

There are many reasons to play ladder. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

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The average paradoxal diablo 2 veteran:

  • Plays ladder bc its a fresh start and new economy
  • Proceeds to stand by shade rmt forum currency carrying over ladders

I’d like shorter season, and this is why most people get bored when they have 20 characters and end game gear. There is no incentive to farm or lvl your characters, once you reached lvl 99 (Rinse and Repete), other than to reroll for better runewords. Unless you’re playing to sell gear and runes.

The biggest reason for ladder, it’s a fresh start and people tend to comeback and play

Take it you didn’t actually research this. But here I will do the work for you.

Its confirmed here in this live stream that these new RW will come to non ladder and offline at the end of ladder.

Well I stand corrected then. Actually did watch the dev stream but somehow missed it that there will be new runewords every season which then are craftable in non-ladder.

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