How PvP can be ignored that much in Patch 2.5?

I mean there is like 30+ topics about PvP problems and that for almost 6+ months.

PvP is a main feature of the game that lot of people enjoy but sadly not at the current state since patch 2.4.

It’s not hard at all to fix the problem and revert back the mecanics to what it was in 2.3. So why are PvP players being ignored?

Posting again the problem - which is pretty simple - basicly Fast Hit Recovery & Stun doesn’t work properly in PvP since 2.4 (for PvP only ! It works fine in PvM)

→ 13k+ views, 1.2k likes etc.

Stun that is key mecanic of the game is cancelled in PvP and Fast Hit Recovery is totaly useless.

Honestly it makes no sense.

Please Blizzard, consider this issue and make the game playable again - revert back Fhr and stun mecanic to 2.3 for PvP.




blizzard is just cringe at this point


It’s easy. They don’t care about the forum and they have no clue about the game.

Look at all the changes in D2R… Starting with removing strbug. defbug, wsg and going on with WW, Shapeshifter and now the 2.5 crap


Well summarized indeed.

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Firstly they don’t care or even know about PvP.
Secondly TZ and a random charm that breaks immunties were by far the most discussed topics over the past 15 years which is why they implemented them well before any of the changes anyone actually asked for.

The devs all wear velcro shoes because they’re not smart enough to learn how to tie real shoes. But at least hammerdin will be less played now? Lol. Meanwhile none of the noobs on this forum or elsewhere knew that hdin really isn’t that crazy except defensivly. They finally got to play a top tier hdin, in players 1 games and were like crazy this is too OP. meanwhile they’ve been using tri-bryd druid classes where their best piece of equipment was a low roll ravenfrost thinking they should breeze through the map while not hitting any breakpoints or having a decent build.


Because like 25 people PvP, get over it. Just spitting facts lil homie.


The rest are complaining about hammerdins, charms and terror zones.

Let us pvp in peace.

Rêver back fhr like 2.3 thank

You are so focused on pvp that ignore the sad reality of it being played only by a microscópic amount of Ppl.

The Game has mayor issues on it’s selling point wich is PVM …

PD… where is My 2h ww fix ? Why are 2handers that Bad ?

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I’ll admit it’s kind of weird that feedback from the forum, content creators, etc, seems to have been completely ignored. I know there comes a time when the devs have to put their foot down and do their own thing (like Epic Games with Fortnite or Riot with League), but when it comes to D2, it’s a bit of a different story.

i miss the good day of blizzard north and the time max stand for pk player :slight_smile:
these era use the be the best time of d2

player pk each other for the best xp run and only the strong survive , i own river of flame down xp run with my barb :muscle:

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How can PvP be ignored you ask?

Easily. Firstly only 5 people PvP’d in the first place (joke) But the devs are absolutely braindead man-children who have no clue about this game. PvP or PvM or items or Balance. They have no clue. They burn their mouths every time they heat up their coffee. EVERY TIME. Think about this scenario. They one day decided to listen to the most popular topic in the past 15 years there were posts about making TZ in game daily sometimes hourly. Then from the ashes of the mediocre TZ, a bunch of noobs got to write a report on what they thought about TZ. Stemming from their massive experience of being stuck in nightmare act 3 and the best item that they’ve used in 20 years has been a tarnhelm they decided they thought a fully decently built Hdin was OP, because it didn’t struggle nearly as much as they did. Meanwhile they didn’t realize that farming, creating a build, using time well all went into improving your character so you could crush hell. Now after taking those noobs complaints, they decided to “nerf hdin” which somehow lead them to think hey lets actually do nothing to hdin, but add a charm that breaks immunities because we were never going to be good enough to figure out a way to adjust the game properly to bring other characters more in line with hdin at the final level of their builds. Oh and every dev eats tamales with the corn husk still on.

Yes ok, up for answer

Because the devs have never played the game, have no idea what the meta was or what made it good, and have no intentions of creating a user experience to last years at the small consumer cost of just $40.


bring back FHR Blizzard… please. I’ve repurchased this game purely for the PvP because of it’s unique ability to have a rock, paper, scissor meta where there is no single build above all.


Please consider pvp, adjust or revert the diminishing return - it is far too punishing.


Because it attracts shady underground types who will cheat/hack or otherwise ruin the game for many.

All the cheaters / hackers are on PvM. PvP players dont use maphack / bots.

Even if they did, those noobs would get nk’d.


the other 5 quit last week, so 20 left