I am against /p8 online function

Stop kidding yourself, If playing with others was fun in D2 nobody would be asking for that. It’s not, playing with strangers is god awful, toxic and way less likely to get you any loot. So instead we are forced to farm tedious p1 games for terrible drops to maybe in a month make a cool build to farm p1 at mostly the same speed. Depressing really, no wonder D2R is a ghost town.


True. But that doesn’t matter in non-ladder.

Rarety is what makes bot profitable.

Ah come one that is so nonsense. Shared loot is also antisocial and yet everyone gets a mental breakdown if ploot gets mentioned. People play multiplayer because they want to. If you need the game to force you, accept you prefer SP and quit arguing.

/P8 would kill ladder. Don’t to it.
/P8 would be great for non-ladder. Give us!


I think the recent demand for p8 in bnet is caused by the bad lobby that only shows a fraction of available games and gives us no option to filter it ourselves.


i think people are just asking for p8 because it is the easiest to implement band-aid solution for blizzard to try to fix the multiplayer loot issues d2 has always had.

It would be fantastic if they were willing to revamp the entire distribution system into something that isn’t a toxic mess but 11 years of patches and 22 over all of them ignoring it and it seems unlikely they will put in the effort so people ask for something they think they could get.

I think “multiplayer p8” and “I need moar loot” are the same request.


Didn’t know that D2R had a matchmaking system that forces you to play with toxic people like you.
Always thought I had the free choice to join a like minded community and play together in my games.

Funny thing is. Only the toxic greedy folks request p8 here. Those who can’t find players to play with.

Seems like you guys create your own toxic environment. Now you complain about it. Maybe change your attitude and you will have more fun


Of course, bots are also a big problem.

People play online not for the social aspect but mostly for trade and for that sweet baal run boost XP towards the end of every difficulty (leeching, basically). Thats it.

Very FEW people are actually “playing together” with others in any real social sense. Mostly the end game is people using each other to get the /p8 bonus and they could care less who is in the lobby or what they are doing as long as they get that bonus. You can do 50 runs with the same people and literally nobody will say a word the entire time.

And if you really don’t think this is the case just look at the lobby, its almost all trade posts. Its not “Lets have fun doing a hell walk together!” its just a list of trades with a baal or mf group here and there.

So we can either pretend that D2 is a social game, or we can just have /p8 online and skip the part where we pretend we are playing with others and not just using them to get that bonus in the first place.

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weird suggestion, feel free to criticise me:

At char creation there is a checkbox for ssf. ssf players are unable to trade (their items are account bound) and unable to party up with others or pick items in games with others. They have the /p8 option though. They can still join games of non ssf chars and pvp with them. Filling,pvp and chat should be their only interactions with others. They are not supposed to profit from rushes or items/exp dropped by monsters they didn’t kill

Agreed OP, no online players 8. There is a single player /players 8 command for a reason. Let the botters use that… but then they cannot sell their items. Too bad so sad. Online players 8 is just for botting.

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The only problem is that most people play online for the trade, eliminating the trade aspect makes playing online basically pointless for most of the player base. There would be a small subset of people who would love this of course, but it wouldn’t really address the issue.

The fact is that botters already have multiple accounts and are already playing on p8 if they want anyways, in games that consist of nothing but bots. Not having /p8 command online basically favors two groups of people. Botters who are going to have multiple PC’s and run multiple accounts at once, and people who have maybe an extra PC and are willing to spend money on extra copies of the game to get a /players boost in their games.

For example Ill be starting ladder on /p3, and maybe going to /p5 at some point when I get into regular farming on ladder just by running extra accounts. So by not having a simple command, people like me who will just spend the money to get more accounts will have an advantage over people who are unable or unwilling to do that.


I only play online for the social aspect. Usually with ts/discord or bnet voice. But the d2r community is far less social than the d2lod community. People feel entitled to do what they want in pub games. I remember people asking in baalruns if nila/cs/eld is free or talking in-between. This only happens in private games now.

Fair enough, but as you admit its only because you set up a private game in discord. Try finding a social crowd in a regular MF group or Baal run. Half the time even if someone talks nobody responds.

Giving /p8 to people online wont remove the ability of people to become social, but it will cut out this illusion that this is by default a highly social game. Its not really, not in the same sense that a competitive FPS can be social or a MMO can be social. Those are social by default and failure to be social punishes you, not communicating in an FPS for example can get your team wiped, not communicating in an MMO can make it much harder to kill end game content. In D2 not only does it not matter if people talk, but it also doesnt matter what they are doing most of the time. In a Baal run if someone is doing Cows every game, who cares? 1-3 people are carrying the group anyways.

D2R is social if the person forces that and seeks it out, but by default its actually pretty anti-social outside of the quick trade here and there.

D2R is neither social nor antisocial. But you get benefits for playing together from the game mechanics, like loot/xp is increased and shared. That counts to a social direction. The rest is all the players not the game.

The playerbase is greedy and antisocial. It has become more important to get “rich” fast, than playing together for lots of the playerbase.

But in reality it’s faster and more efficient to work together. You get more xp and loot when you coordinate with others.

But if you look at this forum you know why nobody wants to be social anymore.

I agree. I was disappointed when I picked up D2R and realized the social state of the game. You’re also right, find a group of players who are different classes than you and share loot to help each other gear up would be a good way to play in a group of trusted friends.


What you say is true enough, but it would be a better game is chest drops where capped at players 1 and /players command was allowed on battlenet

because this is also true

farming this game as SSF is a real challenge I tried it for months at the start of d2r and it is so slow.

I am in favour of p8 online



What A PoS you are odin lol

Ok think about your reply take your time lets see how you do :smiley:

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I’m to old for groupies please find someone else to follow.
I already apologised for hurting your sensitive mentality, so please try to get over it. It’s not healthy for you.

Weak rated 3 out of 10

At least you tried here have a :star:
