Game Toxicity Born Of Bad Chat UI & Isolated Servers

I agree that the game lobby sucks.

I disagree that the game lobby is the source of general toxicity.

Players like him are. Just look at this thread and how it started. Someone suggests breaking down the text wall. That person must be a child, hush now, the adults are talking. Someone else suggests that the OP is connecting dots on assumption… the chat system sucks therefore it is the source of toxicity argument doesn’t follow. Well that person must be a troll, and clearly not a jsp user (what? Certainly intended as an insult but rest assured it is not) and needs to Git gud at trolling.

So I call him on his BS and he rants and insults all night, in a thread about combating toxicity. Irony much?

The true source of toxicity in this game is the cadre of old embittered elitists like him who have a serious superiority complex and don’t have any qualms shoving that in everyone’s faces.

The sooner all the things they hate like /p8 and ploot and anything else get added to D2R and they all leave, the better.


the lobby needs work but it isn’t the cause of the toxicity that is caused by the poor design of the multiplayer loot distribution,

the elitist attitudes of the small percent of the population that is left after 20+ years which makes sense that those would be the majority of the players that stick around.

a certain website for multitudes of reasons,

and the way the community is fractured into groups of players who consider their playstyle the only important or at least the most important thing.

that being said there isn’t much blizz can do to fix most of the problems but thy can work on the loot distribution system and banning people who use cheats/hacks and rmt in order to make a more welcoming environment for new players.

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You say that the game lobby sucks but then disagree with my analysis. Can you not connect the dots for yourself? This leads me to believe that you have no compare & contrast with how the old game worked, because you are indeed younger and never seen how things were BEFORE D2r. If you had, you’d be agreeing with me, rather than taking a pious prideful ignorant stance on some principle that even you aren’t quite sure why you are doing it.

But it’s true though. Why else would someone come into an obviously well written thread, one of the BEST written threads in the entire forum, and go out of their way to act as if it were improperly written, other than to troll and create negativity? It is a commonly realized fact thing that anyone who walks into a discussion and choses to be a grammar hall monitor, is doing it for no other reason than to be a jerk. We all know this, we’ve seen it before.

I simply did to that user the same thing I’ve been doing to you, I acted as a mirror and pointed out what he was doing, nothing more. If he felt insulted, it was due to his own actions, not mine.

Sometimes people need to point out when others are taking an assward path. It’s important.

But you never actually called me out on anything. Reread your posts. All you did was insult me and never actually make any statements on how you disagreed or had any evidence to contrast the OP statement in the thread. I on the other hand, never insulted you, I simply pointed out what you were doing, like a mirror. If you felt insulted by it, it was because of your own actions, not mine.

Why would you think that about me? Did something that happen, was something said, that triggered your mind to associate me with some kind of superiority?

Stop and think about it. Was it me that triggered that, or was it you that triggered that association, and why?

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How can I not agree with one of the best written threads in the history of the forum? I must be young, naive, or a troll. And none of those things is an insult when directed at me, but gosh don’t insult the OP by daring to call him any of those things. And he certainly doesn’t have a superiority complex, not with being able to create one of the most well written posts on the entire forum.

You can’t make this stuff up.

You have a disease, bro.

Hey, with all due respect, on the day that you can write a true response that includes an actual statement & stance on a topic that is neither an insulting Ad Hominem or distracting Strawman, you can say that to me again with actual authority.

Otherwise you’re just a guy who aggressively reached out and started a fist fight with someone, and then claimed that the person who defended themself was somehow more violent you were.

Once again, if you want to roast people and be taken seriously, you need to avoid committing these acts during a discussion: Logical Fallacies - List of Logical Fallacies with Examples

Go ahead, click it and read it before throwing me your next response.


fixed that for you. We all already know.
Like TSBoyer said before. You start a fight to accuse the defender of being violent when they defend theirselves. That’s about all you do in this forum. I’m yet to read something constructive from you.


By the way, you have failed to answer this question twice now:

So I will explain it to you just as I said I would.
This is my best analysis of what is going on with you.
It’s ok, you don’t need to publicly disclose if I am right or not.
Just learn from it.

  1. Clearly you have a bad habit of poor temperament in general when responding in this forum. Anyone who clicked on your user profile posts could see that quite seriously 90% of your posts are entirely unproductive and are nothing more than Ad Hominem insults.
  2. This leads me to believe that you are young because you have yet to self-realize the true unproductive nature of such behavior. Generally adults will eventually realize that this kind of behavior achieves nothing, and that if they want to argue and make it count, they need to avoid committing logical fallacies if they want to be taken seriously.
  3. It also leads me to believe that there must be some reason for your adjusted behavior. There must be some reason why you so aggressively choose to insult other forum users over literally every single thing you read that you do not 100% agree with. This is actually highly unusual for a person to take their time to do. I think that you are truly getting something out of this, some kind of satisfaction. Whether it’s the satisfaction of being behind a computer screen and being able to be a jerk without repercussions or the satisfaction of wanting to bully someone off so you can win or maybe simply the satisfaction that you can convince yourself you are right, I don’t know. But whatever is going on here, you are certainly not here to actually hold real discussions because that is the one thing that you never do.
  4. You should figure out why you behave the way that you do. What caused this? Why do you do it? Do you feel good when doing it? Would it feel better to let go of such behavior? Have you ever tried to simply act pleasant with other human beings? I mean it’s definitely ok to hold a meaningful debate with people in a gaming forum, but there are common sensical guidelines as to how to hold a productive discussion and you need to learn what those are.
  5. Several times you have ignored when you are in the wrong, even going so far as to convince yourself while misrepresenting a person’s statements that you are somehow right and that how you misrepresent their statements somehow changes reality and makes that statement the way that you want it to be, molding the resolve of the situation to your liking. This is beyond logical fallacy my friend, this is just messed up. All that is, is you trying to convince yourself that you are right. You may be thinking that you are trying to win a forum argument, but for who? Is it really to win so other people can see you win? Do you really think anyone buys into such bologna? Truthfully, all you are doing is trying to win so YOU know you win. You are trying to convince yourself that you are winning, which is a useless pursuit when you full well know that you are in the wrong.
  6. Ultimately, I think you feel like it is important for yourself to be able to bully people in the forum. I don’t know why that is, but you want to make sure you are as nasty as possible to anyone in all your responses and you are unwilling to walk away without having the last word because that makes you feel like you are losing. It’s a pride & insecurity issue. I think that it would do you good to learn the acceptance of admitting when you are being a jerk, saying your sorry, and walking away. Whatever this ball & chain is that keeps you connected to that toxic behavior, it’ll only ever be gone if you remove it man.

Good luck with that.

As I said before, you have something seriously wrong with you. In your own words, it’s weird and fanboyish.

Naw, you just needed it.
I get the drift that no one has ever sat down and done this with you before.
Just please, take something home from it. Don’t be so hard headed.

Peace my dude, I’m going to sleep.

You didn’t understand. He talk about spam bots. How can you forget that !

Anyway the main topic here is VERY good.
We have all hate for what chat loby has become, still is…
And that lame game finding tool is a massive issue !

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  1. I wish I had the time to read this thread in its entirety

  2. I wish I had bought popcorn instead of cheezits

  3. Blizz plz fix the stuff that has needed fixing since launch, the obvious stuff, I saw no mention of really any of it in the PTR patch notes so I’m getting pretty worrisome that we may have to endure several more months of a broken game list/lobby/chat/etc. I know it sucks that Activision forced you to release the game before it was ready but it’s been damn near 6 months by the time 2.4 comes out, I know you were dealing with all the dumpster fires the first two months then took a break for the holidays but it’s really time to get back to work and fix the basic and obvious stuff that needs fixing. Thanks!


You aren’t capable of reading it, just admit it.

haha I wonder what happened to you that made you this way :smiley:

If I continue on through your history will it be more of the same? Just a relentless procession of your “trolling” if that’s what you want to call this.

Anyone who has a different opinion to you is not your enemy or an idiot they just have a different opinion to you… that is all.


Wow buddy, you seem pretty obsessed with me. I must have hurt your feelings deeply. I’m awaiting more torn out of context quotes from you.

lol are you enjoying yourself?

you clearly want to be a forum troll so here I am teaching you a lesson.


Your entire post history is full of it. Your just a toxic person. Do you know what cause and effect is? Do you realise that by behaving the way you do you make me laugh :smiley: as I think about what horrible things must be upsetting you in the real world to fill you with this “feeling”


I’ll wait for that. Sorry that I hurt you so deeply.

Thx for proofing what I said before

…and some English lessons your spelling is terrible


You should just breath. Walk the pain off. It’s ok. I try to not hurt you again. If that’s all you got, 1 spelling error in my second language where I had my last lesson more than a decade ago. Then it’s very sad. I mean it is already said watching you going through my post history, but what else would you have to do in your lonely life?

Maybe just take a walk son.

Odin you are unworthy of that name :smiley:

You realise I got all my quotes from the last day of your activity lol and that I’m doing several things at once here? schooling you take so little attention I could do it in my sleep

Insert <br> in between each paragraph like so:

* Paragraph onesie.
* Paragraph twosie.
  • Paragraph onesie.

  • Paragraph twosie.
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